
Speechless, appreciated by the snow

Speechless, appreciated by the snow

"Speechless Love, Appreciate the Snow Listening" | text: Smell and cry

"When people read poems outside a painting, they are like walking in the snow."


Walking and walking, the footsteps are chaotic, living and alive, the ideal changes, chasing and chasing, the good dreams are gone, the changes are changed - fortunately, they are all used to it.

The snowy day I had been looking forward to for a long time finally saw today. Open your eyes the snow is outside the window, the snow is on the roof, the snow falls in the yard, the snow stops at the branches, the snow drifts in the wind.

The snow is also in my heart, in my story, and even more in my feelings. I used to like to ask, will you come this winter, why you are always late, why you are not as beautiful as I thought, why do you make me feel lost.

When you come, it will make me feel that this is where you should come, and when you are gone, it will make me feel that this is an accident.

There is no answer in the snow, just like the question of life is a self-defense, because no one can give the answer you want. Time is very slow, the fate is very weak, and I have forgotten how many steps I have taken and how many roads I have walked. Unconsciously the story is dead.

The snow in front of me is like a new friend, and I have no wine to give to my friends, because I can't meet wine again. Only by suppressing the things in your heart can you appreciate the good times.

The light falling snow can color the heavens and the earth, they are so silent, are there many things to say, and feel that there is no need to say, will it be said that should be said, only because saying is equal to not saying, so they will choose silence.


Many things are spent in silence, time is the most silent but in life is engraved for another year, language chooses silence, silence is a habit of language choice.

Snow viewing is a mood, which can also be called an elegance. Whether the mood is good or not, you do not write on the face, no one will know, the interest is indecent, this is a kind of intention to understand the gods, you do not need to deliberately make a pony.

Life may be the pursuit of the beauty between the customary and the elegant, the beautiful word is in the heart, why should anyone comment. Ten people say that you are beautiful, not necessarily really beautiful, even if no one praises, no one can deprive you of the beauty in your heart.

The mood is known to several people, and it is written on paper as poetry. If you know wine, you will get drunk if you don't drink it, and if you know, it is the taste of lovesickness.

Every winter, I always have an expectation in my heart, looking forward to the snow, looking forward to you coming. Every year, the first snow, I will enjoy the snow with my expectations, with your promise, can block ten thousand pounds of sadness.

Speechless, appreciated by the snow. I don't need to say a word today, Snow knows who I'm waiting for, and today I don't need to mention your name, snow also knows that I'm expecting an accident.

Waiting for you to accompany me to enjoy the snow is an expectation, because you have said "will come" and I have said "must wait for you". And this is like an accident, because we only met on a snowy day, but we forgot what year it was.

This anticipation and unexpected beauty, waiting for you with snowflakes, and enjoying the snow with the mood. Many past events have been carried away by the wind, and whenever the wind brings snow, I am used to thinking about you.

A word of waiting has been held for several years, and a word that thinks can pierce time. Every year, this light and fluttering time has been blown down by the wind, and even I don't know where some stories have been blown by the wind. It is a story, let it be carried away by the wind, but the promise is not a story after all.

I often hear people say that loneliness is like snow, but today I think this scenery is picturesque. There's lovesickness, there's falling snow, there's affection, there's story, there's commitment, and me, and you. When people are on the heart, as you are.

The beauty of heaven and earth cannot be disappointed, the beauty of affection cannot be said, and the beauty of the human heart lies in contentment.

It snowed today, you didn't come, these eyes for you to appreciate the beauty of the snow falls. Every petal of snow falling in my eyes is a word that crosses my heart, snow is a flower that blooms in winter, and walking in the snow is like walking in a flower bush.

The snow is like poetry, people are in the painting, people read the poem outside the painting, it is like walking in the snow.

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pseudonym: Smell crying. A person full of fantasies, the pursuit of simple happiness, thinking that doing things seriously can satisfy themselves, in order to get the recognition of others, love writing, writing is the spiritual life for me.

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