
Manchester United players do not practice, Cristiano Ronaldo is confused, the fans are to the point: you are doing the right thing, but saying it wrong

United have advanced to a 1-0 win over Villa in the recent FA Cup, but this has not eased tensions in the squad. Recently, some fans have pointed to Ronaldo, who believes that the Portuguese's joining this season has led to today's results.

Manchester United players do not practice, Cristiano Ronaldo is confused, the fans are to the point: you are doing the right thing, but saying it wrong

From the statistics, Cristiano Ronaldo currently scored 14 goals for Manchester United, leading the team and the only one to score in double-figures. But United's results do lag behind the end of last season. And just over halfway through the league, Manchester United basically had no chance of winning the championship, and even fighting for 4 was a complete problem.

Recently, the Daily Mail reporter exposed a question about Cristiano Ronaldo in the team, and the Portuguese were puzzled as to why most of United's players would not actively choose to practice. According to the news, C Ronaldo will choose to practice after each training, but he is very confused about the other players' approach to leaving immediately, and the Portuguese have also complained privately to those around him.

As the most outstanding player in the past 10 years, C Ronaldo's success is inseparable from his self-discipline. If a person has both self-discipline and talent, then his success can be said to be a natural success. Regarding the story of C Luo's self-discipline, I believe everyone is already familiar with it. As a former teammate, the Frenchman Evra once complained about going to Ronaldo's home as a guest, after all, in addition to chicken breasts, it was nutritious vegetables.

C Luo's post-game practice is indeed worth learning from many players. Taking a step back, the essence of training is to improve yourself, which will make it possible to usher in a larger stage. However, from another point of view, C Luo himself is willing to practice, but if he asks other players to accompany him, this is not a suitable approach.

Manchester United players do not practice, Cristiano Ronaldo is confused, the fans are to the point: you are doing the right thing, but saying it wrong

Inertia is a deep-rooted instinct of everyone, and if you are willing to overcome it, it is your own business. But once you ask someone else to do the same, it may divide the relationship. Especially for a football identity like C Ronaldo, if he asks other players to practice together, there must be a taste of command, which will obviously make the two sides unable to reach a harmonious relationship.

Football is ultimately a team sport, if there is no good atmosphere of cooperation, then even if there is a strong personal ability, it can not be successful, C Ronaldo's current dilemma in Manchester United is like this. The Portuguese is arguably the sharpest attacker in football at the moment, but his presence has really affected the atmosphere in the team and made it impossible for everyone to play better.

Manchester United players do not practice, Cristiano Ronaldo is confused, the fans are to the point: you are doing the right thing, but saying it wrong

According to the fans, there is nothing wrong with C Luo's personal training, but his practice of asking others to train in the role of a teammate is not reasonable. If there is a problem with the amount of training in the team, it should be a problem for the coaching team to make a plan, and it should not be a matter of changing the direction of the signs.

The Sun posted that some Manchester United players were afraid to pass the ball because they were afraid of Ronaldo's reaction. The situation may seem like a big deal, but it reflects the problem of the team atmosphere. At present, if Manchester United can't have a person who can improve the atmosphere in the team, then the hope of fighting for 4 this season will be very slim.

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