
Xiaomi blockchain pet "Crypto Rabbit" announced that it will go offline on March 1

Whiplash January 14 news, according to reports, Xiaomi encrypted rabbit is a virtual rabbit pet created by decentralized technology, launched in 2018. Recently, the official announcement that the "crypto rabbit" will go offline on March 1.

Xiaomi blockchain pet "Crypto Rabbit" announced that it will go offline on March 1

The official announcement said that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the functions and gameplay of the crypto rabbit, so it has to make major adjustments: the crypto rabbit (including all functions) will officially go offline at 00:00:00 on March 1, 2022.

Xiaomi blockchain pet "Crypto Rabbit" announced that it will go offline on March 1

It is understood that the official introduction said that all encrypted rabbits are recorded in a decentralized way, and ta are unique. Once owned by you, it cannot be copied, modified or destroyed by anyone. Your crypto rabbit image is a random combination of multiple genes. Each gene has two properties: [rare] and [ordinary].

Xiaomi blockchain pet "Crypto Rabbit" announced that it will go offline on March 1

The number and type of rare genes contained in the crypto rabbit will determine the level of the TA, and your crypto rabbit may be any of the ranks of [Legendary], [Epic], [Rare], [Rare], [Ordinary].

The [algebra] of the crypto rabbit is plus 1 for the parent with the higher [algebra]. As [algebra] grows, the rarity of crypto rabbits gradually decreases. Low-generation crypto rabbits such as [0 generation] and [1 generation] are definitely the darlings of the market.

Xiaomi blockchain pet "Crypto Rabbit" announced that it will go offline on March 1

Crypto rabbit will not only chat with the owner, but also go out from time to time, meet netizens, fall in love, raw rabbit treasure, participate in the press conference...

Crypto rabbits may give birth to rabbit treasures after going out. Rabbit Treasure will grow into an encrypted rabbit after being successfully bid, but its genes are unknown before it becomes an encrypted rabbit.

Use carrots to participate in the Rabbit Treasure auction. At the end of a auction, the successful bidder will receive the crypto rabbit, and the initiator of the rabbit treasure will receive the carrot.

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