
Climb the Ming Dynasty Ancient City Wall (group poems)

Climbing the Ancient City Wall of the Ming Dynasty


Climb the Ming Dynasty Ancient City Wall (group poems)

Ming ruins of the ancient city wall,

The Hongwu period built a posthumous seal.

Emperor Daming's ancestors came,

The order prohibits the raising of the flag.

Snow Sword Ice Knife Throat,

The sun and moon qiankun put the helm.

Bole Wise Eyes Recognize Yuanzhang,

The stars hold the moon on the top,

The dragon enters the sea tiger and returns to the forest,

Daming master plays Huazhang.

Without the scientific examination of the emperor,

It's only when you're in the lead.

The gods build buildings and building ships,

Only heroes make the country.

When the geese did not come before the court,

The grass withered for six hundred years.

Blood rain soaked old marks,

The city is high and wide and no one is returned.

《To the Seniors》

Climb the Ming Dynasty Ancient City Wall (group poems)

The same kind of school and the same window,

Leave the field and divide into two branches.

The female branch branches and scatters the leaves,

I am the only one who cuts the plum.

Which ancient and modern heroes are all Kai?

Too many people are in prison.

Press negative to turn positive,

Live in the present moment when you throw away the old.

Lucky to know the new sister of high school,

The senior is rich in teachers.

Classmate Han,

Follow the good example to seduce the first person.

《To Xueyou》

Climb the Ming Dynasty Ancient City Wall (group poems)

The students towered their spines,

It is better to look for my affection.

The rolling waves of the Yangtze River,

Not as much as a tear for Xueyou.

True to the ordinary invisible,

It is only when the death and parting see the truth.

Good-faced mouth sweeter than river carp,

The built-in chip wins.

(Web Photo)


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