
"Hot" waist flower

author:Xinyuan Online

Traditional Sichuan cuisine and hot waist flowers

"Hot" waist flower

When it comes to Sichuan's need for "one-pot cooking", it is almost a classic. Liver and waist stir-fried, kung pao chicken diced, fish fragrant meat shredded: .. Every dish is mouth-watering. Sichuan cuisine is like a fire in the heart of every Sichuan chef, and this fire has become the enthusiasm of the Sichuan people for Sichuan cuisine.

"Hot" waist flower

Dishes classified as "hot series" in the chef's circle are accompanied by a shiny and loud fire, and the fresh oil is bright after being stir-fried in fierce oil, which makes people's appetite increase.

Today's introduction to you is the "hot series" - "hot waist flower".

Hot loin flower is a home-cooked dish made with pork loin, which belongs to Sichuan cuisine, with a delicate texture, salty and mellow. Pig loin has the effect of tonifying kidney qi, passing through the bladder, eliminating stagnation and quenching thirst.

In the original words of the qualified Sichuan cuisine master, this dish is: "More oil, the fire should be strong, and the fire should be fried quickly to ensure that this dish is tender and delicious!" ”

In addition, when it comes to the exquisite knife technique, take the hot waist flower of Sichuan cuisine as an example. A hot waist flower is the unique skill of many Sichuan chefs: cut the waist flower with a slanted knife, cut one side and then cut the other side, the cut waist flower should be broken and clean, and the knife marks can be faintly seen.

Even if the test is knife work, there is only one effect: to make the subsequent pickling more flavorful and to make the diners taste better. This is the charm of Sichuan cuisine, interlocking and conjoined.

Everything is ready, let's get started!

Required ingredients

Ingredients: pork loin 350 g; Ingredients: net green shoots 150 g, celery 100 g, yellow lantern pepper 50 g; accessories: ginger slices 8 g, garlic slices 8 g, red pickled pepper 20 g, horse ear shallot 10 g; seasoning: salt 4 g, monosodium glutamate 2 g, sugar 4 g, pepper powder 2 g, cooking wine 10 g, soy sauce 3 g, fresh soup 25 g, starch 25 g, oil 100 g;

The specific dosage is added according to personal preference

Preparation steps:

Step 1:

Wash the pork loin and cut it in half to remove the loin. Then cut with a diagonal knife at a spacing of about 0.5, do not cut off at the bottom. Then use it to cut it straight, cut it three times and break it into a phoenixtail shape.

"Hot" waist flower

Step 2:

Add ginger, green onion, water and cooking wine to the cut loin flowers and steep for 20 minutes to remove the fishy smell.

"Hot" waist flower

Step 3:

Cut the celery, fungus, yellow lantern pepper and green shoots into chopstick strips and set aside. It is better to marinate the green shoots with a little salt for a while

"Hot" waist flower

Step 4:

Drain the soaked loin flowers and add salt, pepper, cooking wine, and starch to taste.

"Hot" waist flower

Step 5:

Prepare the mustard in advance in the bowl, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, fresh soup, and starch.

"Hot" waist flower

Step 6:

Pour oil in the pot, 60% of the oil temperature when the waist flowers, quickly stir-fry, followed by onion, ginger, garlic and pickled peppers, stir-fry for 5 seconds and then quickly pour in green shoots, celery, fungus, yellow lantern peppers, stir-fry quickly after adding the prepared bowl, stir-fry well and quickly start the pot.

"Hot" waist flower

Delicious out of the pot

Making Tips:

1. The pork loin needs to be washed, the oil skin should be torn off, cut in half, and the waist must be cleaned, otherwise it will taste fishy;

2. Be sure to soak, soak the previously treated waist slices with onion and ginger juice water, so that the fried waist flowers are crisp and tender and do not spill blood;

3. Stir-fry quickly and keep one tender. The loin flowers cannot be fried for too long, otherwise they will not be tender.