
Epidemic prevention and control is not in place Shaanxi Ningqiang ordered the suspension of business to rectify 15 business units

author:China Quality News

China Quality News Network News (Liang Ai) In the face of the current severe epidemic prevention and control situation, the Market Supervision Bureau of Ningqiang County, Shaanxi Province, continues to strengthen the epidemic prevention and control inspection of catering service units, pharmacies, supermarkets and other crowded places, carries out day and night full-coverage inspections, and strictly supervises relevant market entities to implement epidemic prevention and control requirements.

From January 5 to 6, the Ningqiang County Market Supervision Bureau, together with the county public security organs and the county economic and trade, cultural and tourism, health and health departments, found that there were still enterprises and merchants who reacted passively, perfunctorily, ignored the requirements of prevention and control in the epidemic prevention and control work, could not truly consciously perform the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, and did not strictly implement the requirements and measures for epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in Ningqiang County, law enforcement officers ordered 4 shopping malls, 6 hotels and 5 supermarkets in the urban area to close for rectification.

Recently, the market supervision department of Ningqiang County will organize law enforcement personnel to distribute epidemic prevention and control notices to various hotels, supermarkets, pharmacies and other places, mobilize enterprises and merchants along the street to use led screens at the door to strengthen the publicity of scientific prevention and control knowledge, urge relevant market entities to implement epidemic prevention and control responsibilities, and actively create a strong atmosphere for epidemic prevention and control.

Promptly order rectification of market entities that are not in place for the implementation of prevention and control measures, file cases and investigate cases where the circumstances are serious, and ensure that market entities in the jurisdiction fully implement the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control.

Solemn reminder:

Scientific epidemic prevention is everyone's responsibility. The majority of market entities in the city should clearly understand the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, take it as a warning, comprehensively self-examine, resolutely overcome paralysis and fluke psychology, earnestly perform the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, and meticulously implement epidemic prevention and control measures in strict accordance with requirements; remind the general public to also do a good job in personal protection, and when entering the store, cooperate with the staff to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control measures such as mask wearing, temperature measurement, bright code, and information registration. In daily life, we should achieve scientific prevention and control, actively respond, and jointly defend the city's hard-won epidemic prevention and control achievements.