
Second only to the "May 5th Shopping Festival", Bailian integrated marketing drama, 1 billion yuan Spring Festival red envelopes waiting for "original people"

author:Shangguan News

How are the "original people" who do not return home during the Spring Festival prepare to celebrate the festival?

Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter learned from Bailian Group that they have worked together with their various formats to prepare a total of 1 billion yuan of "Spring Festival red envelopes" and various kinds of fancy New Year goods, providing the majority of "original people" with an integrated marketing activity spanning the first quarter of this year.

It is reported that the 1 billion yuan consumption coupons issued by Bailian Group this time are second only to the 1.2 billion yuan of Bailian consumption coupons issued by bailian group in 2021.55 shopping festival.

The "Feitian Moutai Weekly Draw" activity carried out by the i Bailian platform can be called "explosive New Year goods", and Bailian members have the opportunity to purchase Feitian Moutai for 1499 yuan. From February this year, Century Lianhua and Lianhua Supermarket stores will successively launch the "Tide Food Hui" special area, focusing on explosive snack products.

Bailian's new retail brand Yike launched the national tide "Shanghainese New Year Goods", exclusively developing old Shanghai-style side dishes and authentic Shanghai dim sum. i Bailian launched the "New Year's Goods" - functional kitchen appliances and various cleaning supplies, and will also issue exclusive coupons.

The 1 billion yuan of "Spring Festival red envelopes" issued by Bailian Group this time includes more than 300 million yuan of red envelopes issued by i Bailian and common in the New Year under bailian group. In addition, Bailian Co., Ltd. launched a series of activities such as "Fancy New Year's Greetings", with a total discount of 135 million yuan; Lianhua Supermarket opened up online and offline, launching more than 100 million yuan of opening red consumption red envelopes; Sanlian launched offline product red envelopes, lens upgrade coupons, New Year membership full discounts and other activities; Haomeijia launched the New Year home decoration package; Bailian Automobile sent 500 red envelopes worth 10,000 yuan.

In addition to "buying, buying and buying", Bailian Group has also created a number of trend landmarks waiting for you to punch in.

Among them, Bailian Co., Ltd. will work with Shanghai Museum of Natural History, the representative heir of paper-cutting art, China Aerospace ASES, etc. to carry out a series of public welfare courses such as "Natural Fun Play House", "Pattern Paper-cutting Experience Class" and "Space Dreamer" in more than 10 stores, and cooperate with Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center to carry out offline theme flash mobs and online short video competitions with the theme of "With U", and will also work with the country's first "Virtual Idol Cultivation Reality Show - Sound is Different", through holographic imaging technology. At the first Yaohan, a creation night tour that breaks the dimensional wall is launched.

The First Department Store Commercial Center will set up a paper-cutting light and shadow booth on Liuhe Road, and the First Yaohan will hold a "Year" joint art exhibition that combines paper-cutting culture and new media art, and invite representative inheritors of Shanghai and district-level paper-cutting to carry out paper-cutting interactive activities in stores.

The new concept store of Maochang Changning DarongCheng, a subsidiary of Sanlian Company, will create a wealth of personalized activities with the theme of "Modern Haipai Mirror World Rebirth". On the day of the Lantern Festival, the First Medicine Nanjing Road Store will hold the "Lantern Blessing Parent-Child Salon" activity, and Yike will launch the theme activity of "Yi Rabbit Awakening Lion, Starting Li is".

Due to the recent repeated domestic epidemic situation and the large flow of people during the Spring Festival holiday, the epidemic prevention and control situation is still grim. To this end, while vigorously grasping growth, Bailian Group has reiterated the necessity and complexity of epidemic prevention and control work to its various business formats, requiring strict implementation of relevant main responsibilities, detailing various epidemic prevention and control measures: strengthening the disinfection and ventilation of the environment, places, office areas and other parts, doing a good job in staff health monitoring and management, conscientiously implementing measures such as body temperature detection, information registration, health code and itinerary code inspection of personnel entering the store, and making every effort to normalize the epidemic prevention and control work.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Wu Weiqun Text Editor: Wu Weiqun


Source: Author: Wu Weiqun

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