
One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Oda digs two new pits in the latest episode of One Piece, one is the legendary fruit in the mouth of the five old stars, and the other is why the elephant lord can arrive in the land of Peace by himself. Looking back at the ghost island battle in the current plot, there are already several incredible "pits", and this "new pit" makes many sea fans puzzled, can Oda Sensei really fill them all?

First of all, I have to praise the speed of Oda Sensei's digging pit, the previous pit has not been filled, the next pit has been dug, although this will continue to arouse the interest of the audience, but it is undoubtedly to increase the speed of completion of the plot, and at the same time, the requirements for themselves will be further improved. To say that the pit that is more affecting the war situation at present is the cadres of the Big Mama Regiment headed by Smuggi.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

When will Smuggi and the others be able to get to the island

When the cadres of the Big Mama Pirate Regiment will be able to support the battlefield is a puzzle that has been separated by dozens of words. You must know that this time, The Great Mother came to the country of Peace with dozens of cadres, but except for Peros Perot, no other cadres were present, let alone played a role in the battlefield. Led by Smuggi, every member of the ship has a certain strength, as long as they reach the battlefield to help Big Mama's side, then the battlefield will be reversed in an instant.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Unfortunately, the first time on the island was kicked down by the embers of the three plagues, the second time on the island was blocked by Marco again, so that Smuggy and others have not yet played. I don't know if Oda Sensei has forgotten their existence, but Lu Qi and the others are also coming to Ghost Island recently, does this mean that the two sides will meet on this? Although the two sides are not mortal enemies, they must also be inseparable, and perhaps this "pit" of Smudge can only be filled until it encounters Lu Qi.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

What does the fruit in the mouth of the Five Old Stars refer to

In the latest plot, one of the new pits is about "a certain fruit", which the five old stars call "centuries without awakening, and the world government is afraid and renamed". As soon as this pit came out, many sea fans began to guess which fruit the "legendary fruit" in the mouth of the five old stars was, some people thought that it was Luffy's rubber fruit, and some people thought that it was Luo's surgical fruit, and for a while the five old stars became riddle people, and the audience could only guess through their own analysis, unable to judge the correct answer.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Regarding this fruit, you may get the answer in the near future, and it is undeniable that the answer to this fruit is bound to affect the trend of the entire one Piece plot line, so when Oda Sensei announces the answer, it will definitely trigger a boom in the haimi circle again. Personally, I think that the probability of surgical fruits is greater, and I don't know how my friends judge it.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Why was the Elephant Lord able to reach the kingdom of Peace on his own

Another new pit is about why the elephant lord was able to come to the kingdom of Peace by himself, and the elephant lord suddenly intervened in the war, I believe many people have guessed it, but it is worth noting that the elephant lord's actions require someone's orders, and before that only Momosuke could command the elephant lord, not even Luffy, who could hear the voice of the elephant lord. But Momonosuke has always been in the territory of the Kingdom of Wano and has long left Zou Island (the Elephant Lord), so why can the Elephant Lord still come to the Kingdom of Harmony?

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Could it be that the Elephant Lord heard the help of the distant Peach? All in all, this is also an incredible pit, but this pit should be announced in a recent comic, after all, this pit does not affect the main plot. As for the purpose of the Elephant Lord's coming to the Land of Peace, the author has also briefly analyzed it before, either to extinguish the fire or drag the ghost island to sink, or to prevent the world government ship from landing on the island, there are only a few possibilities.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Most of the old pits are related to the main plot and cannot be filled in a short time

In fact, in addition to the above few pits, old pits such as "Sun God Nika" and "The Origin of Rubber Fruits" were not filled in time, perhaps these pits revolve around the main plot line, so Oda Sensei is not in a hurry to fill in. In general, there are too many old pits around The Land of Wagano, and it is impossible for Oda to fill them in one go, and if it is filled incorrectly, it will affect the quality of the entire work, so the speed of filling the pits can be slowed down, as long as it can be filled perfectly.

One Piece 1037 words: Oda opens a new pit! There are too many pits in the Land of Harmony to fill them

Finally, friends who like articles remember to pay attention to the waves.

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