
Song Jie supervises the prevention and control of the epidemic

author:Information News
Song Jie supervises the prevention and control of the epidemic

On January 10, Song Jie, secretary of the district party committee, supervised the epidemic prevention and control work in the upper neighborhood, and visited and comforted the frontline staff of epidemic prevention.

At the District Cd-operative Center, Song Jie inquired in detail about the workflow and staffing of the flow transfer class. She pointed out that it is necessary to further improve the institutional mechanism, combine normalized precision prevention and control with local emergency disposal, and ensure that emergency response is scientific and standardized, resolute and decisive, efficient and orderly.

It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the circulation team, strengthen business training, improve the efficiency of circulation, and strive to encircle and seal the transmission channels of the epidemic in the shortest possible time. While doing a good job in all work, the personnel of the special transfer squad should strengthen personal protection, continue to carry forward the style of not being afraid of hardship and continuous combat, devote themselves to the anti-epidemic work, and go all out to protect the people's life safety and physical health.

At the health care centers such as Baist and Hongjia International, Song Jie learned in detail about the living security of the centralized quarantined personnel, the health status and the implementation of the epidemic prevention measures of the care center, and expressed her condolences and gratitude to the front-line workers who stuck to their posts and dedicated themselves. She demanded that measures such as nucleic acid testing, environmental disinfection, garbage removal, and medical waste treatment should be conscientiously implemented in strict accordance with the requirements of the eighth edition of the epidemic prevention guidelines for the setting of centralized isolation points "three districts and two channels", and resolutely prevent cross-infection.

It is necessary to do a good job in the service guarantee of isolated personnel, especially special groups such as pregnant women, the elderly and children, strengthen the psychological counseling and health care of isolated personnel, meet the reasonable needs of the masses as much as possible, and ensure that isolation does not separate love and isolation. The personnel of the special prevention and control squad should always maintain a high degree of vigilance, strictly enforce work discipline, strictly and meticulously implement various prevention and control measures, further improve the level of operation and self-protection ability, and ensure the successful completion of the task.

In Jiangnan town communities, general aviation communities and other places, Song Jie inspected the implementation of community epidemic prevention measures and the control of home isolation personnel. She stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and effectively make the materials, medical and other service guarantee measures for the isolated personnel more meticulous and more in place, so as to ensure that prevention and control are strong and care is warm. It is necessary to strengthen the standardized management of residential communities, strictly implement the epidemic prevention requirements such as temperature measurement and scanning codes, wearing masks, and resolutely guard the "first line of defense" for the safety of the masses.

It is necessary to strengthen publicity and guidance, widely publicize various policies and protection knowledge of epidemic prevention, educate and guide the masses to continuously enhance their awareness of self-protection, and jointly build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control.

At the GLP (Zhengzhou) Logistics Park, Song Jie carefully inspected the storage environment of cold chain goods and the implementation of epidemic prevention norms. She pointed out that to effectively do a good job in cold chain logistics epidemic prevention, the Market Supervision Bureau and other responsible units should increase the supervision and inspection of the whole process, supervise and guide enterprises to implement various epidemic prevention measures; operating enterprises should earnestly perform their main responsibilities, adhere to the three chains of people, things and the environment, standardize the operation process, strengthen the prevention and control measures such as the killing of vehicles and items before entering the park, personnel health monitoring, and waste disposal, and make every effort to ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses.

(Source: Shangjie District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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