
After autumn, how to eat healthy?

author:Strange roads meet 58869031

In the blink of an eye, autumn has quietly arrived, autumn rain has come from time to time, and the weather has gradually cooled down. After the autumn climate is dry, cold and warm, autumn fatigue, autumn fat, autumn dryness also follows, healthy diet and life and other aspects should pay attention to the following, to prevent problems before they occur. Next, I recommend 6 very practical soups to everyone, and if you like which one, try it out!

The first course of crucian carp mushroom soup with tomatoes

After autumn, how to eat healthy?


1) Marinate the crucian carp in oil and salt and ginger and prepare the ingredients

2) Heat oil in a pan and fry the crucian carp on both sides

3: Turn over (accidentally get the skin off)

4) After frying the crucian carp, add the right amount of cold boiling water and ingredients to the pot, cook on medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes

5: Boiling

6) Set up the pot and put in the bowl

The second course is angelica black chicken soup

After autumn, how to eat healthy?

1. When the black chicken is bought, ask the boss to chop up a piece, pour boiling water and then wash it

2. Prepare the materials

3. Put the washed chicken into the casserole and add the right amount of water (not over the chicken, those who like to drink soup can add more)

4. Add cooking wine, angelica red dates, ginger mushrooms. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat ~ Simmer for one and a half hours (open and stir twice in the middle to prevent sticking to the bottom)

5. Put these two kinds after them, put them in and burn for ten minutes

6. Add salt and chicken essence a few minutes before simmering

The third course is made with kumquat wine with glutinous rice ball soup

After autumn, how to eat healthy?

1. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add a small amount of goji berries and oranges to a boil over high heat.

2. Put glutinous rice balls.

3. Cook until all the balls are floated up, then add the sake.

4. After putting in the sake, it will produce foam, boil it and beat the foam.

5. Break up the eggs one by one.

6. Pour the egg mixture into the pot, quickly slip away with a spoon, and add sugar to taste before cooking.

7. Delicious nutritious and appetizing fruit wine stuffed balls are ready, and the taste is particularly good.

Well, today I will share here, these soups are delicious and nutritious, hurry up and make them for the family to eat!