
When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland in the human body, and when the thyroid gland has problems, the body will have obvious symptoms.

Especially in recent years, hyperthyroidism has become more and more frequent, becoming one of the diseases that are prone to disease.

People with hyperthyroidism know that hyperthyroidism is a disease that is difficult to cure at once. Therefore, to achieve early detection and early treatment, if the body has these 4 manifestations, it may be hyperthyroidism.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

4 common manifestations of hyperthyroidism when "coming to the door"!

1. Large mood swings

Most people's usual emotions can be controlled, if they suddenly become particularly angry and very violent. After the exclusion of mental illness, it is possible to have hyperthyroidism.

People with hyperthyroidism are usually emotionally unstable, and even lose their temper because of some small things, and people will be more impatient.

With the development of hyperthyroidism, abnormal changes in mood will be particularly obvious, and it is difficult to control emotions.

Sometimes it is even easy to quarrel with colleagues, friends, etc. around you. Mood swings and irritability are among the very common symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

2. Enlarged thyroid gland, easy to sweat

Normally the thyroid gland does not swell. Hyperthyroidism causes changes in the glands, which can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland, accompanied by the appearance of a lump.

Therefore, daily attention should be paid to the fact that if there is an enlarged thyroid gland, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to do the examination of nail work and so on.

In addition, after getting hyperthyroidism, I am particularly afraid of heat and sweat easily. In the case of no hot ambient temperature and no strenuous exercise, when there is a lot of sweating and sweltering heat in the body, it should be noted that hyperthyroidism may cause metabolic abnormalities.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

3, easy to hungry, especially good appetite

Usually the amount of food is normal, suddenly the appetite becomes particularly good, just after eating a while and hungry. There is a lot of food, and people are still emaciated.

It is possible to suffer from short-term thinness and increased appetite due to hyperthyroidism. Because hyperthyroidism can lead to abnormal metabolism, it will easily cause rapid metabolism and produce a sense of hunger.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

4. Vomiting and the frequency of stool increase

In addition to the above three manifestations, the increase in the frequency of stools is also one of the common symptoms in hyperthyroidism.

Diarrhea occurs with stomach pain, watery stools, and much more than usual. However, it is not possible to simply increase the number of stools and think that it is a hyperthyroid disease. A comprehensive diagnosis is also required based on other symptoms of the body.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

It is also important to know that not every patient with hyperthyroidism will have typical symptoms, and some patients will be misdiagnosed with atypical symptoms.

So how many atypical manifestations of hyperthyroidism, who needs to consider a hyperthyroid examination?

1. Indifferent "hyperthyroidism" or elderly "hyperthyroidism"

Symptoms in the elderly are often manifested as apathy, drowsiness, fatigue, unresponsiveness, anorexia, etc., which are often easily mistaken for normal manifestations of aging or other diseases.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

2. Itchy skin hyperthyroidism

Usually, the symptoms are generally irritable skin itching throughout the body. Usually the itching is light in the morning and heavy in the evening, and the effect of desensitizing drugs is not ideal, and it is generally easy to be mistaken for chronic urticaria.

3. Hypothermia hyperthyroidism

A small number of patients with hyperthyroidism have a low-term body temperature, and the body temperature is often between 37.5 and 38 ° C, and other hyperthyroid symptoms are not obvious. This condition is generally mistaken for other diseases that can cause low-grade fever, such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, etc.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

4. Others

Less common are hepatic hyperthyroidism, which manifests as hepatomegaly and abnormal liver function. Cardiac hyperthyroidism is manifested by arrhythmias and enlarged heart.

Diarrhea-type hyperthyroidism is manifested by stools more than several times a day, or even more than ten times, as well as loose stools or thin watery stools, without obvious abdominal pain and no purulent blood.

When hyperthyroidism "comes to the door", the body will have 4 common manifestations, if you have, you need to check in time

Therefore, when the body is abnormal, it is necessary to consult and examine in time to avoid the occurrence of complications and other situations in the future. When the treatment of hyperthyroidism is relatively long, it is necessary to go to the hospital for regular review after controlling the hyperthyroidism.

In this way, hyperthyroidism can get better faster, and the occurrence of hyperthyroid crisis due to hyperthyroidism, combined with heart failure, shock and other poor prognosis conditions can be avoided.

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