
Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

A person's life is extremely bumpy and turbulent. Many people may move frequently for various reasons, and every time they move to a new home, they throw away a lot of things that have followed for many years. At the same time, there are some old neighbors who get along well and may never be reunited.

Mr. Lu Xun often moved, sometimes because of job transfers, sometimes to avoid disasters, and every time he had no choice, but he had no choice. There was a poet in the Tang Dynasty who lived in one place for a long time, every grass and tree, and felt very kind. One day I suddenly wanted to move away from home, and suddenly I was a little sad, but inadvertently, I left a popular work. The following Rong Yu's very famous poems, the body and matter convey the spirit, the poetry is full of fun, and it brings people unlimited reverie.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

Move home to the lake pavilion

Tang Dynasty: Rong Yu

Good is the spring wind lake on the pavilion, wicker vines are detached.

The yellow warbler has been living in the acquaintance for a long time, and wants to stop crying four or five times.

The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Classical Poetry in China, and the entire poetry scene presented a prosperous scene of brilliant stars and hundreds of flowers competing for beauty. However, not every talent is proud of the spring breeze, some people fail in scientific examinations, some people have no hope of progress, and some talents send people to the fence, depressed.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

Rong Yu served as a minister in the shogunate of han zhuo, the duke of Jin, and he was so talented that he was highly valued by adults, and often invited him to drink every three or five minutes. Rong Yu liked a singer, she was outstanding, she could sing and dance, and she also had great respect for poets. The two fell in love at first sight and made a lifelong agreement privately, but the poet's status was low, and he had not talked about marriage for a while.

Later, the music officer heard that the singer was very talented, so he summoned her to the register. Rong Yu and the singer will have a hard time meeting from now on, and their hearts are sad. The last time the poet asked her out and walked for her in the lake pavilion, the singer sang Rong Yu's poems and then said goodbye.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

Later, the adults invited Rong Yu to drink, and the singers and girls sang and danced during the banquet, and the guests staggered and staggered, so it was not lively. However, the adult found that Rong Yu was sullen and unhappy, but just kept his head down and drank.

The adults asked the reason, and the poet did not dare to conceal it, so he made a confession. When the adults learned that the couple had been dismantled by the music officer, they were furious and immediately asked someone to flogg the music officer. The lord also rewarded the singer with a lot of money and cloth, and chose an auspicious day to fulfill their marriage.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

Although there are many good things, in the end, there are still lovers who eventually become dependents, which is worth congratulating. After that, Rong Yu moved out of the guest house and wrote this poem before leaving. The first two sentences of the poem lyrically describe the spring color of the lake pavilion, the spring breeze is blowing, the warmth is melting, and there are more willows and green, and the dance is good.

A "line" word, using an anthropomorphic techniques, as if the wicker vines are extremely friendly, and do not give up the poet to leave. It can be seen that the author has a lot of feelings for the landscapes, plants and trees here, and for a while he really can't bear to face the fact that they are about to be separated.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

The last two sentences are more affectionate, "The yellow warbler has lived in the hun for a long time, and wants to stop crying four or five times." The poet has lived in the old place for a long time, and even the yellow warbler has become an old acquaintance, and it seems to be reluctant to give up, frequently crying, expressing a kind of deep friendship.

A "cry" word also seems very sincere, both to retain the poet and to make people a little sad. Although the yellow warbler can't speak, it seems to be expressing the feelings between herself and the "old acquaintance" in a unique way.

Rong Yu's famous poems, conveying the spirit of the body and the spirit, are full of poetry, and bring people unlimited reverie

Looking at this poem of Rong Yu, as if he were a child," the author euphemistically expressed his reluctance through vivid descriptions of images such as "spring wind, willow branches, and yellow warblers", and also revealed his yearning and expectation for a new life, which made people think infinitely.

Life is short, and it should be an extremely happy thing to meet a confidant with a red face and to stay together for the rest of your life. Although the author wants to run to a happy and sweet good time, he does not forget the "friends" who accompanied him through the difficult years in the past, which is worthy of people's appreciation. Friends can also speak freely about Rong Yu's writing skills!