
Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements

author:Bird Diary

Welcome to Rong Rong's Bird Diary, the thirty-first lesson of bird knowledge today:

Basics of diet and nutrition for parrots

Haro, it has not been updated for a long time, today we will talk about the basics of birds, unbalanced eating habits are a common problem in pet birds, and is one of the relatively common causes of disease. Scientific research on avian nutritional deficiencies, especially as it has been linked to different species. While our avian nutrition is still in its early stages, most experts agree that a good diet for parrots starts with a formula diet and the addition of a variety of other foods as supplements.

Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements


For most pet birds, especially parrots and parrots, the predominantly seed-based diet lacks many nutrients, including vitamin A and calcium, and the fat content of the seeds is too high. That's not to say that seeds aren't important in birds, but many birds prefer the options they exclude other foods and can be picky when trying a varied diet. Some birds will even pick out several favorites from the seed mixture, which further reduces the nutritional balance in the diet. When it comes to parrot nutrition, seeds can be thought of as a bit like junk food: birds love them, but they're not the healthiest option. For most parrot species, seeds should only make up about 10% of the diet. Some species, such as the tiger parrot and the cockatoo, are natural seed lovers, but even for these birds, seeds make up only about 25% of the diet.

Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements

<h1>Recipe diet</h1>

A few years ago, some environmental agencies began to realize that many parrots were suffering from nutritional deficiencies and therefore began producing pelleted feed for pet birds. They are made from a variety of foods, including grains, seeds, vegetables, fruits, fortified vitamins and minerals, and are baked into granules or various other extruded shapes. Use these balanced, nutritious diets to prevent birds from picking out their favorite and leftover foods. However, many birds, especially those that start with a seed-based diet, do not easily take a formula diet. Similarly, a formula diet, while well balanced, doesn't provide the sense of diversity and irritation that many pet birds have in their diet (after all, eating the same thing every day is boring for anyone). Therefore, granular food can be regarded as the "foundation" of birds

There are still many good recipe diet brands, and pet lovers can go to the relevant official website to check. As these diets become accepted and widespread, manufacturers are configuring lines for health management (e.g., low-calorie diets for weight management) for specific species. As mentioned earlier, these diets come in a variety of shapes, from larger pieces to broken pieces, and you may need to try to find the type your bird likes. Some birds, especially those accustomed to seed-based diets, may have difficulty switching to a formula diet.

With our better understanding of the nutritional needs of birds, the recommended diet for pet parrots includes a variety of nutritious fresh foods as well as a formula diet (granules) and a small amount of seeds. Also keep in mind that most fresh foods can easily spoil and should be removed from the cage after a few hours. If your birds are reluctant to accept new foods, serve them as early as possible in the morning or evening


Fresh vegetables are an important addition to the bird diet. Not all vegetables have the same nutrients; Vegetables like celery and lettuce are rich in fiber and water, but not so nutritious. Dark yellow and green leafy vegetables are often a good choice, and you can offer various forms of vegetables to attract birds and let birds try them, either fresh in whole pieces, or chopped, or cooked or slightly heated to feed. Try hanging the vegetables on the sides of the cage in clips, or placing them in large chunks where the birds can pick up with their feet, and you may need to think of ways to get them to try them out, with the aim of getting your birds to eat as many different kinds of vegetables as possible. Try a variety of vegetables such as:

Carrot (root and upper leaf)

Sweet potato green leafy vegetables such as kale, kale, radish greens, mustard greens, Swiss beets, beets and dandelion greens


mung bean

Sweet red, yellow and green pepper


Broccoli (head and leaves)

Green/red leaf lettuce (small amount)

Corn (corn granules birds love more)


Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements


Again, you want to offer a wide variety, not just a few. Many birds prefer fruit and overuse it, so limit the fruit to a fairly small portion of the overall diet. As with vegetables, many darker fruits contain more nutrients, and it is best to try feeding a variety of different tropical fruits. However, make sure they don't goug pits or apple seeds as they can be toxic. Try fruits such as:








Cantaloupe (without skin)

Other melons

Peach nectarines









Honey oranges

Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements

<h1>Other foods</h1>

Birds can also feed a variety of nutritious grains such as cooked brown rice, quinoa, oats, wheat, barley, and pasta. Whole wheat bread and unsweetened whole grain cereals are also available. Cooked legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas, are a great addition to their diet. Birds can also provide a small amount of lean cooked meat, poultry and hard-boiled eggs~

<h1>Germinated seeds</h1>

Sprouted seeds are an excellent source of nutrition for pet birds and an excellent way to supplement with green vegetables. Freshly sprouted seeds are nutritious goldites because the seeds mobilize their nutrients into a highly rapidly digestible manner as they begin to grow. Sprouted seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes and antioxidants, and some bird bloggers consider them to be the perfect food. Regardless, they are an excellent way to provide a nutritional boost, and most birds love them.

Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements

<h1>Vitamin and mineral supplements</h1>

It's usually a good idea to give parrots extra minerals, but if you're feeding a balanced diet on top of formula, you don't need extra vitamin and mineral supplements, supplemented with a variety of nutritious home foods. Additional supplements should only be given on veterinary advice.

Chocolate, avocados and rhubarb should not be fed. Of course, do not give any beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol. Avoid processed meats or other foods rich in nitrates, nitrites, sulfites, or sodium glutamate (MSG). Onions, sprouted Lima, fava beans and navy beans and apple seeds should also be avoided.

Stay away from junk food and any food rich in fat, salt or sugar. Birds are also not lactose tolerant, so dairy products should be limited to a small amount of hard cheese and yogurt.

Some experts and owners are concerned about feeding peanuts in the shell because they can be contaminated with aspergillus fungi, which can lead to respiratory diseases as well as the production of toxins (aflatoxin, a potent carcinogen). If you feed raw peanuts, make sure they are of high quality and free of contamination, and do not feed them if there are any signs of mold. Shelled, bleached (unsalted of course) peanuts are good. If there are any signs of mold, it should be checked and discarded~

Well, the knowledge shared today is introduced to this side, hurry up and specify a diet plan for your birds, raising birds is fun and also needs to be cautious ~ # Pet Big Secret # #好好宠它 #

Lesson 31: Basics on Diet and Nutrition of Pet Parrots Seed Recipe Diet Vegetables Fruits Other Foods Sprout seed vitamin and mineral supplements

Bird Diary, a diary focused on the science of birds!

Note: The pictures in this article are from the Internet, invaded and deleted!


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