
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

author:The first sister of Yantai
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

Ingredients: 1 chicken thigh, 1 ginseng

Ingredients: dates, ginger, goji berries, shallots, a number of equal portions.

Ingredient: chicken leg, ginseng

Ingredients: jujube, ginger, medlar, scallion

Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

Wash the ginseng, wash the red dates and goji berries, cut the white onion and ginger and set aside.

Wash ginseng, red dates and wolfberry, cut scallion and ginger and set aside.

Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

Wash the chicken thighs, blanch in a casserole dish and pour the water out.

Clean the chicken legs, blanch them in a casserole and pour out the water

Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

Add water, chicken to a pot, add fresh ginseng, goji berries, dates, ginger and white onion and simmer for 3 hours.

Add water and chicken, add fresh ginseng, medlar, jujube, ginger and scallion, stew for 3 hours.

Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup
Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup

Finally, add a little salt and serve.

Add salt to serve.

Thanks for your attention, ginseng comes from the Ginseng family of Fujiang Ginseng Oh~

Ginseng is the king of qi, used to boil soup, great tonic vitality, daily food supplements must Oh ~

Today's Tomie Ginseng Supplement is here, have you learned?

Invite your three or five friends, stew a pot full of ginseng chicken soup, and make up for it together

Tofue Ginseng Today's Supplement: Ginseng Chicken Soup