
Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

author:Get a little spirited

During the recent epidemic, how to prevent colds and alleviate cold symptoms?

Is there a practical and effective way to help patients respond to themselves reasonably at the beginning of a cold?

One is to nip the disease in the bud in time to avoid delay and aggravation, and the other is to save a lot of costs for the patient.

Chinese medicine believes that colds are mainly caused by feeling external evils based on wind and evil. Generally speaking, wind and evil are also sandwiched with seasonal qi, often with wind and cold, wind and heat as the two types of more common, other summer, wet, dry and other evils, can also be sandwiched. Winter colds are the most common, wind chills and wind fevers, and the main symptoms should be distinguished.

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

The following is the family simple dietary therapy method of these two kinds of colds for your reference, with the combination of attack and defense, the function of dispelling evil and helping the right, if taken in order in time, you can do "three soups under the belly, cold exorcism".

The main symptoms of the treatment of wind chill and cold are heavy head or headache, cold intolerance, sore and tight limbs, fever but no sweating, accompanied by nasal congestion and runny nose.

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

The patient feels that he is not thirsty, the sputum is thin and white, and the tongue can be observed on his own in the mirror. Dietary therapy should be based on the solution of xinwen.

First soup: "Five Gods Drink" (borrowed from the "Materia Medica")

10 grams of wattle mustard, 10 grams of su leaf, 6 grams of tea leaves, 10 grams of ginger, 30 grams of brown sugar.

Cut the mustard, su leaves, and ginger into coarsely chopped and brew with boiling water with the tea leaves. After brewing for a period of time, mix with brown sugar, boil and then take it while it is hot, cover the quilt after serving, if you are sweating badly, you can take it again after 1 hour, you can make the chills and body pain get a certain degree of relief.

Those who are cold and have severe physical pain can be appropriately equipped with 6 grams of ephedra and 9 grams of guizhi to strengthen the power of xinwen to disperse cold.

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

Second soup: "Double White Jade Porridge" (borrowed from "Yan's Examination Fang")

Half a Chinese cabbage (mainly with cabbage and vegetables), 20 grams of white green onion, 50 grams of japonica rice, 10 grams of ginger. Boil the porridge with water, add sliced Chinese cabbage, sliced green onion and ginger, cook until the cabbage, green onions become soft, and when the porridge is thick, add a little salt to the pot and eat. The Shennong Materia Medica says that the power of onion and white divergence is quite strong, which can spread wind and cold, and relieve stomach pain.

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

Chinese cabbage, also known as pineapple, is said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" to be able to improve the stomach and intestines, supplement the suspension of cough, and rich in nutrients. The two into japonica rice to cook porridge, you can promote sweating, dispel cold, but also can adjust the stomach qi, so that sweating without hurting the right qi, especially suitable for the elderly to take.

Third soup: "Tofu ham mustard soup"

100 grams of tofu, 50 grams of lean shredded ham, 30 grams of mustard greens, 20 grams of coriander, 1000 grams of broth, 10 grams of ginger, minced pepper to taste.

Cut the tofu into pieces or thick slices, sauté with a small amount of peanut oil with shredded ham, add broth and ginger to a boil, sprinkle pepper and chopped coriander before cooking, season with salt and serve hot. Cold in addition to cold, body pain, but also often accompanied by loss of appetite, stomach cold mouth, on the basis of the first two soups, this soup with mustard greens, coriander, ginger and pepper to disperse the cold, with tofu, ham to supplement the stomach, enhance appetite, further accelerate the human body to mobilize self-recovery function.

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

Treatment of wind fever cold three soup wind fever cold wind fever evil table, lung qi loss and caused.

Many people have symptoms of fire at the same time in the late stage of the cold, which is manifested by aggravation of fever, headache, redness and swelling of the throat, dry pain, yellow nasal congestion, cough and sputum sticky or yellow, and thirst and drinking, fear of wind. The tip of the tongue can be observed on the opposite side of the mirror, and the moss is thin white and yellowish. It may also aggravate head and facial acne, constipation, etc. The treatment should be based on the solution of the spicy and cool table.

First Soup: Mint Porridge (from "Sending YuLu")

15 g mint, 60 g japonica rice, rock sugar to taste.

Mint decoction to take the medicinal juice to cool, take japonica rice and add water to boil porridge, when the porridge will be formed, add mint juice and rock sugar. Take it warmly and sweat best. Peppermint is an essential medicine for evacuating wind and heat, and adding japonica rice and rock sugar to make porridge can promote sweating and have a stomach protection effect. This soup is most suitable for those who feel hot and new.

Second soup: mulberry mint drink

Cold "three soups" can be expelled, during the epidemic period to prevent colds, look at the methods of Chinese medicine

Mulberry leaves 6 g, chrysanthemum flowers 6 g, mint 3 g, bitter bamboo leaves 15 g, a little honey.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the above flavors, boil, and take frequent tea substitutes. Mulberry leaves clear lung fever; chrysanthemums evacuate wind and heat, blind and flat liver; peppermint is the essential medicine for evacuating wind and heat, which can quickly relieve symptoms such as fever and headache. Patients with hypertension or headache and muscular eyes are also more suitable.

Third soup: steamed sydney pear with shellfish ginseng

6 grams of Sichuan shellfish, 1 sydney pear, 10 grams of sand ginseng, 2 grams of mint, rock sugar to taste.

Peel and pit the pears, fill them with mother-of-pearl, sand ginseng, mint and rock sugar, put them together in a bowl and steam with water, eat them morning and evening, and eat them for several days. This soup moisturizes dry cough, dissolves phlegm and promotes the lungs, especially for the elderly and children after a cold, fever and yin caused by dry throat cough, lung hot phlegm yellow, or jin wound thirst, dry stool and other symptoms. It should be noted that any disease has a process of occurrence and development, timely and appropriate treatment can eliminate the cold in the bud, but for the elderly, infants and young children and frail patients, it must be paid attention to prevent the occurrence of transmutation, or other diseases at the same time. Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, for different people, different diseases, with different drugs, for the elderly and children and other special groups with weak physique, do not make up their own minds, take medicine casually.

The initial onset of a cold is generally limited to the upper respiratory tract, but after delaying treatment, it will develop to the trachea, bronchi, and even the lungs, and once there is cough, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, etc., you should go to a regular hospital in time to listen to the doctor's advice.