
Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

author:Stay in the kitchen

Speaking of Baoji - ancient name Xifu, this place has been one of the political, economic and cultural centers of China since ancient times. Snacks have experienced more than a thousand years of development; absorbing the essence of all parts of the country, absorbing the flavors of national cuisine, excavating and inheriting the skills of court snacks of previous generations, so it is known for its variety and different flavors, and is a dazzling pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culinary culture;

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Today we will talk about Shaanxi Baoji: top ten delicacies, let you travel all over Baoji, the aftertaste is endless!

The first bowl of Baoji cuisine: cheek noodles

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

When you arrive at Baoji, you have to mention Baoji's Qishan Zhenzi noodles, a unique production process, suitable for all ages,

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

It is also a Shaanxi cuisine that tourists yearn for, and its taste is sour and spicy, and the chewy mouth is delicious, and the oil is colorful, which is called a refreshing taste!

Baoji cuisine second bowl: Qishan noodle skin

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

In addition to the Shaanxi Baoji noodles, Qishan noodles are also your good choice, according to legend, during the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang especially liked to eat, once ordered Zhao Gao to visit Baoji to tour the world's cuisine, our first emperor is also a food advocate; the so-called washing powder over the luo spicy delicious, sour vinegar oil spicy garlic, this is a major feature of Shaanxi cuisine.

Baoji Gourmet Bowl 3: Lollipop Noodles

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Here we have to say that Baoji's very famous food "stick noodles" is also known as "biangbiang noodles", folk song fragments: "Skillful hands and mothers will be together, delicious all in the crackling mix". The breadth and thickness of the noodles is one of its major characteristics, followed by the taste is particularly spicy, but it is spicy, because the spicy seeds of Shaanxi are also very present, and I myself am also particularly fond of it, so I have the opportunity to taste this biangbiang noodles.

Baoji Gourmet Bowl 4: Coarse grain mix

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

In addition to the above Shaanxi cuisine, I have to introduce this churn here, which is also a major gastronomic feature of Baoji, one of the traditional cuisines of Baoji! Ancients Cloud: Seventy-two stir golden soup, hot dipped in cold fish turtle calling; this is also a very high evaluation of the delicacy of the churned dough, from the literal understanding is not particularly flavorful?

The fifth bowl of Baoji cuisine: bean blossom steamed buns

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Shaanxi is not only a meat sandwich bun, or lamb steamed bun, bean blossom steamed steamed

Baoji cuisine sixth bowl: soba noodle cold powder

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Cool powder, as the name suggests summer eating to feel its cool and smooth, but in the cold winter can still eat, cut well, captive into strips, sour, spicy and sour and delicious cool, hot summer to reduce dry annoyance, more suitable for travelers who play in the city!

Baoji Cuisine Bowl 7: Lamb Steamed Buns

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

I just mentioned the lamb steamed bun, and now I want to explain it, and my heart will suddenly drool! Although the lamb steamed bun is from the northwest Xinjiang Zanghui region, but after a certain improvement, there are certain innovations in many aspects, the meat rotten soup is thick and crispy, and the number nine bowls of sweaters are counted, so you can definitely feel the different flavor of the lamb steamed bun in Baoji.

Baoji Gourmet Bowl 8: Potato Sticky

Sour vinegar and spicy seed oil poured garlic, eat the girl jumping balls.

Baoji Cuisine Bowl Nine: Pot Helmet

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Before passing by the entrance of the Tangdu Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, a hotel always put on the stereo: "The store has a pot helmet with farmhouse characteristics", I don't know if it is because of the pronunciation or no power short circuit, always listen to "steel with farmhouse characteristics", speaking of this, I have to introduce the pot helmet, the production process is still relatively special, the copied cake sac, the skin crispy tendons, the wheat fragrance four houses, three days and five days taste like first.

Baoji Gourmet Bowl 10: Golden Fry

Xifu Guowei Family Banquet: 10 traditional foods in Baoji, taking you to understand different food cultures

Finally, the tenth ranked delicacy of Baoji, oil noodle tea crisp golden frying, crispy outside and crispy leaf layer inside, oil spicy Po Shou old man.

What is the specific production method, I think real gourmets should come to experience it for themselves, today we introduce this!

For the food of Shaanxi Baoji, there are many more, good scenery is not only to hope that mei quenches thirst, but also need to explore by themselves, I hope that friends who have time can come to Shaanxi to play, enjoy tasting, and discover more food!

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