
"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

Author: Huang Suiping, M.D., Chief Chinese Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Postdoctoral Co-supervisor, Guangdong Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine, is currently the Administrative Director of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face
"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

Recently, I have introduced a lot of Chinese medicine methods and medicinal materials to dispel dampness, and some friends with yin deficiency physique have also left messages saying that they want me to take into account the yin deficiency and talk about the topic of yin nourishment. Today, I will recommend yangyin to everyone.

Yuzhu is a medicinal and food homologous Yin Yang Yin Traditional Chinese Medicine, with the characteristics of nourishing yin without being greasy, suitable for nourishment, but also a guangdong people very much like the one-flavor soup material, what effect does it have? How do you choose when you buy?

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

01 The best medicine

Jade bamboo, belongs to the lily family of perennial herbs, hardy and shade-tolerant, ancient books record that its "stem is strong, like a bamboo arrow, there are knots", so called "jade bamboo" name, and because its drooping leaves are like the ancient official crown drooping, so it is also called "wēi ruí". The plant is used for medicinal purposes at its rhizome, which is harvested and prepared in the autumn and then used for medicinal purposes.

China's first ancient chinese medicine book "Shennong Materia Medica" divides Chinese medicine into three products: upper, middle and lower, the medicine of the upper product is non-toxic, mainly to adjust the tonic, can be taken for a long time, Yuzhu belongs to one of the top medicines.

Yuzhu taste sweet, slightly cold, return to the lungs, stomach meridians, has the effect of nourishing yin and dryness and quenching thirst, suitable for dry and hot cough, jin injury thirst, yin deficiency external sensation of the person to take. In addition, yuzhu also has the ability to delay aging. In addition to prescription medicine, it is usually used to cook soup or cook porridge for diet therapy is a good choice with full color and flavor. Of course, this is only suitable for people with yin deficiency.

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

02 Nourish the yin and moisturize

Yuzhu can nourish the lungs and clear the lung heat, for dry cough without phlegm, even coughing up blood, dry nose hoarseness, afternoon hot flashes, red tongue and little moss and other yin deficiency lungs are a good nourishment product, often with sand ginseng, wheat dong, lily and other uses. Spring is windy, the weather is changeable, especially in the north, there is less rain than in the south, and there are more dry and hot people, so you may wish to try the jade bamboo food therapy at this time.

Yuzhu can nourish the stomach yin and clear the stomach heat, suitable for dry mouth and throat, hunger and appetite, dry stool, stomach pain, dry vomiting hiccups, tongue red and less jin pulse and other people with insufficient stomach yin. Yuzhu is long in nourishing yin, nourishing but not greasy, not hindering the spleen and stomach, and is very suitable for the daily maintenance of people with stomach yin deficiency.

Yuzhu can nourish the heart yin and clear the heart fire, and can be used to cure the symptoms of five upset fever, palpitations, insomnia and dreams, hot flashes and other symptoms of insufficient heart and yin, restlessness, etc., and can be used in combination with acid jujube kernels, mai dong and other drugs. Modern studies have shown that jade bamboo has the effect of treating tachycardia and prephasic contractions. Food therapy fang yu bamboo pot pig heart soup, can nourish the yin and calm the mind, suitable for those who have insufficient yin and mind, and are restless.

Yuzhu nourishes yin and does not love evil, and the "addition and subtraction of Huanrui soup" in Chinese medicine to treat the external feeling of yin deficiency takes yuzhu as the main medicine to nourish the yin and dissolve the evil. With the cure of yin deficiency, external sensation of wind and heat evidence, see headache body heat, slight bad wind chill, no sweat or not much sweat, cough, upset, thirst, dry throat, red tongue, pulse number.

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

03 Quench thirst

Yuzhu Shengjin quenches thirst, often used to treat fever injuries yin consumption liquid, dry mouth, dry tongue, thirst and drinking disease, can be used with sand ginseng, dendrobium, mai dong and so on.

Yuzhu can also be used to treat stomach fever and thirst, it can be seen that the valley is hungry, thirsty and drinking, dry stool, swollen gums and pain, emaciated body, tongue red moss yellow dry, pulse slip empirical syndrome, often with plaster, Zhimu, Mai Dong, smallpox pollen and so on, playing the effect of clearing the stomach.

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

04 Delay aging

"Shennong Materia Medica" about the jade bamboo record: "long service to remove the face black, good color, moisturizing, light body is not old", "Materia Medica" records that jade bamboo can cure "spleen and stomach deficiency, men urinate frequently, sperm loss, all weakness", the ancients have long recognized the tonic effect of jade bamboo on people inside and outside the nourishment, the inside can nourish the yin, the outside can be beautiful and beautiful. Modern research suggests that jade bamboo may have a slowing effect on aging by reducing the damage of free radicals to body tissues through its antioxidant effect.

‖ Dietary remedies

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face
"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face

Yuzhu lily lean broth

Ingredients: 30 g of jade bamboo, 30 g of lilies, 300 g of lean pork, 3 slices of ginger (for 2 people).

Directions: Wash the bamboo and lilies, wash the lean pork and slice it, cook it slowly with the ginger until the meat is cooked, add salt to taste, eat meat and drink soup.

Effect: Nourish yin and dryness, cough and cough, beauty and beauty.

Yuzhu has the effect of nourishing yin and dryness, quenching thirst, delaying aging, lily can nourish yin and clear heat, nourish sperm and blood, both are shared, nourish the lungs and stomach, beauty and beauty, with the treatment of dry mouth and throat, dry cough without phlegm, hunger and appetite, upset insomnia and other symptoms. If you are hot and dry, you may wish to try this bowl of soup.

How to choose Yuzhu

The jade bamboo on the market is very common, the price is low, it is a soup material that many friends often have at home, how to choose the jade bamboo is also a problem that many people care about, tell everyone a few tips for selecting jade bamboo.

Shape: The shape of jade bamboo is long cylindrical and slightly flat, less branches, and the length and width of jade bamboo are relatively high in quality, so you can focus on picking a large head. The cross-section of good quality jade bamboo is usually flat or rectangular, and the outer wall of the cross-section is thick and mostly keratinized.

Color: The appearance of jade bamboo is white or pale yellow, which is of better quality, and if its color is too dark, it indicates that the quality of jade bamboo is relatively poor.

Taste: Jade bamboo can be chewed raw to eat, good jade bamboo is easy to break, the taste is sweet and refreshing, chewed grainy, no dregs.

【Source: Huang Suiping said spleen and stomach 】

"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face
"Nourish the yin and a treasure", add a little to the soup, nourish and nourish the face