
One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

After the one piece 1037 episode intelligence update, the content of this plot is quite amazing, really into the tense atmosphere, this is also the first time to feel the oppression of the plot after entering the country of Peace, many people after watching, they all pay attention to the uninformed fruit said in the mouth of the five old stars, but they do not know that there are two details, but it is also very worthy of everyone's study, the five old stars mentioned robin's fate, they also always pay attention to Robin's movements, there is a decisive battle about Kaido and Luffy, unconsciously, Luffy has improved his strength again, and Kaido has become more and more exposed to weaknesses, let's analyze it together.

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

Why did the five old stars think that Robin had been caught?

When the five old stars discussed the awakening of the fruit, they were still inseparable from Robin, and the first sentence said that robin had been caught now. I don't know where the five old stars come from, why do they think Robin has been caught? Are they so confident in cp0? The five old stars are inevitably too overestimated cp0, do they think that as long as cp0 shoots, there is nothing that cannot be done, plus the people of the Straw Hat Regiment and the two four emperors are in a decisive battle, and at this time, cp0 is the best opportunity, and no one can stop them.

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

So the five old stars are accurate to calculate the battle situation, so give a sure conclusion, in their consciousness, Robin has been caught, what is not known is that Robin not only did not fall into the net, but also successfully escaped, and the person who protected Robin, is the king of the soul Brooke, even if cp0 and Brooke fight, they can not easily win, and Robin is actually one of the objects that the five old stars want to destroy, because Robin could not survive in this world, she is a threat to the five old stars.

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

The five old stars underestimated the strength of the straw hat group, which is the most conceited side of the five old stars, thinking that the people of the straw hat group are supernovae who have just come out, it is impossible to suppress the two four emperors, and even there is no way to resist cp0, so the five old stars are very sure that Robin was caught, but unfortunately, the straw hat group has always used strength to perform miracles, this time the five old stars are wrong.

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

Teacher Kaido rolled his eyes again

On the other hand, the fierce battle between Kaido and Luffy has reached a climax, Kaido showed amazing power after drinking, continuously using unseen stunts, although he had a slight upper hand, but in the face of luffy now, Kaido's moves were not practical at all, Luffy quickly dodged, and kaido's stick was controlled before kaido made a move, and then Luffy kicked kaido's abdomen, causing kaido to roll his eyes and vomit blood in his mouth, Luffy looked at him very strictly, afraid of missing the last blow.

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

I can only say that Luffy's growth rate is really amazing, this is the second time Kaido was beaten by Luffy rolled his eyes, before you can say kaido released water, but now it seems that Luffy does have such strength to fight kaido, in this battle, Luffy understands the overlord color entanglement, on the basis of domineering continuous development, what is Luffy can not learn, it is almost to Kaido's last fatal move, if Kaido falls, do you think the combat strength collapsed?

One Piece 1037 Words: Why do the five old stars think that Robin has been captured? Kaido rolled his eyes again

Well, this issue of One Piece will talk about here, I hope that the guest officials can like Oh, the picture source network, invasion and deletion. If you like this article, welcome to like, comment and share Oh, thank you for your support, the later will continue to update the wonderful anime content Oh, if there are different opinions, welcome to leave a message Oh.

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