
In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

There was a general who lived in peacetime but made many military achievements, and was the only general who created a miracle of a three-level ascension, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander. Admiral Zhang Zhen also paid tribute to him, directly indicating at a meeting that the general could not salute. This general during the construction of New China was named Wang Yingzhou.

Wang Yingzhou came out of the Fifty-fourth Army, where he went from an ordinary soldier to deputy commander and participated in almost all the wars since the founding of New China. Among the various heroes of the Fifty-fourth Army, Wang Yingzhou may not be the most famous, but he has something to praise and discuss.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Wang Yingzhou joined the army at the age of 17, and during the Korean War, he stayed on the coast, participated in some wars, and initially accumulated some combat experience. In the Tibetan war against bandits, surrounded by bandits in the temple, with his tenacious will to persist until reinforcements arrived, this was his first appearance.

The Sino-Indian border conflict chased the enemy in the jungle, annihilated the enemy for three hundred, and won the third class merit. Wang Yingzhou's prominence in the war was noticed by the leaders, and he was promoted as a cadre shortly after the end of the Sino-Indian border war and became a grassroots platoon leader.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Speaking of Wang Yingzhou, there is another very significant feature that must be mentioned, that is, he is a general with a broken arm. Two years after the Sino-Indian border conflict, Wang Yingzhou was already a company commander in 1964 when the People's Liberation Army launched a big competition, in order to prepare for the big contest of the whole army, he led the whole regiment to practice live ammunition, and it was also in this live ammunition exercise that Wang Yingzhou lost his right hand.

He lost his right hand in order to save his comrades-in-arms, compared to the previous opportunities, this time is really a major blow in Wang Yingzhou's life, and he is facing the dilemma of being forced to retire. Wang Yingzhou grew up in the army, and has been groping in the army for so many years, from an ordinary soldier to a company commander.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Thinking about it, he must not be willing to leave the army, unwilling to waste the experience he has learned over the years and the ability he has accumulated, unwilling to leave the familiar army and his dear comrades-in-arms, unwilling to return to his hometown to start all over again.

So he stayed in the army with his tenacious will, and not long after the operation, he began to practice writing with his left hand and shooting guns diligently, and it took three months to prove to the leaders that he could live normally in the army with only one left hand.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

While trying to practice not to make yourself a waste, apply to leaders at all levels. This tenacity led the leaders to make an extraordinary decision to keep Wang Yingzhou in the army.

Every era needs spiritual leaders to create the Chinese spirit of the new era and lead the mainstream thinking. Lei Feng during the construction period and Zhang Guimei today are both models. Wang Yingzhou was the spiritual leader needed in his time, he was a famous advanced model in the whole army, although he lost a hand, he was still an indispensable presence in the army.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

In 1975, 36-year-old Wang Yingzhou suddenly received an order for him to take office. He was promoted directly from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, jumping up three levels. It should be known that in times of war there are many opportunities for people to build up their military merits to promote their positions, but there are not many opportunities for such opportunities in peacetime.

However, the promotion of this sensational everyone is not entirely due to Wang Yingzhou's strength, but also partly because of the change of policy. In the period of socialist construction, when people grope forward, it is inevitable that they will take some detours and affect all fields.

Young students went to the mountains and the countryside, and the generals in the army could not escape this fate. This catastrophe has caused a crisis of faults in the military leadership, which is very dangerous for China, which is still unstable and under construction, and at such a critical juncture, the leaders at higher levels have put forward the policy of combining "the old, the middle, and the young."

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

That is to say, we must pay close attention to promoting new people, and Wang Yingzhou is the person who has been selected by the leadership to focus on promotion. You must know that before this, Wang Yingzhou was only equivalent to a middle-level commander, and now he has leapt to become a strategic commander commanding tens of thousands of people. Wang Yingzhou did not lose himself because of this, did not confine himself to the dilemma of insufficient ability, and did not be proud of himself

Ability and luck. He was as down-to-earth and conscientious as ever, living up to the expectations of his leaders and fighters. Because he was promoted across levels, many of his subordinates were actually much older than Wang Yingzhou, and their abilities and experience were more abundant.

Wang Yingzhou was not ashamed to ask for advice from his subordinates for fear of being felt by others that he was not worthy of the position, but was diligent in asking them for advice. At that time, the military commander Han Huaizhi was the chief of staff of the division when Wang Yingzhou was a recruit, and his subordinates were also veterans who had experienced the War of Resistance.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Wang Yingzhou humbly asked these predecessors with real talent and practical learning, not afraid of suffering or tiredness, and once again took out his previous spirit on the battlefield to improve his ability. The skills wang Yingzhou learned came in handy in the later counterattack against Vietnam, and did not live up to the expectations and careful guidance of his predecessors.

In the 1979 counterattack against Vietnam, Wang Yingzhou, as a deputy commander, did not choose to sit in the rear command and watch the soldiers fight. Perhaps he wanted to accumulate more experience, feeling that what he had learned from his predecessors was not real enough, or perhaps the position of deputy commander brought him not only an honor but also a heavy responsibility.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

When it came time to discuss the reward for meritorious deeds at the end of the war, Wang Yingzhou believed that there were too many heroic soldiers in the Fifty-fourth Army, and those soldiers at the forefront were the ones who deserved to be rewarded the most. He has always been concerned about the soldiers, never forgetting his own heart, and the reward for meritorious deeds after the war is like this, and he often goes to the grassroots level to understand the situation of the most grassroots fighters on weekdays.

In 1985, Wang Yingzhou was transferred from the post of deputy commander to the Henan Provincial Military Region. In 1994, when the leading cadres were streamlined, General Zhang Zhen personally came to the Henan Provincial Military Region to take charge of this matter. When he saw Wang Yingzhou, he said to him, "Salute, you will be spared." "Invisibly reaffirms his achievements over the past many years.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Where does this sentence come from, I think there are two factors. On the one hand, it is the reality factor on the surface, the salute is to use the right hand, Wang Yingzhou's right hand has been blown up when saving his comrades-in-arms. Wang Zhen may have spared him military salutes in an approachable tone.

On the other hand, it is out of admiration for an advanced model, a person who was really born and died on the battlefield. Capable and resilient people can always be appreciated and admired, and this time the streamlining, only one of the six leading cadres was left, and this cadre was Wang Yingzhou.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Wang Yingzhou's life was a life of birth and opportunism. He was undoubtedly a hero, born in an era when heroes were needed. At that time, China was not stable enough, and our ancestors let most of the country be controlled by ourselves, but the turmoil on the border was like the aftershocks after the earthquake that constantly disturbed the stability of the new China.

He has participated in almost all border wars since the founding of New China, he is the only general who has jumped to the third level, and he is the only one-armed general since the founding of New China. Even the respect of others for him became a testimony to his great ability and quality, and was once again praised as a miracle.

In peacetime, he was promoted to the fourth rank in a row, from deputy regimental commander to deputy commander, and the chief did not allow him to salute

Although China has many neighbors and internal and external troubles, brave warriors such as Wang Yingzhou are also emerging in an endless stream, who have made this era more and more full of peace and beauty, and have also made heroes more and more worthy of admiration and remembrance. A tribute to the heroes who have come along the way.

The Chinese spirit has also emerged in an endless stream, from the construction period to the reform and opening up period. Some things are changing, some things need to be persevered. Wang Yingzhou's spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work, having tenacity, modestly pursuing progress, and sacrificing his life to save others is also very worthy of people's learning today.

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