
The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

In this world

It's hard to help yourself

In addition to teeth, there is love

Unexpected heartbeat, missed heartache

Beauty carries wounds, and pain looks for hope

Teeth, from the moment they erupt

It's like we started with our first love

Go and experience the five tastes of love

It seems to understand our whole lives before we are born

Deciduous teeth are the first group of teeth in our lives. They accompanied us to taste the delicacies of the world for the first time, witnessing our teeth and teeth, but at that time, we did not know what we were going to experience, let alone what pain was.

Underneath each deciduous tooth, there is a permanent tooth that will develop, and when the deciduous tooth falls out, the permanent tooth will erupt and replace the original deciduous tooth.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

In our lifetime, deciduous teeth spend a short time with us (they begin to fall out around the age of 6), but they maintain the space before the permanent teeth grow. It's like our first heartbeat is an exercise in the emotional life that follows.

No matter how beautiful the young love is, it will also have new choices because of our maturity. If the permanent teeth have erupted and the deciduous teeth have not fallen out, a double row of teeth is formed, which will affect eating and aesthetics.

Learning to face leaving is also part of growing up.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Young and young, the most difficult thing to learn is to cherish, always feel that the road of life is still very long, there will be time to make up.

Just like we always think that the problem of deciduous teeth does not need to be ignored, but we do not know that we miss the present, but we will have to spend more energy to save it later.

Deciduous teeth appear ill (deciduous caries), and without aggressive treatment may:

Permanent tooth embryonic hypoplasia, asymmetrical facial development, tooth irregularity affect the appearance, and severe malnutrition will occur.

Tiger teeth are actually the product of crowded dentition, also known as canine teeth.

Generally, because the tiger tooth erupts later than the teeth on both sides of it (front teeth and molars), the tiger teeth are squeezed into a position other than the dental arch.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Although the tiger teeth are late, they are sharp and powerful, the roots of the teeth are deep and long, and they are not easy to decay, and they are the teeth that have been retained in our mouths for the longest time.

Tiger tooth rarely causes us pain, so much so that we often forget about it. But the powerful tiger teeth still silently help us tear up food, charge forward, and dedicate the longest emotional companionship.

Death and life are broad, and Zi Cheng said. Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son. Do you remember the tiger teeth that your lover showed when he smiled?

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Usually, tiger teeth cannot be easily extracted, and at most they are corrected.

Unless severe caries occur, there is no value preserved.

Tiger teeth grow in a special position, located in curved bends on both sides of the corners of the mouth, supporting the corners of our mouth and the contours of our faces. People who lose tiger teeth will cause the nasolabial fold to deepen and make people look old.

Don't wait to lose it, only to find the preciousness of ordinary love.

The front teeth and the molar teeth jointly assume the function of chewing food, just like husband and wife, each with a division of labor, together to support a home.

Front teeth are like wives, working women, not only are "face value bearers", but also work hard to take care of the family.

Molars are like husbands, working silently, undertaking all kinds of dirty and tiring work.

In the little bits and pieces of time, trivialities will dilute the intensity of love, and after many years, each other ignores each other's feelings because of habits.

Until I lost, I didn't know the value of each other, without each other, even the simplest chewing was difficult to complete, and life became messy (bruxism).

The treasure of having it is in that moment when you don't care.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Wisdom teeth, medically known as the "third molar", usually begin to grow around the age of 20, when we are physiologically and psychologically mature, so it is called wisdom teeth.

With the evolution of human beings, we no longer need wisdom teeth, but it is still unwilling and always wants to intrude into your life and remind you of its existence with "inflammation".

Even if you suffer a lot of pain, you still don't have the courage to choose to cut it off completely. After the pain, they will choose to forgive and continue to live peacefully with it.

This is more like love that appears at an inappropriate time, falling in love with someone who should not be loved, and after the blazing fire of the moth, there is only the long love and regret for the rest of the life.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

However, wisdom teeth rarely have happy endings.

Unless it happens to be in the normal direction of growth, it has enough room to grow, so that it will not bring you disease and pain. However, the conditions left for wisdom teeth are too harsh.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

The price of growth may be to let some parts of one's body die, just like the autumn leaves fall and become nourishment, so that the trees of the coming year are tall and strong, and can withstand the wind and rain.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Teeth are the strongest organs of the human body, which can survive for thousands of years, like great love carved on stone tablets forever.

The teeth are very fragile, can not resist the corrosion of acid substances, and the sweet mountain alliance sea oath has gradually changed its taste over the years.

Under the constant attack of plaque biofilm, when the dentin of the innermost layer of the tooth is destroyed and the pulp can no longer be protected, the tooth becomes extremely sensitive and the pain will always linger (caries).

If you don't want to have your teeth removed, you can opt for root canal therapy, which kills necrotic pulp nerves and preserves the shell of the teeth, but the teeth will be more fragile.

This is the way life is, either because of habits, or because of the eyes of the outside world, carefully maintaining relationships. Or noisy, or respectful as guests, or seemingly in harmony with god, and live day by day.

Teeth that can no longer be repaired will eventually be completely removed.

After the tooth extraction, the position of the original tooth, there will be a defect, to be replanted in time, otherwise it may affect the left and right teeth and the corresponding bite of the tooth, so that the entire oral bite relationship changes.

Restarting a new tooth (denture insertion) is like forming a new family, digging deep into the alveolar bone to pile up and repeatedly grinding and trying. There is no vigorous inflammation and bleeding, but there is the same pace, which can tolerate the shortcomings of the other party.

Although it has been hurt, the rebooted life can also be a comedy.

The look of love is in these 6 teeth!

Cherish when you have it, and don't regret it when you lose it

Believe in yourself and find the right "other tooth"

The tooth is broken and can be repaired

Feelings are "sick", don't think it can be healed automatically

Stop loss in time

Only then can it embrace the sunshine of the next journey

What kind of teeth is your love like?

Feel free to leave your story in the comments section.~

Review expert: Yang Ye

Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Stomatology, PLA General Hospital


ZHOU Xuedong. Endodontics of the tooth[M]. 5. People's Medical Publishing House, 2020.

Zhang Volunteer. Oral and maxillofacial surgery[M].8.People's Medical Publishing House, 2020.

He Sangang. Oral anatomy and physiology[M]. 8. People's Medical Publishing House, 2020.

Author: Du Juan, Guo Qian | Design: The Song of the Little Crocodile

Editors: Guo Qian, Emgrand, Zhang Liang

Typesetting: Han Ningning | Proofreader: Wu Yihe

Operations: Li Yongmin | Coordinator: Wu Wei

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