
Yang Xin: East Road Zizi drama "Nephew Finds Uncle" performance

After more than a month of rehearsal, at the beginning of the new year, Yangxin ushered in the first report performance of the East Road Zizi drama "Nephew Looking for Uncle".

Yang Xin: East Road Zizi drama "Nephew Finds Uncle" performance

The small drama "Nephew Looking for Uncle" is written by Li Shuangyin, directed by Liu Junzhang, composed by Liu Chunguang, Li Shuangyin of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Center plays the uncle of the mother-in-law, Zhang Jinhuan plays the sister of the mother-in-law, and Li Wei of the Lv Opera Art Protection and Inheritance Center in Kenli District, Dongying City plays the nephew. The play reflects that the uncle returned to his hometown to invest in entrepreneurship and benefit the fathers and elders of his hometown, but the nephew wanted to use the relationship between his mother and uncle to seek personal benefits, and the uncle, as an old party member, did not forget his original intention, fed his hometown, selflessly dedicated, and interpreted the glorious mission of communist party members with practical actions.

Yang Xin: East Road Zizi drama "Nephew Finds Uncle" performance

As one of the older opera genres in Shandong Province, the East Road Zizi is on the verge of extinction. The Yangxin County Intangible Cultural Heritage Center began excavation and protection of the East Road Zizi in 2014. In 2016, Donglu Zizi was approved as the fourth batch of intangible cultural heritage projects in Shandong Province. At present, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Center has excavated and sorted out a number of classic plays of the East Road Zizi such as "Double Lock Mountain", "White Tiger Tent" and "Peach Blossom Temple", transplanted the traditional play "Qingfeng Pavilion", and created the small drama "Nephew Finds Uncle", "Two Eggs Make a Cow", "Who Is Confused" and so on.

The next step of the Yangxin County Intangible Cultural Heritage Center will take this exhibition as an opportunity to actively promote the inheritance and protection of the East Road Zizi, publicize and promote the Yangxin cultural business card of the East Road Zizi, improve the popularity of the East Road Zizi, and contribute to the construction of a culturally strong county.

(Reporting by Cheng Pengpeng, client reporter of Dazhong Daily, correspondent Zhai Chengxin, and Feng Bo)

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