
"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

Can you understand the concept of "soaking a pack of noodles" and helping you "cook noodles", is it different? Can you understand?

The same is eaten as noodles, but the way of eating is different, why is its concept different?

If you read this article, you will definitely say that this person is just too idle. Then hopefully you'll be able to read it and you'll know why I'm saying that.

Before I say it, let's tell you a story that I have heard.

"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

That year, he had not graduated from college for a long time, and he had been looking for a job for a long time, and he always did not meet the right one. After months of submitting his resume, he finally found a job that suited him.

It was because of this job that he met his current wife. At that time, they were just students who had just come out of school. She is also good-looking, and there will always be many people of the opposite sex around to take the initiative to show kindness. But the others were impatient, and when the girls rejected them, they left.

Only the boy has not given up, so at the boy's insistence, she chose to agree to him. So, they started dating like other couples, and went shopping together after work to eat and watch movies. Then go back to their rented place. In this way, their relationship is getting better and better.

One day, while they were chatting aimlessly, the boy asked a question that had been bothering him. At that time, the people who chased you were better than me, and there were many reasons why you chose me.

"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

The girl thought about it for a moment and then replied, it is true that in the beginning, there were indeed people who were better than you, but those people did not really give. They just talk more and do less. Their concerns are more superficial.

It's like going down again, I didn't bring an umbrella, I called to tell you where I was, and you ran over and gave me an umbrella without saying anything. At that time, I was also very impressed. At this time, I feel that you are a person worthy of trust. Because people who really love me and care about me will always be good to me.

It's like when I'm hungry in the middle of the night, when there's nothing out there to eat, I tell you I'm hungry. Some people may have done this by telling me that there is instant noodles in the refrigerator, so you can make it yourself later.

And you're different, you don't tell me to go clubbing because it's late. Instead, he got up and helped me cook the noodles and added two eggs.

At this point in the story, do you understand? Why do you say that the person who lets you "make a bubble noodle" and the person who helps you "cook the noodles" is what is the difference between them?

"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

Oh, yes! Loving or not loving you will be very physically honest, and he will not lie to you. Many people always want to know whether the other person loves themselves or not. If we observe with our hearts, we can actually see it in the small details of our lives.

Love is not right or wrong, but man is right and wrong. One cannot listen to happy people, although sweet words everyone likes to hear. But if you want to say something sweet, what is the role of saying it well.

Love can't just follow the feelings, not asking right or wrong, not caring about the results. As long as you like other people, you can ignore it, happy moment is a moment, happiness is a moment.

This kind of thinking is wrong, love can not only follow the feelings, more often also depends on whether the other party is worth your efforts. You know, love for a person, this life is happy. Loving the wrong person can ruin your life.

This is not alarmist, but a fact summed up by the experience of many people. What kind of person to choose, walk through your next life, really have a different ending.

"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

As the saying goes: "The most important decision in a person's life is not where to settle down, nor which line of work to make a living, but what kind of person to choose as his lifelong partner." Because it is this person who wants to spend the rest of your life holding hands with you and walking the long road of the future together. ”

Yes, the choice is really important, so what kind of person should we choose in the relationship, whether to choose the person who lets you "make a bowl of noodles" or help you "cook noodles".

I think of course choose the latter, because in a relationship, no matter how good it is, it is also false. And those who do what they say can really give you happiness.

Because he understands your efforts, can respond to your efforts, and can be consistent in appearance. Even if you can still maintain it after getting you, then such a person is worth trusting.

"Brewing a bag of noodles" and helping you to "cook noodles" are not the same concept, can you understand?

You must know that in an intimate relationship, two people pay unequally, then it is difficult to achieve equality in the relationship, and it is even more difficult to go long.

So, do you really understand why the concept of "making a bubble of noodles" is different from helping you to "cook noodles"?

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