
Kickball vegetable monster insoles? Waist injury repeatedly affects the play, how to treat the disease becomes "waist good foot hard"

"Soft waist", this word to describe the Current stage of Chinese players is the most appropriate, in addition to the inability to face the strong team to come up with the temperament it should have, largely because the player is really a waist disease. It is worth mentioning that football, as a highly confrontational physical sport, whether it is a collision between players or a shot, a pass or a turn, will increase the risk of waist injury. The gospel of the kicker's waist pain comes at this moment, wearing a special insole, making it easier for the player to play out the "world wave" with "good waist and hard feet".

Kickball vegetable monster insoles? Waist injury repeatedly affects the play, how to treat the disease becomes "waist good foot hard"

Waist, for men self-evident. The waist is the most important connection part of the human body, and many activities of people need to be supported by the waist, and it is even more important for the kicker. A complete shooting action requires the rotation of the spine and waist to transmit the strength of the self and the lower limbs. The force of the kicking movement is concentrated on the side of the spine, especially in the lower back. Moreover, kickers often suddenly need to change direction, make emergency stops, etc. without the ball, all of which rely on the support of the lower back muscles. Not to mention, the head ball, the scramble for the top, and the physical confrontation all rely on the strength of the waist.

Kickball vegetable monster insoles? Waist injury repeatedly affects the play, how to treat the disease becomes "waist good foot hard"

According to rough statistics, most of the national football players who participated in Li Xiaopeng's first phase have suffered waist injuries. Some international footballers even have prolonged muscle strain, strain, and even severe lumbar cracks. In the face of a series of diseases that are easily available to kickers, such as sprains of the psoas muscle, supraspinal ligament injuries, and lumbosacral joint injuries, if we do a good job of "treating the disease before the disease", we can reduce the occurrence of diseases that hurt kickers. For example, wearing a highly targeted insole for the podiatric profession is an effective way to "cure the disease".

Kickball vegetable monster insoles? Waist injury repeatedly affects the play, how to treat the disease becomes "waist good foot hard"

Good insoles can contribute to the problem of foot, leg and waist pain. Focus on scientific research and innovation in the field of scientific and technological health insoles for a long time, so as to create a "black technology" full of insoles. In fact, in the training and competition of the kicker, the excessive stretching of the lumbar spine and the surrounding muscle tissue leads to muscle tissue damage in the waist, which is very suitable for wearing such a pair of insoles. Therefore, players who have been injured in the waist for a long time because of kicking can trust this "exclusive customization" insoles.

Kickball vegetable monster insoles? Waist injury repeatedly affects the play, how to treat the disease becomes "waist good foot hard"

As the saying goes: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." When Chinese players put on their jerseys and stand on the green field, they are shouldering an important mission. But injuries to the waist not only affect the players' performance, but also greatly reduce their football career. The good insole becomes the gospel of the kicker, so that the kicker can stabilize the support, balance the body to protect the ankle, so as to dissolve the impact of all parties and reduce the chance of waist injury. That is to say, a good insole can make technology empower "waist and good feet hard", but also let you healthy out of the "world wave" in the green field is no longer far away.