
Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Cultural Relics, No. 07, 2001, Datong Archaeological Research Institute

In March 2000, when the Datong Municipal Electric Power Company was building a residential building for employees in Nanguan, the city, found an ancient tomb in the foundation of Building 10. Upon learning of the situation, the Datong Archaeological Research Institute quickly dispatched personnel to conduct a comprehensive drilling of the construction site (building foundations No. 8, 9 and 10) and to carry out rescue clean-up and excavation of the 15 ancient tombs (number ml-M15) that were explored. The situation is presented below.

A tomb shape system

These tombs are located at the southern end of Nanguan Yingbin West Road in the urban area, south of the city's zhonghang office building (Figure 1), arranged in an orderly manner, without breaking the superimposed relationship. The tombs are opened under the soil layer of 0.3 to 0.6 meters, and the tomb forms include brick chamber tombs (M3, M7) and cave chamber tombs, and the cave chamber tombs can be divided into knife handle shape (M6, M14, M9, M11) and straight wall shape. The shaft-type tomb passages are all opened on the south side of the cave chamber, the bottom is gentlely sloped, inclined towards the tomb door, the opening is larger than the bottom of the tomb, and it is in the shape of a narrow staircase in the south width and north. The direction is 172. ~186。。 The opening of the cave is sealed with unburned adobe. The soil in the tomb is filled with five-flowered soil and has not been rammed. There are more than one-person burials, and there are 2 joint burial tombs for husband and wife, namely M9 and M14. The burial style is mainly based on the upright limbs on the back, and only the M8 case is in the form of a supine curved limb. Except for the coffin of M14.M4, no traces of plate ash were found in other tombs (see Table 1). The following are several well-preserved and representative tombs.

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb
Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

1. M3 north adjacent to M4, vertical cave tomb road brick chamber tomb, direction 185. The plan of the tomb is curved square, with gray thick rope stripes of 30, 16 and 6 cm in length, width and thickness, and the tomb wall is built with three shun and one ding, with a residual height of 1.26, an east-west length of 3.2, and a length of 3 meters from north to south. The yongdao is located at the southern end of the burial chamber and is rectangular in plan. In the early years, it was seriously disturbed, and fragments of artifacts and skeletons were scattered throughout the tomb. No floor tiles. Burial artifacts include pottery, copper ear digging and "Kaiyuan Tongbao" money.

2. M14 Cao's tomb, north of Ml, shaft-type tomb road earthen cave tomb. The plane is "T" shaped, direction 182. The tomb is located at the southern end of the cave, 2 long, 0.75 to 0.66 wide, and 3.08-3.2 meters deep from the surface. The tomb entrance is blocked with adobe bricks, and the plan of the cave chamber is rounded and trapezoidal. Raw soil "concave" shaped coffin bed, 0.14 meters above the bottom of the tomb, placed on top of a coffin, about 1.76 meters long, width and height are unknown. Two people are buried in the coffin, two existing skeletons, the head is west and foot east, the limbs are straight on the back, and the burial artifacts are placed in the southwest corner of the burial chamber, and the upper mouth of the tomb is 0.65 meters from the bottom of the tomb, and the tombstone 1 and the "Kaiyuan Tongbao" coin [piece (Figure 2).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

3. M9 east adjacent to M10, vertical cave tomb road cave tomb, flat in the shape of a curved back knife handle, direction 182. The tomb is located at the southern end of the burial chamber, 1.8 meters long and 0.64-0.74 meters wide. The tomb door is sealed with adobe. The burial chamber is located at the northern end of the tomb road, with a vaulted cave roof height of 1.78 meters and a bottom distance of 3.48 meters from the surface. The "concave" shaped earthen platform is 0.22 meters high, with two skeletons in the west, and the head and south feet are straight and straight, which should be buried together for husband and wife, without coffin traces. The burial artifacts are placed in the middle of the cave and near the deceased, and the epitaph is placed in the tomb passage (Fig. 3).

4. M4 south of M3, vertical cave tomb road earthen cave tomb, direction 183. The tomb is located at the southern end of the burial chamber, 1.97 meters long and 0.76 to 0.89 meters wide, with a slope at the bottom of the tomb and a depth of 3.05-3.36 meters from the current surface. Vaulted roof, the height of the cave is 0.64 to 1.08 meters. The cave is trapezoidal in plan, 2.7 meters long and 0.54-0.86 meters wide, and has a built-in coffin, which is 1.75 meters long and 0.4-0.58 meters wide. The deceased was female, with straight limbs on her back. Burial artifacts are placed at the southern end of the cave and inside the coffin (fig. 4).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

2. Burial utensils

The burial items are mainly pottery, and some tombs are buried with bronze mirrors or several copper coins, ornaments, etc. The location of the burial utensils is generally placed between the tomb passage and the burial chamber, that is, at the south end of the burial chamber, small utensils are placed next to the corpse in the coffin, and the copper coin is placed in the mouth or hand of the deceased.

A total of 19 pieces of pottery were excavated from the 1.15 tombs, the texture is clay gray pottery and red pottery, and the combination of wheeling and mold printing and pasting is adopted. Most of the utensils are coated with white pottery and then painted in red and black.

Type I tower-shaped clay pots 6 pieces. Specimen M6-1, clay pottery, wheeled, composed of three parts: lid, jar and seat, can be separated; The round lip of the tank is rolled out, the mouth is slightly skimmed, the round shoulders are bulging, the lower abdomen is slightly adducted, flat bottom, and the instrument seat is flared. The whole body is hung with white pottery coats and painted, the lid is painted with red color, and the four peony flowers are depicted with ink lines around the tank, filled with red paint, four petals are painted on the shoulders, and 5 peony flowers are painted on the seat. Pass height 49.8, caliber 16.2, maximum abdominal diameter 31.2, seat diameter 15-23.4 cm (Figure 5: ).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Type II tower tank 2 pieces. Specimen M14-1, plain clay pottery, consists of three parts: lid, jar and seat, the shape is the same as type I, but six single-petaled lotuses and 6 groups of animal heads are molded and pasted on the shoulder and abdomen of the jar. The height is 58.2, the caliber is 19.2, and the maximum abdominal diameter is 36 cm (Figure 7).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Type III tower tank 1 piece. Specimen M4-1, clay pottery, composed of lid, jar and seat, can be separated. Cover round sub-mouth, cover surface bulge, top as a tower-shaped button; The jar is rounded outward, the upper abdomen is rounded, the lower abdomen is obliquely straight, and the small flat bottom; Flared base, the overall shape is thinner and longer than I. and II. The whole body is white and yellow color string stripe, and the lotus pattern is covered with ink thread. Height 55.8, caliber 14.4, base diameter 12.4, base diameter 12.5 to 31.5 cm (Fig. 5:2).

IV. Type tank 1 piece. Specimen M8-1, clay pottery, wheeled, plain, round lip open, short neck, round shoulders, bulging abdomen flat bottom. Three peony flowers are painted in white paint on the shoulders and abdomen, with a height of 21.1, a diameter of 9.2, and a bottom diameter of 12.3 cm (Fig. 5:5).

Pot 3 pieces. Specimens M4-2 and Mll-2. Clay pottery, plain surface, mouth pinched into three petals, slender neck, round shoulders and bulging abdomen, flat bottom, along the shoulders of each pinch "U" shaped belt through the button, peach-shaped lid and the mouth of the pot to form a wind head shape, the pot seat is a corset flared mouth. Height 62, abdominal diameter 24.6, base diameter 13.8, seat diameter 25.8 cm (Fig. 5: 3, 4).

Bowl 1 piece. Specimen M12-1, clay pottery, wheeled, plain, square lip, round shoulder bulge belly, flat bottom. The height is 15.6, the caliber is 8.8, the abdominal diameter is 18.8, and the bottom diameter is 11.8 cm (Fig. 5:6).

1 piece of three-color jar. Specimen M2-1, clay terracotta tire, round lip open, short thick neck, round shoulder bulging abdomen, flat bottom. Yellow and green glaze is applied throughout, the inside of the vessel is glazed, and the glaze on the outside of the vessel is not as good as the bottom, and there are wax tear marks. Height 11.7, caliber 10, abdominal diameter 14.8, bottom diameter 8.25 cm (Fig. 5:7, Fig. 6).

2. 1 piece of green glaze injection pot. Specimen M9-1, flared mouth excitation, thin neck, slip shoulders, oval deep abdomen, double band crank connected to the neck shoulder, cylindrical short flow at the corresponding shoulder and handle, solid foot round cake shape at the bottom. The glaze is not enough to the bottom, and there are no wax tear marks. The bottom foot is exposed, and the carcass is thick. The cyan enamel is delicate, crystal clear, with fine ice cracks, and white makeup under the glaze. The height is 11.7, the abdominal diameter is 8.1, the diameter is 4.5, and the bottom diameter is 4.8 cm (Figure 8).

3. Bronze 27 pieces, including mirrors, buckles, bands, earrings, plutonium, copper coins. 1 workpiece. Specimen M4-2, finch-wound flower branch mirror, round button, eight-petal rhombus-shaped. The inner cut is round, the button is outside the four birds, the four folded branches are surrounded by flowers, the two golden cranes spread their wings and fly, the wings of the two geese are not open and standing, the flowers and branches are four leaves and two flowers, and the four bee butterflies with the edges of the wings are arranged alternately with four two leaves and one bud folded branch flowers. The watch is silvery-white, with a maximum diameter of 9.4 cm (Fig. 11: left).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Type II mirror 1 piece. Specimen M1-2, eight sunflower-shaped, round buttons. Four different groups of large flower branches are divided into two petals, and the four-petaled flower buds are similar in two pairs, which are open buds, one petal is the first bloom of the bud, and the other is not released with buds. Diameter 18.2 cm (fig. 10).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

III. Mirror 1 piece. Residue, specimen M6-2, square rounded corners, plain wide rim, under the edge of the bead pattern, the corner to do cirrus pattern, incision of three circles, from the new seat outward to do a straight line, engraved on the inside of the "Heavenly Gate", "Heavenly Thief", "Heavenly Wealth" and "Ji", "Fierce" date, etc. (Figure ---: right).

1 piece of brass buckle. Specimen M13-2, an oval copper ring connected to a copper sheet, with shafts on both sides that can be rotated freely, and a perforated tongue in the ring (Fig. 12:2).

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

Copper belt decoration 5 pieces. Divided into two types, I. type 1 piece. Specimen M13-4, one end is semi-circular, one end is square, nearly square to make rectangular holes, near the circle to make two nail holes, long 2.9, wide 2.1, thick 0.1 cm. Type II. 4 pieces, specimen M13-3, rectangular, each of the four corners of a nail hole, near the side of the rectangular hole, length 3, width 2.8, thickness 0.1 cm (Fig. 12:3).

Copper ear digging 1 piece. Specimen M3-1, with tweezers at one end and a spoon-shaped ear end, is 12 cm long (Fig. 12:6).

Copper noodles 2 pieces. Specimen M9-4, oval at the end, connected in two strands, 8.8 cm long (Fig. 12:4).

Copper coins 15 pieces. Specimens M9-2 and M14-3. Two pieces of five-baht coin, diameter 2.45 cm; 13 Kaiyuan Tongbao coins, 2.4 cm in diameter.

4. Iron shears 1 piece. Specimen M4-5, residual, scissor-shaped, 7.8 cm long (Fig. 12:5).

5. Bone comb 1 piece. Specimen M11-4, the back of the comb is half-moon shaped, the teeth have been eroded, and the length is 9.3 cm (Fig. 12:1).

6. Epitaph 3. The shape and size are the same, specimen M14-7, with gray thick rope square bricks 35 long, 36 wide and 5.5 cm thick, covered with the top, the ink book "Cao's Epitaph" four characters, the zhi face vertical line letter, 12 lines (Figure 9).

III. Conclusion

The Tang tombs cleaned up by this excavation are the first time that the largest number of Tang Dynasty cemeteries have been found in the region. In the past, only three Tang Dynasty tombs in the Datong area were excavated in the 1950s, and no chronological writing was found. From the analysis of the characteristics of the order, structure and direction of the tombs, they should belong to the tombs of the same period; The Sanhe epitaph unearthed this time, because it is written in ink on the brick surface, most of the inscriptions have been blurred, and can only be faintly distinguished from the Yihe epitaph of M14: "Cao Muzhi" and "462 Jia□□ Yongzhen moved to the military □□sanli on January □ of the first year of the first year..." That is, the deceased Cao Shi, the burial time is the first year of Yongzhen (805), the knife handle shaped earth cave room and the tower-shaped jar with separate seat body are the more popular practices and burial items in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, so we set the era of this cemetery as the middle and late Tang Dynasty. In view of the small size of the tomb, the simple burial tools, and the lack of burial goods, the identity of the steamer should be an ordinary civilian. Datong is located outside the Yanmen Pass, where Yunzhou was set up in the Tang Dynasty, which was the place where the Han nationality had the most contact with the ethnic minorities in the north, and was known as a place of proximity. The excavation of this batch of Mo burials reflects from one side that after the Anshi Rebellion, the division of Pan Town, and frequent wars in this period, the decline of thousands of miles of red land and the depression of hundreds of industries, it also provides physical data and yardsticks for the study of funerary customs and archaeological generations in the region.

Datong Nanguan Tang Tomb

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