
Goodbye Lakers! Pelinka refused to trade Wall, Westbrook was more trustworthy, and Stone's abacus failed

After the Lakers lost to the Grizzlies, the shortcomings of the team lineup were completely exposed. No one expected that Wei Shao, as the Lakers' main point guard, shot so poorly. From the interview after the game, it can be seen that he is really a little unconfident now. In order to reduce mistakes, Wei Shao increased the number of shots, but shooting is not his advantage, once the shot is not hit, it will be counterattacked by the opponent, which makes the Lakers very passive on the court. It can be said that Wei Shao and James's play style is difficult to be compatible, and James has changed to play center for Wei Shao, playing more without the ball, but Wei Shao is still unable to play his own characteristics.

Goodbye Lakers! Pelinka refused to trade Wall, Westbrook was more trustworthy, and Stone's abacus failed

To this end, the US media broke the news that the Rockets 1 for 2 traded Westbrook plan, the Rockets sent Out Wall, from the Lakers to trade Westbrook and 1 first-round draft pick. The Rockets would love to see the deal happen, Wall and Westbrook's contracts are similar, but the Rockets can get a first-round pick in return through the deal. The US media pointed out that Wall's technical characteristics are more suitable for matching James. Wall can break through and shoot, and although his organizational skills are not as good as Wei Shao', he handles the ball calmly and does not play on the ball like Wei Shao.

Goodbye Lakers! Pelinka refused to trade Wall, Westbrook was more trustworthy, and Stone's abacus failed
Goodbye Lakers! Pelinka refused to trade Wall, Westbrook was more trustworthy, and Stone's abacus failed

However, the deal was rejected by Lakers general manager Pelinka, who was reluctant to make the deal. Pelinka believes that Westbrook is more trustworthy than Wall. Wei Shao led the team from the bottom of the East to the play-off area last season at the Wizards, and after the All-Ming Game, Wei Shao's stats rose across the board. In addition, Wei Shao was the league's triple-double king last season, surpassing big O in the number of triple-doubles and successfully becoming the league's historical triple-double king. Us media pointed out that Lakers basketball consultant Lambier likes Westbrook more because he can help the team sell tickets.

Goodbye Lakers! Pelinka refused to trade Wall, Westbrook was more trustworthy, and Stone's abacus failed

Wei Shao has not performed well recently, but the Lakers management has given patience, and the team knows that with Wei Shao's state, even if it sends him away, it will not be able to return a better return. The Lakers were reluctant to trade Wall from the Rockets by posting first-round picks upside down. The Lakers believe that combining various factors, Wall cannot bring greater returns to the Lakers. Wall hasn't proven himself capable in recent seasons, and the Lakers don't dare risk trading the outdated star. Obviously, the Lakers management trusts Wei Shao more, and the team will patiently wait for Wei Shao to adjust his state. As a result, Rockets general manager Stone's abacus was frustrated, and Wall was difficult to trade away.

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