
Xiawa Water Village: Pepper characteristic industry boosts rural revitalization

author:Xiangxi Net

Xiangxi Network, March 18 (Wu Huiling, Shi Sulian) On March 16, in the fields of Xiawashui Village in Huayuan Town, Huayuan County, villager Wu Shiwei waved a hoe to knock the slightly larger soil lumps into fine pieces and combed the ground neatly into rows of ridges. The newly cultivated 30 acres of pepper land carries the hope of his family's prosperity.

"30 acres of peppers in addition to mulch film costs, land circulation costs, etc., the net income per mu can reach more than 3500 yuan, planting income is by no means lower than part-time work." Wu Shiwei was full of confidence. He has been working outside the home for a few years, always thinking that operating on the assembly line is not a long-term solution, or you have to learn a technology to have a stable economic source. The Huayuan Branch of the Prefecture Bureau of Ecology and Environment, as the contact unit of the village, believes that the land in Xiawashui Village is fertile, sunny, and close to the county town, which is very suitable for growing peppers, so it guides the villagers to develop the pepper industry and boost the rural revitalization with industrial income.

In order to further enhance the villagers' confidence in developing the pepper industry, the task force also organized 14 villagers to visit the pepper industry base of the Fulu Planting Professional Cooperative in Qinzhou, Guangxi Province, to learn about the current market demand, planting varieties, planting modes, processing technology and market management mode of peppers. After the inspection, the masses broadened their horizons and their enthusiasm for developing the industry was high. At present, the village has developed 380 acres of pepper industry, and signed a "company + farmer model" intention cooperation agreement with Qinzhou pepper company.

(Xiangxi Network - Unity Daily)

(Wu Huiling, Shi Sulian)

(Sun Ying)