
Djokovic wins: I want to stay for the Australian Open

[Global Times special correspondent Li Jiayin] "I am very happy and grateful to the judge for overturning the case of canceling my visa. Despite these things happening, I want to stay and participate in the race, and I'm still focused on this event. I flew here to participate in this important game in front of the fans. I can't talk more about it now, but thank you all for standing with me and encouraging me to stay strong. On the evening of the 10th, Djokovic updated his social platform after winning the case, expressing his willingness to continue to compete in the Australian Open.

Prior to this, Judge Anthony Kelly of the Australian Federal Circuit ruled in favor of Xiaode on the afternoon of the 10th after hearing the statements of the parties for up to 5 hours, and ordered the restoration of his personal freedom within 30 minutes. The judgment also requires that, as a defendant in this case, the Australian Home Office must pay Djokovic's corresponding expenses as agreed or assessed, and return his personal belongings, including passports, "as soon as reasonably practicable" as possible.

Djokovic wins: I want to stay for the Australian Open

At the beginning of the hearing on the same day, the judge first explained the reason why the Australian government refused to enter the country: because he was not vaccinated against the new crown, it would pose a threat to the health and safety of the local people. Subsequently, Xiaode's lawyer said in his statement that the documents for the Australian side to cancel Xiaode's visa were flawed and the reasons were "confusing and complex". Djokovic also provided evidence that he could not be vaccinated - on December 16, 2021, Xiaode was diagnosed with new crown pneumonia, and then recovered, and did not need to be vaccinated within 6 months. Xiaode's lawyer also pointed out that the behavior of Australian immigration officers at Melbourne airport was also puzzling - they took away Xiaode's mobile phone after his arrival and did not allow him to contact the lawyer. Judge Kelly argued that after receiving the notification of the cancellation of the visa, Xiaode did not have enough time to communicate with the organizers and lawyers of the event, and thus could not respond effectively.

The hearing will take place online and the live signal will be available to the global public. However, due to technical problems, the live broadcast was once interrupted. Agence France-Presse said that although the hearing was conducted online, there were still photos of Djokovic gathered outside the Federal Circuit building waving serbian flags and holding aloft the young German. After the judge announced the outcome of Xiaode's victory, the fans celebrated the victory by shouting Xiaode's name. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation said chaos appeared near his lawyer's office a few hours after the court announced that Hender had regained his freedom.

However, the court's decision does not mean that Xiaode can successfully start the Australian Open journey. Because, Australia's Immigration Minister Hawke can still exercise the power to cancel visas – Xiaode may still be repatriated, or even unable to enter Australia for the next 3 years.

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