
The real "two-gun old lady" in history, anonymity as a nanny, was exposed 34 years later

Once in history, the depths of history are like the sea, and the brothers need a lifebuoy. Want to get more historical original good articles, pay attention to Brother Fog, share in this issue: the real "two-gun old woman" in history, anonymity as a nanny, 34 years later the identity was exposed.

The real "two-gun old lady" in history, anonymity as a nanny, was exposed 34 years later

We have all heard the legend of the old woman with two guns, some people say that she is an old man over seventy years old, whether it is their marksmanship or appearance, everyone is full of curiosity about her, and Jiao Yingzi, who was born in Hubei in 1905, is one of the prototypes. Since childhood, because of the family's poverty, he was sent to his blind aunt to raise him, and after a few years, her aunt did not let Jiao Yingzi marry a man from a neighboring village in order to hold her grandson as soon as possible, because Jiao Yingzi was very grateful to her aunt for her nurturing kindness to him, so she had to listen to her aunt and marry him.

The real "two-gun old lady" in history, anonymity as a nanny, was exposed 34 years later

At the age of 21, because Marxism was widely spread in the land of China, Jiao Yingzi, who had long been immersed in the idea of progress, finally understood that only by overthrowing the rule of the feudal landlord class could he live a happy life, so he successfully joined the party in 1930. After the founding of New China, Jiao Yingzi returned to normal life and worked as a nanny for other families, which was 20 years.

The real "two-gun old lady" in history, anonymity as a nanny, was exposed 34 years later

Until 1975, when they met their old comrades-in-arms, the two people had cordial and friendly talks, and at this time, Jiao Yingzi's side found that this ordinary nanny was actually a revolutionary old predecessor, and there was also the legendary title of two-gun old woman. Female heroes like him, in fact, there are still many in our history, but we have not found them.

The real "two-gun old lady" in history, anonymity as a nanny, was exposed 34 years later

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