
RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

Foreword: The 2022 LPL Spring Tournament has begun, and the winter transfer period is too intense, which has raised the attention of the new season by more than one notch. In the opening match OMG defeated TT 2:0 to get the opening red, the newcomer performed well on the single pheasant, and the second consecutive MVP proved himself with strength. The second game is the much-anticipated focus battle, MSI champion RNG against world champion FFX, Bin's new team debut, Xiaohu's return to the middle road, Xiang Zhangmen carrying the big flag, etc., each of which is a highlight. In the end, the RNG Galactic Battleship was defeated by the FMAX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname.

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

In the first round, FPX chose a set of 4 development lineups, the opening tiger level 2 single kill Gori got a blood, FPX pressed the treasure down the road, Lwx counterpoint killed two heads and removed a tower, and then turned the line to continue to push. In the middle of the process, Bin single-handedly killed the little tiger, but he was taken away by the defense tower, and then Wei grabbed the key dragon, Kitagawa handsomely operated to kill GALA, and FPX took down the dragon and broke the highland. In the later stage, the FPX Double Dragon was in hand, and the last wave of small tigers was turned around by seconds, and the RNG rout base was broken.

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

Kegwang post-match analysis: FPX this game BP sword to take the side, Lwx is the core of this lineup, Hang Hammerstone is worthy of the signboard, personal operations give a lot of pressure, help Jinx get the right to line, after the transmission revision is difficult to limit Lwx's promotion rhythm. After dismantling the next tower, the liberation began, and various points pushed pressure at the same time, helping teammates to establish an advantage, and the four-core lineup successfully took off. MVP gave Lwx's Jinx a 6-0-4 undead record, with a damage ratio of 43.3%, which suppressed the 6191 economy.

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

Lwx was too fierce, and Wei lived directly on the lower road in the early second set, opening up the situation with consecutive gank killing FPX three. In the middle of the tiger, Zoe exerted his strength to expand his advantage, and Wei, who went on a hunger strike, got the dragon soul, but the big dragon was snatched up by Kitagawa, and the FPX equalized the economic disadvantage. RNG found an opportunity to get the Ancient Dragon, Guan Zeyuan poison milk power, indicating that FPX has a big dragon Buff, Gori clearing ability is fast, and the power of a battle, and then Gori was immediately caught, RNG Double Dragon Hui a wave of bulldozing base to take back a city, MVP to Wei's Zhao Xin.

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

In the decider RNG opened the "Wei to tiger keeper" mode, Wei in the middle of the road two waves of crossed the tower to gain two heads, Gori line period cracked again. Wei then took the little tiger to the road to give pressure, Gori perfectly divided the battlefield dai sin meritorious, FPX played a one-for-four equalizer economy. FPX relied on the lineup advantage to take down the Dragon and Dragon Soul, but after being surrounded by Bin when advancing, RNG played a one-for-three stop attack. The last wave of FPX opened the big dragon, Lwx instantaneous Xiaoming, Kitagawa Daisu operation, Gori rushed to harvest the battlefield, FPX one for five out of the group annihilation, bulldozed RNG base to get the victory, MVP to the blind monks to Kitagawa!

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname
RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

Kegwan concluded after the match

Looking back at the three games, FPX fought hard against the Galaxy RNG, Lwx lived up to the name of the boss, and Kitagawa and The Little Tiger grew rapidly. Although Zhongdan Gori mostly pulled crotch, he also saved face with an airplane and got a new nickname: stinky tofu, smelly and fragrant. The biggest problem with RNG is the run-in, Bin has not yet integrated into the team, the strength of the next GALA has declined compared to last year, and the cooperation with Xiaoming is not as good as before. FPX2:1 narrowly won RNG to get the opening red, fans are looking forward to phoenix can be reborn again, but also hope that RNG can practice more cooperation.

RNG Galaxy is no match for FPX! Bin has not yet joined the team, and Gori has received a new nickname

Questions discussed in this issue: Where do you think the point of RNG failure lies?

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