
The US media said that the Salt Lake City Temple is too small to keep the big god, and Mitchell will run to his hometown New York?

The Jazz have still performed well this season, currently in Third Place in the West End, but a recent news may make Jazz fans restless. Recently, 2 famous reporters Brian Venhorst and Tim McMahon said in the podcast show that there are rumors that the Salt Lake City market is too small to keep Mitchell for a long time, and the latter may apply to leave the team.

The US media said that the Salt Lake City Temple is too small to keep the big god, and Mitchell will run to his hometown New York?

On the show, McMahon said: "I have to say, at least for now, there are rumors that the size of the market in which the team is located still has an impact on Mitchell. ”

Of course, it is not unreasonable that a topic such as "big market or small market" will find Mitchell. After all, Mitchell was born in New York, a child from a big city. Whether he will be at ease to stay in Salt Lake City all the time, whether he will yearn to play in front of his father and elders in his hometown, no one can say at present.

The US media said that the Salt Lake City Temple is too small to keep the big god, and Mitchell will run to his hometown New York?

But that doesn't mean the Jazz can't keep Mitchell. Although the market is too small, The Alphabet Brother won the championship with the Bucks in 2021, which is a great encouragement to the stars in the small market team. What's more, the Jazz have had an excellent record recently, being the league leader last season and finishing third in the West End with 28 wins and 12 losses so far this season.

The US media said that the Salt Lake City Temple is too small to keep the big god, and Mitchell will run to his hometown New York?

In addition, the jazz have recently made a lot of big moves, first making Wade a small boss, and then hiring Danny Angie as the head of basketball, and Tryo has done a big job, and these actions have also won Mitchell's praise.

In fact, the reason why the rumors that Mitchell is considering leaving the team are also related to the relationship between Mitchell and Gobert, the two Jazz leaders. Previously, Gobert's attitude towards the epidemic was not serious, resulting in the suspension of the NBA, and Mitchell also calculated this account on Gobert's head after the infection, and the relationship between the two was once tense.

The US media said that the Salt Lake City Temple is too small to keep the big god, and Mitchell will run to his hometown New York?

But as recently reported, Mitchell and Gobert can't become friends on the sidelines, and they can't be good partners on the field. At least for now, the cooperation between the two has not been significantly flawed.

Will Mitchell leave Salt Lake City and return to New York? See. (Supine Braces/Hairy)

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