
Step on the flowers and walk slowly

The emotions in the dream, the softness and vagueness, the season of flying flowers, the illusions are superimposed. The dream was shallow, and I walked past the flowers. Dreams are like smoke and rain, and the seasons no longer seem important. I only remember that the wind is light and cloudy, the fragrance is overflowing, the flowers are full of paths, and the happiness is full. With the delicate fragrance of flowers, I walked leisurely through the path paved with petals.

Step on the flowers and walk slowly

All the way winding, light gaze, heart of flowers; flowers fall dust, flowers fall pieces, if butterflies dance, red silk circling, flowers go with the wind, full of incense. Cross the small bridge, cross the red dust, wander through the heart song, see the falling flowers and flowing water, and realize the sentient and merciless. Therefore, in the depths of love, people are haggard, looking at the small bridge and the flowing water alone.

Step on the flowers and walk slowly

According to the column, enjoy the ripples of the blue water, the lotus flowers are light, the mud is not stained, and there is a state of purity and elegance. Green clothes, swim in the smoke and rain, if Jiangnan, if peach blossom source. When the wind rises, the sound of silk strings enters the ear, the sound is ghostly, the curve is long, and the aftersound is lingering, leading me to the depths of the flowers, looking for emotions that penetrate the world.

Step on the flowers and walk slowly

Step on the flowers and walk slowly. In the depths of the flowers, there are pavilions standing in the forest, and flowers fly in front of the pavilions, and the ground falls red. A stone table, a few stone benches, a fragrance of flowers, some sadness. Whisk off the flowers and take a break. The table has four treasures, flat paper, light pen and ink, the fragrance of flowers is not dry, it seems that there are people with wounds who leave ink and this.

Step on the flowers and walk slowly

A few acacia words, a few falling flowers, incense souls pay poetry, empty intestines people. A letter of grievance, silent observance and remembrance, a trace of sadness, where is the return shore? Flowers blossom and thank you, love is scattered, and lovesickness is in the same place. In the dream, the fall of red is still the same. The flowers are gone, and an emotion spreads in the heart, flowing.

Step on the flowers and walk slowly

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