
rollback! Female reporter insults the player follow-up: after being expelled, the five-point statement reveals the truth

CBA regular season, Beijing men's basketball team against Guangsha men's basketball team, the fourth quarter of the game was interrupted, a woman in the sideline media seat insulted Beijing players on the court, and then had a dispute with Zhai Xiaochuan and Zhu Yanxi, during which both sides were somewhat fierce, and finally the woman was invited out of the court by the staff. The woman is a female journalist with the identity of the "Jilin Provincial Basketball Association" sitting in the media seat. In the end, the Beijing men's basketball team lost to the Guangsha men's basketball team 88-99 and lost the game, as to whether this incident affected the progress of the game, it is impossible to say that there is no.

rollback! Female reporter insults the player follow-up: after being expelled, the five-point statement reveals the truth

The video that broke out on the Internet was: the female reporter sat in the press seat, a few feet away from the stadium, and looked at this paragraph alone, and did not hear obvious abusive words, that is, simply some verbal arguments. There are also some words that are easy to cause emotions such as "not good", "you don't deserve", "I match", the word insult may be a little different, of course, if there is a full version of the video, it may be more proof, but the verbal delay should not be, and the CBA league should have follow-up penalties!

rollback! Female reporter insults the player follow-up: after being expelled, the five-point statement reveals the truth

Accusing the players who are playing on the court is interfering with the normal game of the players, and if the Beijing men's basketball player violates the law, the law enforcement referee on the court will judge it. If a female journalist scolds someone, she also needs a full video to prove it. At present, the media people around the female reporter have no similar proof.

rollback! Female reporter insults the player follow-up: after being expelled, the five-point statement reveals the truth

The follow-up beijing technical foul was canceled in this match, and there is no word. After the game, the female reporter posted on social media, the content is mainly five points, the first is to say that they did not scold people; the second is to advocate a civilized game, rules and regulations; the third is not willing to expand the situation, not without reason and not to be expelled; the fourth is that the players do not feel angry at people when they have emotions on the playing field; the fifth is that as a journalist, objective reporting, there is no violation of discipline and regulations.

rollback! Female reporter insults the player follow-up: after being expelled, the five-point statement reveals the truth

From the five points of the female reporter's post, it can be seen that she did not admit that she scolded people, and the video on the scene did not reflect the place where the female reporter scolded, and she only said that she was an objective report and did not violate relevant regulations and discipline. But I think that a slap can't be made, both sides should have something wrong, as a journalist should control their emotions, to provide a better playing environment for players, but at the same time, as a player, you should also control your emotions, and you should also control your words. I believe that the CBA League will make a deal with this matter in the future, let's wait and see! Of course, I also hope that there will be no similar incidents in the CBA in the future, because the final loss will eventually be Chinese basketball!

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