
Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

The longer the phone is used, the more stuck it becomes? This is because you are ignoring these points. The following functions are very inconspicuous in daily use, which makes everyone think that mobile phone caton is actually related to them. Just turn off these functions, you can effectively speed up, quickly follow the steps to operate it~

01 Turn off automatic software updates

When we download software, it is automatically updated by default. But in fact, not every software has to be updated to the latest version. For some software that is not commonly used, it will occupy system resources after updating.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open the [App Market] that comes with the system, find [I] - [Settings] - [App Update] at the bottom, in the three options, select the bottom [Close] on it.

02 Turn off system updates

Not only will the software be automatically updated, but in the wifi environment, the mobile phone system will also automatically download and upgrade. Not only does it consume a certain amount of power, but it also takes up the memory of the phone. If you don't think you need to be up to date every time, you can turn it off and it won't affect your use.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open [Settings] - [System and Updates] - [Software Update], and then click the tools button in the upper right corner and turn the button off.

03 Turn off notification push

There are many applications in the phone, which also means that you have a lot of pushes. If you do not turn off these notification push functions, you can see a dense push of information from various software in the notification bar in a few minutes. This information will take up a lot of system resources and affect the speed of the phone. Therefore, for some software that is not commonly used, we must turn off their notification push permissions in time.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open [Settings] - [Notifications] - [Batch Management], and then turn off the software that is not often used in daily life, click the switch on the right, and the graying means that it is turned off.

04 Shut down software shutdown self-start

The downloaded software will be automatically started by the system, in fact, this is completely unnecessary. We don't necessarily use this software, but the automatic startup is secretly draining our battery and taking up memory, making the phone more and more stuck.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open [Settings] - [Applications and Services] - [App Startup Management], and then click on the right side of the software that is not commonly used, a window will pop up from the bottom, and turn off [Allow Self-Start].

05 Turn off background running

Because of the Android system, after using a software, even if you return to the homepage, the software is still in a running state, which affects the speed of the phone to a certain extent, so we need to turn off the background running function of the software that is not commonly used. As for the commonly used software, it can not be closed, because it will react faster when it is opened.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

As in the previous step, open [Settings] - [Apps & Services] - [App Startup Management], select the infrequent software, click on the right, and turn off [Allow Background Activities] in the pop-up window. At this time, there is also a [allow association startup] function can also be turned off, and the chance of daily use is still relatively small.

06 Turn off the cloud space

By default, the data in the phone is automatically synchronized to the cloud space, which not only occupies a lot of system resources, but also affects the phone experience. And the space is extremely small, once full will pop up every day reminders, is also annoying.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open the mobile phone system software [file management], click the bottom navigation [I] - [cloud space], slide to the bottom, in the "use cloud applications" column, there are gallery, contacts, memos, etc., do not want to synchronize directly click the switch button on the right side to turn gray.

07 Turn off the User Experience Program

The "user experience plan" is used to collect some habits and problems when the user's mobile phone is used, and feedback to the official, so as to carry out targeted optimization. This function is actually dispensable, it is recommended to turn off to save system resources.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open Settings - System and Updates - User Experience Improvement Program, and then close.

08 Turn off wallpaper push

Have you ever wondered why there are some pictures of landscape characters in your mobile phone that you have never seen before? These are all wallpapers that are automatically pushed by the system, which occupies our memory to a certain extent, and it is recommended to close.

Why is the phone more and more used than the card? It turned out that these 8 switches caused the trouble, hurry up and turn off!

Open Settings - Desktop & Wallpapers - Magazine Lock Screen, then turn it off.

In addition to the above several closing methods, it is recommended that you have the habit of regularly cleaning up the space of your mobile phone. Life needs to be disconnected, mobile phones are also needed, some infrequently used software (more than half a year has not been used), unwanted photos and videos can be properly deleted.

Are you turning off these several features?

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