
Huang Lixin said: Tuesday of the 11th month of the first month of the lunar calendar, the ninth day of the first month of the twelfth month, the fortune is known earlier

Tuesday, January 11, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month of the ninth lunar month

Huang Lixin said: It is beneficial to military, police, judicial, and other military personnel to go out to requisition, law enforcement inspections, and other things, and it is not conducive to doing other things. Be wary, be steady, and avoid taking risks. We must be open-minded and introverted, take the overall situation into consideration, never be paranoid and excessive, and beware of contradictions and disputes, barriers between officials and non-officials, diseases and injuries, and so on. On the day of the first son, do not open the warehouse, use reserves, and beware of breaking the wealth.

Huang Lixin said: Tuesday of the 11th month of the first month of the lunar calendar, the ninth day of the first month of the twelfth month, the fortune is known earlier

Yi Xiang's interpretation: Jia Mu reveals the dryness of the day, has the temperament of shock and thunder, has a strong impact, and is conducive to military personnel such as military police and justice, and goes out to fight and inspect law enforcement. Xin Jin Guan Xing revealed the moon stem, restrained Jia Mu, and should be wary, maintain stability, and avoid adventurism. Born in the ugly moon, Komu was weak and wealthy, so he should be open-minded and introverted, take into account the overall situation, do not be paranoid and excessive, avoid official barriers, and beware of breaking wealth.

Huang Lixin said: Tuesday of the 11th month of the first month of the lunar calendar, the ninth day of the first month of the twelfth month, the fortune is known earlier

Pay attention to the orientation: The Auspicious side is in the northeast direction, select this direction to act auspicious. The south is prone to barrier pressure, right and wrong changes, important things should try to avoid this side.

Zodiac Signs: Belonging to horses, rabbits and sheep is prone to contradictions, and it is necessary to be cautious in acting.

Huang Lixin said: Tuesday of the 11th month of the first month of the lunar calendar, the ninth day of the first month of the twelfth month, the fortune is known earlier

Note time:

Auspicious time: There are two favorable time periods, namely 1 to 3 o'clock at night and 13 o'clock to 15 pm Xin Wei time, choose to do things in these two periods, easy to get the help of noble people, act more conveniently, is conducive to success.

Unlucky times: The time period of unfavorable lifting is 11 to 13:00 noon, during this period, it is easy to encounter obstruction and trouble, contradictions and struggles, unfavorable success, and should be avoided as much as possible.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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