
Stephenson: I and two other teammates are from the bottom of the league to prove ourselves

Stephenson: I and two other teammates are from the bottom of the league to prove ourselves

Live Bar Jan. 9, 2019 An NBA regular season game that ended today, the Pacers beat the Jazz 125-113 at home. After the game, Pacers player Lance Stephenson was interviewed by the media.

Speaking about the victory, Stephenson said: "We played very well, everyone could read the game intelligently, and together they played a good fit and defense. What a great game, you can't ask for more. ”

Speaking about Kev Sykes, Who also had no ball to play before Christmas, Duane Washington Jr., Fenson said: "We were too hungry to play. We're from the bottom of the league, and we're here to prove ourselves and try to help the team win more. ”

In this campaign, Finson played 28 minutes, 7 of 12 shooting, and had 16 points, 6 rebounds, 14 assists and 4 steals.

Sykes played 31 minutes, shooting 2-of-5 and had seven points, five rebounds and four assists.

Washington played 32 minutes and shot 4-of-11 from the field for 16 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists.

(Still Van Debiao)

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