
In-depth analysis: Assuming that the small card really makes a comeback, what is the outlook for the Clippers?


There is a pair of brothers and sisters in Los Angeles this season, that is, the Lakers and the Clippers. The Lakers are sixth in the West with a 21-19 record this season, while the Clippers are eighth in the West with a 19-20 record. The two brothers were full of energy before the start of the game, fantasizing about doing something in the new season, but as soon as the game began, the fans of the two teams were dumbfounded, which was completely different from the team expected in the offseason, and the two brothers' record was not as good as one.

The reason why the Lakers have a poor record is because they are not playing well enough, and the Clippers are because there are too many injuries, the main one of which is that the star Leonard was torn apart by the ligament in the series against the Jazz in the playoffs last season, and he has not played for the Clippers so far. But there's been recent news that can bring light to the Clippers in the bitter sea, and that is that Leonard may return in the regular season. Leonard's comeback is believed to be the best news Clippers fans have heard this season, and his comeback will undoubtedly bring a qualitative improvement to the current Clippers and will have an important impact on the situation in the West.

In-depth analysis: Assuming that the small card really makes a comeback, what is the outlook for the Clippers?

The new king of the alliance almighty

Leonard was surrounded by Duncan, Ginobili and Parker when he first entered the league, and although he was in the light of the superstars, Leonard's edge was not covered at all. On the offensive end, there is the guidance of Ginobili, who is proficient in eighteen martial arts, the defensive end is trained by the defensive master Duncan, and the head coach is Popovich, Leonard, who has many big guys at the beginning, which also determines that Leonard will be a superstar of the league in the future. At the beginning, Popovich cultivated Leonard's ability to have no ball, and it is precisely because of Popovich's cultivation that Leonard's three-point ability is not inferior to other pitchers in the league, and he has a strong ability to finish. Not to mention the defense, Leonard's defense can definitely be called epic, as can be seen from the defense of James in the Heat era, he even frowned as soon as he played.

Let's talk about the ability of fans to lead the team, in the 16th to 17th season, the Spurs rushed into the Western Conference Finals in the case of Leonard's single-core team, facing the cosmic courage Leonard who had Durant was not afraid of the field at all, the first game under leonard's leadership the Spurs were 20 points ahead of the Warriors, but everything was lost because of Pachulia's feet, Leonard could only withdraw from the game after being cushioned, and finally the Spurs were swept out, if Leonard was not injured, who entered the Finals was really uncertain. Then it was the 18th to 19th seasons, again a single-core team, and it was the invincible cosmic brave, and this time the story did not develop like the last time, Leonard did not get injured but greeted in a fiery state, and finally took the Warriors 4-2 and won the championship. Leading the team to win the championship is the best proof of Leonard's ability to lead the team. Attack + defense + team leadership ability is the top Leonard was once known as the most all-round superstar in the league today, indeed, compared to James, Leonard is not inferior, I believe that after James' retirement, Leonard will undoubtedly become the first person in the league.

In-depth analysis: Assuming that the small card really makes a comeback, what is the outlook for the Clippers?

How the Clippers' prospects are is up to Leonard

Today's Clippers can be said to be very dependent on Leonard, with Leonard and no Leonard clippers are completely two teams, through last year's playoffs we can see that Leonard's importance to the Clippers. At present, in the absence of Leonard, the Clippers only achieved the 8th place in the West, hovering back and forth on the edge of the playoffs, without the Leonard Clippers even if they enter the playoffs, there will not be much achievement, some people say that the team's poor record head coach Tyronelu has a lot of responsibility, but there is a good saying, it is difficult for a woman to cook without rice, and a Paul George in the west of the strong team is obviously not enough.

For the Clippers, Leonard is the main dish, and Paul George is just a side dish to add luster to the main dish, so Leonard's return is decisive for the Clippers, and it can be said that how the Clippers will develop next depends entirely on Leonard. There is news that Leonard will return in the regular season, combined with the Clippers' opponents in the second half of the schedule are not strong, the Clippers' ranking is very likely to change, the Clippers will sprint with all their strength to win a more favorable position for themselves, which will undoubtedly have an impact on other teams in the West, at this time the Lakers next door are trembling in Momo, when the Clippers will become a veritable churning stick.

In-depth analysis: Assuming that the small card really makes a comeback, what is the outlook for the Clippers?

Gemini ensemble

A few years ago, the Clippers also announced a bad news, that is, the team's second boss could not play for the team due to injury, and the cold winter moon made the Clippers fans, who were not very optimistic, suddenly fall to the bottom. But the recent good news has been one after another, and after announcing that Leonard will return, George said his injury is very optimistic and that there will be no problem after a few weeks of rest. The two main forces have returned one after another, Clippers fans will wake up laughing in their dreams, shotguns for cannons, one second is still struggling for the playoffs, the next second it becomes a strong team competing for the championship. The Clippers are a typical dual-core team in the league, without Leonard, George alone led the team to the playoffs at most, without George, it is difficult for Leonard alone to stand out in the West, so he will unite the two, and the Clippers will reach the final form. And in contrast, the more difficult schedule in the first half is all relying on the ordinary players of the Clippers to play, which is a great honing for them, and the dual-core return coupled with the thousands of hammers and trimmed benches, the strength of the Clippers can not be underestimated!

In-depth analysis: Assuming that the small card really makes a comeback, what is the outlook for the Clippers?


Today's Clippers are developing in a good way, the suffering is only temporary, how can they see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, and fans are also looking forward to the qualitative changes that the Clippers can make after the comeback of Leonard and George, and stand out in the mighty West and compete for the championship that belongs to them.

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