
Deer whip stewed castrated chicken soup

author:Liangcao Hakka medicinal food

Ingredients: a deer whip, a castrated rooster meat (with bone chopping pieces) about a pound, ribs (chopped pieces) about a pound, pork front leg meat (cut into large pieces) about half a pound.

Deer whip stewed castrated chicken soup

Traditional Chinese medicine: Eucommia 15 grams, meat bushes 15 grams, Suoyang 15 shells, huangjing 15 grams; angelica 3 grams, astragalus 10 grams, dang ginseng 10 grams, the above Chinese medicine wrapped in gauze, before the pot, rinse with water slightly.

5 red dates (pitted) and 15 g goji berries.

Ingredients: old ginger, peppercorns (for blanching water), Shaoxing flower carving wine.


1. Deer whip cleaning.

Dry deer whip to remove hair. There are two methods, one is to use forceps, one by one to remove the dried deer flagella, the other is to burn the dried deer flagella with an alcohol lamp, and then scrape it off with a knife and wash it clean.

Dried deer whip foam hair. The dry deer whip is soaked in warm water, every 1 to 2 hours, you need to change the water, generally it takes more than half a day, in order to better soak the dry deer whip.

Dry deer whip cleanup. After the dehairing and foaming steps, the dry deer whip needs to be cut open, the dry deer whip is cut open, the inner membrane in the dry deer whip is removed, and the dry deer whip is washed and set aside.

2. Deer whip blanch water. Clean up the deer whip, put it in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add two slices of ginger or so, 2 tablespoons of Shaoxing flower carving wine, 15 grams of peppercorns, boil on high heat and then turn to medium heat and cook for 10 minutes, fish out and repeatedly drift clean with water.

3. Chicken, ribs blanched in water. Put the chicken and pork ribs into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, 5 slices of ginger, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium heat and cook for 3 minutes, rinse with water and set aside.

Deer whip stewed castrated chicken soup

4. Deer whip stewed chicken soup. Take a large steaming pot (with a lid), put in the blanched deer whip, chicken, ribs, and front leg meat; 2-3 old ginger, crush it with the back of a knife and put it into the basin; add 1 tablespoon of Shaoxing flower carving wine; put in the rinsed Chinese medicine bag, red dates, add eight-point full mineral water, cover the pot lid, put into a large rice cooker or large steaming cabinet or suitable pot, add water to the rice cooker or pot, bring to a boil on high heat, turn the heat down, simmer for 3-4 hours, before cooking, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, goji berries, cover the lid, and steam for another 3 minutes. Remove and serve. (Before starting the pot, fish out the Chinese medicine bag, squeeze out the soup in the bag, the Chinese medicine bag will not be used)

Deer whip stewed castrated chicken soup