
The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town

Stop 33: The Sacred Scripture Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town

Located in Shuangfeng Village, Jungang Village Committee, Yuecheng Town, Deqing County, shengdian library was built in the Republic of China period, with a combination of Chinese and Western styles, brick-concrete structure, and 2 stories high. The entrance on the first floor is three rooms wide and is a concave door. The first and second floor facades are equipped with arches and arch windows, and the second floor is equipped with a large balcony, a treasure bottle railing, and the top floor of the mountain flower book "Holy Scripture Library". The library is now idle and vacant, and the preservation status is better, which is a good physical material for understanding and studying the human history of the Republic of China period.

The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town
The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town
The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town
The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town
The 33rd stop of Deqing Historical Style Building: Shengdian Library of Shuangfeng Village, Yuecheng Town

Historical architecture is the most important carrier for retaining the imprint of historical memory. Deqing has a long history and culture, and every historical style building in Deqing is the memory left by different historical periods, and these historical buildings are living folk customs and memories. Today, we imagine that Deqing is a historical style architecture museum without walls, and the historical style buildings with different styles on the deqing land are the precious collections in the "Deqing Historical Style Architecture Museum". Deqing Wenshi launched the "Deqing Historical Style Architecture" series. In the name of historical style architecture, we introduce the historical imprints around everyone and record the collective memories of different periods in Deqing.

Editor: He Yangfu

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