
When you go home from work, you must also have grace [Happy Reading Analects 7.4]

When you go home from work, you must also have grace [Happy Reading Analects 7.4]

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January 10 (Mon)

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When you go home from work, you must also have grace [Happy Reading Analects 7.4]

The video duration is 3 minutes and 49 seconds




"Look at the humanities to become the world."

Traditional culture is the soul of the nation,

it is the conscience of society,

It is the foundation of civilization.

"A strong youth is a strong country", and young people play an important role in cultural inheritance. To this end, the Jiaozuo Evening News WeChat public account opened a column of "Le Reading Analects" to read classics and share the fragrance of books!

Narrative (7.4)

The explanatory content and recording of the Analects of Le Reading are original by Mr. Li Huanxin personally, and it is forbidden to reprint them without his authorization.

[Original text, Chapter 7.4] Zi's Yanju, Shen Shen Ruye; 夭夭如也.

When you go home from work, you must also have grace [Happy Reading Analects 7.4]

Speaker: Li Huanxin, outstanding lecturer at the grassroots level of The Federation of Social Sciences of Henan Province, outstanding young social science expert of Jiaozuo City, and specially invited researcher of jiaozuo teacher's Institute of Chinese Studies Education.

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Copyright: Jiaozuo Daily Internet News Information Service License Number: 41120180801

Copyright notice: This article is the original of Jiaozuo Evening News (WeChat: JZWBWX), and it is not allowed to be reproduced without authorization

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Jingfeng

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yan Editor:Yang Ke

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Feng Xinrui Reviewer: Li Lin

Editor-in-charge: Li Kai

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