
Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return

On January 9, Beijing time, the Warriors officially announced that Thompson will return in tomorrow's game against the Cavaliers! After 941 days of waiting, Thompson was finally coming back. What is his status? Teammate Toscano Anderson broke the news.

Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return
Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return

"Thompson scored 12 points in 43 seconds at the latest in-team training game, and I thought, 'Oh my God, our teammates can do that,'" Anderson said in an interview. Apparently, the other guy he's talking about is Stephen Curry. The Splash Brothers are united again, which also raises the Warriors' offense by a notch.

Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return

The 941 days of waiting was finally over. Thompson's fiery state in the training game also shows that he is likely to play a high level of play for the Warriors. Kerr is in no hurry, though, and while he says he won't let a player with 60 points in 29 minutes play as a substitute, he also says he doesn't want Thompson to take too much responsibility and doesn't want him to play too long as he comes back.

Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return

According to Thompson himself, he may play about 18 minutes after his comeback. Warriors reporter Whitley Sandretto then tweeted about Clay's self-proclaimed comeback. "After today's training, Clay went to shoot and then he sat in the corner and talked to the coaches for about 15 minutes, got up and walked casually back to the dressing room. Immediately afterwards, the comeback was posted on his own INS. I really couldn't imagine any other way he would announce his return. ”

Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return
Scored 12 points in 43 seconds! Thompson training game is in hot condition The US media bread dryer welcomes the return

The US media Statmuse posted a GIF of the Warrior's bread machine, and the hot Thompson sandwich popped up. The caption reads: He's back! Famous Shaun Young also wrote: "I will never forget that in 2017, when Thompson signed an autograph on a child's bread machine, the Warriors achieved a record of 31 wins and 2 losses, and eventually won the championship. ”

Thompson is finally back! Bless him for a good performance and no more injuries!

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