
A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

author:Delicious Aku

Spicy chicken with edamame

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself


1. Prepare the edamame;

2. Shelling;

3. Remove soy film;

4. Wash the chicken cubes;

5, prepare dried peppers, garlic, just accompany me, star anise, fragrant leaves, peppercorns;

6: Heat the oil in a pot, add chicken nuggets and stir-fry;

7. Add cooking wine and soy sauce;

8, put in a variety of spices;

9、 Pour in clean water;

10: Add edamame, add salt, bring to a boil on high heat, simmer for 20 minutes on low heat;

11: Collect juice over medium heat.

Wuxi ribs

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

1, small ribs two pounds (two parts), ribs washed, placed in a pressure cooker, cold water just over the ribs can be, and then open the pot on high heat, skim off the dirty foam. Remember to skim it;

2, put two pieces of green onion, a number of ginger slices (more), two star anise, peppercorns about ten grains (I put some more), and then pour yellow wine, do not cooking wine, cooking wine taste is not good, if there is no yellow wine, you can pour red wine, I poured red wine today (more).

3, pressure cooker on the valve, low heat pressure for 15 minutes;

4, open the lid, put some sugar, according to their own taste, and then put salt, low heat to collect the juice, plate can be. The finished ribs are bright red and the soup is wrapped around the ribs, which is very appetizing.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: For 2 fresh tomatoes, choose the tomatoes that are soft and red, 3 eggs, a few shallots, and cut the green onions.

1, first remove the tomato skin, because the skin of the tomato affects the taste, so it needs to be removed. Then cut the tomatoes into chunks;

2: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add some salt, add some water and stir well. Personal hobbies add some water to be more tender, in fact, some people like to eat older egg pieces, so according to each person's taste;

3, turn on the high heat, start the pot, preheat the pot, put in the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, slide the egg into the pot and fry the shape, out of the pot, continue to put the tomatoes into the pot, fry the tomatoes soft, you can fry for a while, fry out the juice better, put in the egg pieces. Personally like to come out of the pot, you can also plan the egg to the side of the pot, put in the tomatoes and stir-fry;

4: Adjust the taste, add some green onion, salt, add single MSG and stir-fry well, out of the pot.

Fried tofu with soybean sprouts

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: 120 grams of soybean sprouts, 30 grams of leeks, 30 grams of carrots, 1 piece of old tofu, light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of vinegar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, salt to taste


1: Cut the tofu into small cubes about 1 cm thick;

2、 Cut the leeks into segments;

3: Fry the tofu in a pan or pan until golden brown on both sides, clip it out and set aside;

4. Slice the carrots;

5, add a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of oyster sauce to the sauce and set aside;

6, heat the pot and pour oil to 80% heat;

7: Add soybean sprouts and carrots and stir-fry for 10 seconds;

8、Add fried tofu and stir-fry for 10 seconds;

9: Pour in the sauce and stir-fry for 10 seconds;

10、Add leeks and stir-fry for 10 seconds;

11: Add salt and stir-fry for 5 seconds.

Northeast stew

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: beans, corn, ribs, carrots, bell peppers, green onions, star anise, peppercorns, bean paste, ginger, salt

1. Blanch the ribs in water and wash them for later;

2, carrot cut into pieces, beans to tendon into small pieces, corn cut into sections for later;

3、 Cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger, peppercorns, star anise, watercress sauce and set aside;

4: After the oil is hot in the pot, add green onion, ginger, peppercorns, star anise and sauté until oil;

5, dilute the watercress sauce with water, pour into the pot, stir-fry evenly;

6, add the appropriate amount of broth (also water) without ribs, bring to a boil on high heat, cook on low heat for 40 minutes;

7: Put corn, beans and carrots into a pot, bring to a boil on high heat, then reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes;

8: Stir-fry the bell pepper and salt, turn off the heat after the pepper is broken.

Scallop fans

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: 6 scallops, 50g vermicelli, 1 teaspoon of seafood soy sauce, 50g of garlic, 2g of salt, 3ml of cooking wine, 15g chives, 10ml of oil, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of red pepper


1, wash the scallops, soak the vermicelli in cool water and then blanch them with boiling water;

2. Put the fans in the scallops. Chop the garlic and sauté it on top of the vermicelli;

3: Pour the sauce into juice and pour on the vermicelli. Boil water into the pot and steam for eight minutes to remove;

4: Burn some hot oil in the pot and pour it on it to serve. It is more beautiful to add chives and minced red peppers.

Small stir-fried pigeons

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: 1 pigeon, 1 handful of fresh vine peppercorns (if not, replace them with dried peppercorns), 100 grams of white celery, 4 pickled peppers, 1 piece of ginger, 1 garlic of monocaps, 3 shallots, 30 grams of cooking oil, 50 grams of white wine, 1 gram of salt, 15 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oyster sauce

1, the pigeon is chopped into 3 cm square pieces, the pigeon miscellaneous knife is changed to a suitable size, add cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes in advance;

2: Cut the parsley and shallots into sections, slice the ginger and garlic separately;

3, chop the pepper with scissors to cut into diagonal segments, do not put on the cutting board to cut, so that you can retain most of the pickled pepper juice;

4: Heat the oil in the pot, add the pigeon meat and stir-fry;

5: After the oil temperature comes up, pour white wine along the edge of the pot, quickly cover the pot after ignition, and simmer for 3 minutes;

6. Open the lid and add the side dishes;

7, soy sauce and salt, sugar, oyster sauce into a sauce, pour in;

8: Stir-fry evenly, slightly collect the juice and stir-fry.

Garlic pork liver

A few home-cooked dishes, full of aroma, appetizing and cooking, try it yourself

Ingredients: pork liver (to taste); Seasoning: ginger (a few slices), dried chili pepper (2 pieces), peppercorns (20 grams), star anise (2 pieces), cinnamon (1 piece), aroma (5 pieces), white wine (appropriate amount), minced garlic (appropriate amount), minced ginger (appropriate amount), minced green onion (appropriate amount), pepper oil (appropriate amount), sesame oil (appropriate amount), soy sauce (appropriate amount), chicken essence (appropriate amount), chili oil (appropriate amount), sugar (appropriate amount), coriander (appropriate amount)

1, the purchased pork liver is cleaned first, and then soaked in water for 2 hours, during which you can change the water several times;

2, soaked pork liver in the pot, add a sufficient amount of water, and then add ingredients; put in the appropriate amount of liquor;

3, bring to a boil on high heat, cook on low heat for about 30 minutes, turn off the heat, if you do not eat at this time, soak in water;

4, do a good job of seasoning; chop the ginger garlic and shallots into minced; put the oil in the pot, heat the oil and then put in the chopped ginger, onion and garlic and stir-fry;

5: Cut the pork liver, drizzle with the prepared seasoning, spread the ginger, onion and garlic on top, add the parsley, and you're done.

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