
Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > pretzel chicken thighs</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 3 chicken thighs, a pinch of coriander, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp of wine, a pinch of pepper and salt, 1 tsp of ginger juice, 4 tbsp of bean flour, 2 tbsp of water.


1. Cut from the joints of the chicken thigh. Place the chicken in a bowl, mix with salt and marinate for 30-60 minutes.

2. Wash the chicken, dry it with a cloth and marinate it with raw soy sauce. Place the bean flour in a large bowl and mix until mushy.

3. Put the marinated chicken into the bean flour and dip the bean flour to use as a wrap.

4. Heat the frying oil to a high temperature, put in (3) one by one, after the surface is slightly solidified, turn to low heat and fry for 3 minutes, then fry on high heat for 1-2 minutes, and fry the surface crisp.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > flavored eggplant</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 300 g eggplant, shrimp paste, shrimp skin, eggs, peanut oil, cooking wine, salt, starch, flour each appropriate amount.

1. Mix the shrimp paste with cooking wine and shrimp skin into a sauce, and mix the eggs, flour and starch into a paste.

2. Change the two sides of the eggplant into a wrapping knife, pour shrimp sauce and steam it in a pot.

3. Hang the steamed eggplant and fry it thoroughly, then change the knife out of the pan and put it on the plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > fried noodles with minced meat and bean sprouts</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: soybean sprouts, minced meat, leeks, ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce

Directions: 1, the noodles are soaked in advance, the pork is minced, the soybean sprouts are washed and washed, and a few leeks are cut into segments.

2: Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger and minced garlic and sauté over low heat.

3: Add minced meat and sauté over high heat until discolored, then add a little soy sauce and a little soy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

4, pour into the soybean sprouts on high heat and stir-fry a few times, then pour the noodles in, continue to stir-fry on high heat, and pour some water into the process of frying, so as not to stick to the pan.

5, wait for the soybean sprouts and noodles to be cooked, and finally pour the leeks in, then add salt to taste, stir-fry well. The ingredients are plentiful and especially tasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > bean sprout ball soup</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: pea sprouts, vegetarian broth (or water), water chestnut, tofu, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, ginger

1. Pick the young sprouts of pea seedlings, drain and set aside after cleaning;

2, garlic peel off the outer coat and peel off the whole clove; peel the egg shell and cut into small pieces;

3, put the tofu, water chestnut, shiitake mushrooms, carrots and ginger in a blender and crush (you can also use a knife to chop, keep stirring evenly), add the appropriate amount of salt and starch to continue stirring, after stirring, use a spoon to dough the filling into round balls.

4: Heat a little oil in a wok, pour in vegetarian broth (or water), add balls, boil on high heat for a while, season; put in the bean sprouts and immediately turn off the heat, scatter and then get out of the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > lamb stew</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 500 grams of lamb, 25 grams of green onion, a little clear radish, 25 grams of coriander, monosodium glutamate, salt, ginger, vinegar, pepper to taste, sesame oil 5 grams.


1, chop the lamb into 2.5 cm square pieces, will be broken with a knife, part of the green onion cut into strips, part of the cut off; clear radish cut in half;

2, lamb with boiling water to remove blood stains, pour into the ceramic pot, add ginger, green onion, radish, boiling water (not over the mutton as the limit), and then put on the small iron rack in the pot, add the appropriate amount of water in the pot (the lower part of the basin should run in the water), cover the pot tightly, burn until the meat is rotten, skim off the oil slick, remove the onion, ginger, radish when eating, add shredded shallots, coriander, vinegar, pepper, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, salt and other seasoning.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > scrambled eggs with tomatoes</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 1 pound of tomatoes, 3 eggs, green onion, oil, salt, chicken powder to taste

1, beat the eggs in an open bowl, put an appropriate amount of salt to scatter, set aside;

2: Wash the tomatoes, cross them with a knife at the tail and set aside on a plate;

3、 Wash and cut the green onion into sections;

4: Boil a pot of boiling water, pour into a dish filled with tomatoes, soak the tomatoes, peel them, cut them and set aside;

5, put oil in the pot to heat, fry the tomatoes and put them on a plate for later;

6, then raise the oil pot, heat, put in the tomato and stir-fry, when the tomato is cooked, put in the eggs, green onion, stir-fry evenly can be put on the plate to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > scrambled eggs with enoki mushroom leeks</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 150 grams of mushrooms, 3 eggs, 1 handful of leeks, oil and salt, 1 slice of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic,

1. Prepare the required materials, wash the leeks, cut the root of the enoki mushroom into a section, and then cut the middle of the enoki mushroom into two pieces, so that it is convenient to eat, easy to chew, and then tear the mushroom apart

2. Cut the leeks into inches, pound the eggs into a bowl, beat well with chopsticks, cut the green onion into green onions, and finely chop the ginger

3. Bring water to a boil in the pot, blanch the mushrooms for half a minute, remove, put in cold water and cool, fish out the water

4. Heat the pot with oil, pour in the egg liquid, spread out, wait for the egg liquid to solidify slightly, then stir-fry into pieces, put out and set aside

5. Add a little oil to the pot, add green onion, minced ginger, stir-fry, add enoki mushrooms and stir-fry evenly

6. Add leeks and scrambled egg pieces, then add salt, stir-fry quickly over high heat, turn off the heat, and put out the plate

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" > dry pot lettuce bacon</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 300 g bacon, 200 g lettuce, 2 tablespoons of oil, 2 grams of salt and chicken essence, 5 grams of dried chili peppers, garlic and ginger, 10 grams of green garlic, 1 teaspoon each of sesame oil and red oil.

Method: 1: Wash the bacon, put it in the pot and cook for about 10 minutes, take it out and cool and cut it into thin slices; peel the lettuce and cut it into 1/2 cm thick diagonal slices; cut the dried chili pepper into sections, garlic cut into sections, and slice the ginger and set aside.

2, put the pot on the high heat, put the oil, red oil to heat, sauté the bacon slices until the oil comes out and then grill on the side of the pot, enlarge the garlic, dried peppers, ginger slices and sauté and then put the lettuce stir-fry for 1 minute and then pour in water, add salt and chicken essence and fry evenly for 2 minutes after being put in a dry pot, and finally drizzle with sesame oil, sprinkle with green garlic segments.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > fried chicken with apricot abalone mushroom asparagus</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters


3 asparagus mushrooms, 3 chicken thighs, 1 red bell pepper 1/2, ginger 20 g, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 g of oyster sauce, sugar and salt to taste the cured meat ingredients: 20 ml of light soy sauce, 15 ml of cooking wine, white pepper powder

1: Wash the chicken thighs and cut them into cubes, add soy sauce and cooking wine, add white pepper and start mixing for 20 minutes. Wash and cut the apricot abalone mushrooms into cubes, cut the red bell peppers, remove the seeds and cut into cubes, wash the asparagus and then dice; Mince the garlic and peel the ginger.

2: Heat the oil pan first, sauté the ginger and garlic, and stir-fry the chicken quickly until the surface is slightly colored; Add apricot abalone mushrooms and asparagus and stir-fry quickly until the asparagus is emerald green; Stir-fry red bell peppers, oyster sauce, sugar and salt until the vegetables are fully cooked and ready to serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > cold mix three silk</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: carrots, kelp, vermicelli, red oil chili, salt, sesame oil, pepper, chicken essence, sugar.

1, process the ingredients, first soak the vermicelli in boiling water for 20 minutes, the washed carrots are first cut into slices, and then the knife is cut into thin wires, and the kelp is also soaked in warm water for 30 minutes.

2: Bring cold water to a boil in a pot, put the good carrot shreds into the blanching water for 30 seconds, then put the kelp into the blanched water for 1 minute, and fish out the cool water.

3: Seasoning bowl, add salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, pepper, sugar, chicken essence and stir well to set aside.

4: Put the dried water shredded carrots, kelp shreds and vermicelli into the basin, add the mixed sauce, then pour in the red oil pepper and sesame oil and stir well, fish out and put it on the plate to serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="11" > chopped pepper duck intestines</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

raw material:

Fresh duck intestines 250 grams, prepared sweet potato noodles 150 grams, soybean sprouts 50 grams, fresh millet pepper grains 20 grams, green and red pepper rings 50 grams, ginger rice, garlic rice, coriander minced a little each.

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, steamed fish soy sauce, pepper noodles, fresh soup, mixed oil each appropriate amount.

Preparation: 1. After the fresh duck intestines are cleaned, change the knife to a 10 cm long segment.

2. Put the mixed oil in the net pot, add ginger rice, garlic rice and fresh millet pepper when it is 30% hot, stir-fry well and mix it into the fresh soup, change the heat to simmer to taste and then add sweet potato noodles and soybean sprouts, cook it and put it in a large bowl at the bottom, then sprinkle with chopped coriander.

3. Add salt, cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and steamed fish soy sauce to the remaining soup in the pot, boil it and add the duck intestine and green and red pepper rings, cook it into the pot and put it in a large bowl, and finally sprinkle some pepper noodles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="12" > bean pomfret</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Method: 1, punch a deep cross flower knife on both sides of the pomfret body, and rub both sides of the fish body with an appropriate amount of salt

2, edamame beans to taste, star anise, cinnamon, pepper, ginger shredded, garlic slices each appropriate amount

3: Heat the pot to remove the oil, reduce the light pot to low heat, put in the pomfret and turn the pot, and fry each part of the fish with the spatula

4: Fry each part of the other side of the fish until fragrant, the tilt of the pan increases when frying the back of the fish, and the spatula is pressed down and fried. After frying, the fish is grilled to the edge of the pan, and the pan is slightly inclined. Add garlic slices, shredded ginger, chili pepper, star anise and cinnamon and sauté over low heat

5: Put the fish in the middle of the pot, turn the heat to pour a spoonful of two pots of wine, quickly cover the pot and simmer for 15 seconds

6, add the right amount of water, the amount of water to drown most of the fish, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce and then pour in the edamame, and then add the appropriate amount of pepper, after the dip, simmer for 5 minutes

After 7 or 5 minutes, turn the fish over from the belly of the fish, cover the pot and continue to simmer on high heat for 5 minutes. Shake the pan when cooking to prevent the fish from sticking to the pan. After 5 minutes, collect the juice on high heat, add an appropriate amount of chicken essence to dry the soup, turn off the heat and start cooking

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="13" > clams stir-fried leeks</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 2 catties of white clams, a little leek, ginger, salt

Method 1, the white clams bought back are basically spit out of the sand, and you can wash it.

2, heat a pot of water, after the water boils, put the white clams in, continue to cook on high heat, do not cover the lid, the clams will slowly open their mouths.

3, see the opening of the white clams immediately fished out, do not cook for a long time, because a moment to fry again, if the cooking is old and the taste is hard, it is not delicious, cooked white clams one by one peeled out of the meat for later.

4: Wash the leeks and cut into sections for later, then cut some ginger shreds.

5, hot pan cold oil into the ginger shredded stir-fry, put in the leek stir-fry a few times, because the clams are cooked, avoid frying old, so put clams after the clams.

6: Stir-fry the white clam meat on high heat, add a little salt to taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="14" > braised southern breast ribs</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters


500 grams of pork ribs, 2 tbsp of southern milk, sliced onion to taste, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 10 g of sugar, a little red and green pepper rings, a little salt

Chop the ribs into 4 cm long pieces, soak in blood and wash, suck out the surface water, put it in a container, add a small spoonful of southern milk and an appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt, sugar and stir well, marinate into the flavor, the marinating time is about half an hour

Put the appropriate amount of oil in the pan, the oil temperature rises to 70% heat, and then fry the marinated ribs on low heat for about 2 or 3 minutes, and then fry on high heat until golden brown

Leave the oil in the pot, sauté the onions until fragrant, add the southern milk, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and an appropriate amount of water to bring to a boil

Bring the ribs to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes until the ribs are soft, then collect the juice over high heat and sprinkle with red and green pepper rings

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="15" > peanut kernels mixed with white radish</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

-Ingredients - 150g of peanut rice, 200g of white radish, sesame oil, salt, vegetable and fruit seasoning powder to taste

Do Method-1. Wash the peanuts and soak in cold water for 30 minutes

2. Soak the peanuts and rice in the microwave oven and cook over high heat

3. Wash the white radish and cut into cubes

4. Blanch the white radish in a pot and drain

5. Place the white radish and peanut rice in a container with salt, vegetable and fruit powder and sesame oil and stir well and marinate for a few minutes

6. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds and enjoy

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="16" > mushroom beef bone broth</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: beef bone, chicken thigh mushroom, enoki mushroom, cinnamon, fragrant leaf, star anise, ginger, garlic, green onion white, goji berries, chicken essence, salt, oil, pepper.

1: Wash the beef bones and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes, then rinse again.

2: Heat the oil in a pot, add ginger slices, garlic cloves, green onion white and stir-fry, then add beef bones and stir-fry, add a lot of water.

3: Pour the boiling bone broth into a casserole dish, add cinnamon, star anise, fragrant leaves, then cover the pot and cook for 3 hours on medium heat, skimming off the oil slick halfway.

4: Then remove the cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise, green onion white, add chicken leg mushrooms and other more boilable mushrooms to the soup, and cook for half an hour.

5: Then add enoki mushrooms and goji berries, chicken essence, salt, a small amount of pepper and cook for 10 minutes, sprinkle some green onions before cooking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="17" > corn rib soup</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: ribs, baby cabbage, carrots, corn, oil, salt.

1: Cut the ribs into sections, blanch the water, and then remove them for later use.

2. Wash and make side dishes such as baby cabbage, carrots, corn and so on.

3: Pour the oil, fry the ribs, fry until the ribs change color, remove and set aside.

4, prepare a pressure cooker, pour water in it, wait for the water to boil, next the side dish, and fried ribs, and then pour the appropriate amount of salt into it, next, cover the lid, simmer for an hour, turn off the heat, and simmer for half an hour.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="18" > garlic eggplant</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 500g eggplant, oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, garlic

1: Wash the eggplant and mash the garlic.

2: Wash and basket the eggplant and steam on high heat for about 15 minutes.

3: After 15 minutes, remove and put on a plate and cut into small strips with a knife.

4: Take a small bowl to mix the sauce, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce and a little broth or water to the bowl.

5: Drizzle the sauce over the eggplant.

6: Sprinkle with crushed garlic and garlic seedlings.

7, pour hot oil, you can hear the squeaking sound, the temperature is just right to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="19" > rice cooker brine elbow</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 1 pork front elbow, 4 star anise, 1/2 green onion, a few grains of sand kernels, 2 small pieces of cinnamon, 1 piece of ginger, a few grains of white nutmeg, a suitable amount of salt, a suitable amount of soy sauce, a few grains of rock sugar

1. One pig's front elbow, wash it and shave off the hair;

2. The spices are ready, a few flavors are commonly used, and they can also be adjusted according to preferences;

3. Put the elbows, spices and spices into the inner tank of the rice cooker, add a sufficient amount of water, but do not exceed the maximum water level of the rice cooker; you can also use an ordinary cooking pot;

4. Put the inner tank in the rice cooker, power on, choose the "soup" file, you can do other things with peace of mind;

5. When the soup is cooked much less, you can easily penetrate the thick meat with chopsticks, you can cut off the power, soak the elbow in the soup for several hours, and it is more flavorful! You can fish it out and eat it directly, or you can put it in the refrigerator and slice it and dip it into the juice

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="20" > dry sautéed peanut sprouts</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 500g peanut sprouts, 80g pork, oil, salt, garlic, red pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar

Directions: 1. Slice the meat and garlic and cut the red pepper into strips

2. Heat the pan under the oil under the pork, under the cooking wine

3. Sauté until the meat is hydrated and the garlic slices are drained

4. Under peanut sprouts, add salt, add 1 tsp sugar, under raw soy sauce

5. Place shredded red peppers, sauté and turn off the heat and place on a plate

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="21" >[double happiness bag].</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients required: egg whites, mushrooms, carrots, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, water starch, cooking oil, green onion leaves

1, the choice of filling can be according to their own preferences, I use white jade mushrooms, crab mushrooms and carrots. Wash the three ingredients, cut into small cubes, and then blanch the diced carrots in water.

2, pour oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour carrots and stir-fry dry water, then pour in mushrooms and sauté for 2 minutes, stir-fry well and add salt and sugar to taste, if the filling at this time is relatively thin, hook a thin mustard with water starch.

3, 6 egg whites with salt, white pepper and a little water starch stir to create bubbles.

4: A little oil in a frying pan, heat the oil and put the egg whites, burn until the pan is set and let cool.

5: Finally wrap, put the filling in the middle of the egg skin, close the surrounding to form the shape of a pocket, seal the mouth with green onion leaves and put it on the plate. Remember to soak the green onion leaves in hot water to soften.

6: Boil the water in the steamer into the plate, steam for 3 minutes on high heat, and garnish with fried egg yolks

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="22" > bitter melon stir-fried beef fillets</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 250g beef, 1/2 bitter melon, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 dried chili peppers

1, beef washing as far as possible to remove the surface of the fascia;

2, bitter melon and ingredients ready;

3. Cut the beef into thin slices and marinate it with corn starch, soy sauce and cooking wine for half an hour;

4, bitter melon washed and heartless, cut into small strips, garlic slices, dried pepper washed and set aside;

5: When the pot is heated to four minutes, add garlic and chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, and add beef;

6: Turn the heat to high and fry until the beef is cooked, season and put it out for later;

7, restart the pot, add oil, put the bitter melon strips into the frying until cooked, add salt and chicken essence to taste;

8: Finally, pour the beef into the bitter melon strips and stir-fry slightly, and the bitter melon beef slices can be eaten

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="23" > spit chicken</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: three yellow chicken, celery, shallots, garlic, ginger, star anise, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, red oil

1, the chicken washed cold water under the pot, add ginger slices, cooking wine;

2: Bring to a boil over high heat without lid. Turn off the heat. Take out the chicken and wash it;

3: Put cold water back into the pot, add star anise, peppercorns, ginger slices, spring onion, cooking wine.

4: Cook for about 5 minutes. Turn off heat and soak for 40 minutes;

5: After the meat is ready, put in the cold white with ice. Make the chicken smoother;

6, start the sauce: soy sauce, a little vinegar, a little pepper powder (pepper oil), white sugar. Chopped garlic, ginger, chopped shallots. Pour over the chopped chicken;

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="24" > beef sausage stewed tofu</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

How to make a tool system

Ingredients: 300g cooked beef sausage, 300g tofu 15g oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 15g red dried pepper, 30g ginger, 1 teaspoon hemp pepper

1: Wash and cut the red dried pepper into diagonal segments and slice the ginger.

2: Cut the tofu into mahjong-sized tofu chunks after removing the hard edges.

3: Cut the beef intestines into large pieces and blanch them in water, then remove them and set aside.

4: Pour oil into a wok, heat the oil and add dried peppers, sliced ginger and peppercorns over low heat to stir-fry the spicy flavor.

5: Pour in the beef intestines and stir-fry over high heat to taste.

6: After frying, turn into a casserole dish and pour in enough water, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the tofu cubes, add salt and bring to a boil over low heat for 5 minutes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="25" > garlic clove pumpkin</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 1 piece of pumpkin, 5 garlic cloves, several two-color peppers, half a bowl of water starch, salt, oil to taste

Recipe 1: Prepare the ingredients: pumpkin slices, chili pepper, garlic cloves and set aside, water starch mixed well

2: Fry chili peppers and garlic cloves in oil

3: Stir-fry the pumpkin slices

4, pumpkin slices due to the lack of water, in the case of not using a lot of oil, it is not easy to fry. Therefore, the use of water starch, water starch can increase the lubrication of ingredients, wrapped vegetables to reduce nutrient loss

5, can cover the pot and simmer, season with salt

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="26" > spicy chicken nuggets</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: chicken thigh meat, shiitake mushrooms, P county bean paste, ginger, green onion, black soy sauce, chicken essence, coriander, star anise, cooking oil


1. Wash the chicken thighs, cut into small pieces and drain. Soak the mushrooms, cut into thin slices, chop the shallots and ginger, and cut the parsley into small pieces.

2. Put the appropriate amount of cooking oil in the pot, heat to 50% heat, add the chopped green onion and ginger slices, and sauté until fragrant.

3. Add the chicken thighs and stir-fry until they turn white and change color.

4. Add the bean paste and stir-fry well.

5. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and sauté until the color is even.

6. Add shiitake mushrooms and sauté well.

7. Pour the appropriate amount of water and ingredients from the pot into the star anise, then switch to medium heat and simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

8. Add the appropriate amount of chicken essence, sprinkle with parsley and sauté over high heat until the juice is taken

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="27" > red pepper fried knife beans</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Knife beans - 300g, millet pepper - 3, garlic - 2 cloves, chicken essence - a little, salt - appropriate amount

1. First de-ribbed the beans and cut them into diagonal slices.

2. Finely chop the millet pepper and mince the garlic.

3. Boil water in a pot, blanch the beans and drain.

4. Put oil in a pan, add millet pepper and minced garlic and sauté until fragrant.

5. Then pour in the knife beans and stir-fry for a while.

6. Sprinkle with a little chicken essence and salt at the end.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="28" > spicy fish nuggets</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 500 grams of grass carp, 1 chives, 2 cloves of garlic, 5 grams of salt, 1 spoonful of minced chili peppers, light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, dark soy sauce, vegetable oil, sugar

1. Grass carp slaughtered to scale, offal and gilt (when buying, the seller will generally slaughter it) Cut into large pieces, wash and slice the chives, peel and crush the garlic

2. Prepare a small bowl, add chopped chili peppers, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, a little water, sugar, green onion slices, minced garlic and stir well into a juice

3. Heat the oil on the pot, glue the starch before the fish pieces into the pan, and then fry until both sides are golden brown

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="29" > garlic sprouts stir-fried pork liver</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Method: 1. After the pork liver is washed, the slice is 2 or 3mm thick, rinsed repeatedly in water; then soaked in water for 30 minutes, change the water and continue to wash until there is no blood; fish out with a fence to control the dry water;

2. Prepare ingredients: green pepper, millet spicy, garlic sprouts, green onion, ginger; add half a spoon of salt, a spoonful of dry starch, a spoonful of soy sauce, half a spoon of vinegar, two spoons of cooking wine, half a spoon of white pepper, 4 or 5 peppercorns, a little sugar, green onion and ginger slices; stir well, yard flavor; prepare the side dish, garlic seedlings cut into small pieces, green pepper into diamond-shaped, millet spicy cut into sections;

3. Heat the oil, the oil is slightly more, the oil should be hot, burn to 70%, 80% of the time to start smoking, pour in the yard of delicious pork liver slices;

4. High heat, quickly stir-fry, count down 5 seconds, or observe with your eyes, when the surface of the pork liver has just begun to turn white, some have not yet turned white, slightly pink meat, it will be immediately put out;

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="30" > spicy chicken wings</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 12 chicken wings, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp minced ginger, 2 tbsp dried paprika, salt to taste, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp corn starch, 4 tbsp oil;

1. Pour chicken wings into a pot of boiling water and blanch the blood water, fish out the filtered dry water when foaming, and wipe the water dry with a kitchen paper towel if you can;

2. Marinate chicken wings, blanch chicken wings in a large bowl with soy sauce, salt, corn starch to grasp evenly, the longer the marinating time, the more flavorful, generally I marinate for up to 10 minutes;

3. Garlic and ginger are chopped into mushrooms, at this time you can do something else to wait for the chicken wings to marinate;

4. Pour the oil into the pot, wait for the oil to burn until 7 mature, put the chicken wings into the pan one by one and fry until both sides are browned;

5. Put out the fried chicken wings, do not pour the remaining oil in the pot, directly pour the minced garlic and ginger into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, add 2 spoons of dried chili powder, add salt to taste;

6. Pour in the fried chicken wings and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes;

7. Pour in a little soy sauce, add 2 spoonfuls of water, cover the pot and simmer for a minute, this step is not ok, I like this step because the stew of chicken wings is more flavorful and less hot; out of the pot;

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="31" > boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine).</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: 300 grams of beef tenderloin, 1 lettuce, 1 celery, a little soybean sprouts, 1 egg, 1 hot pot base, minced green onion, ginger, minced garlic, pickled pepper, chili noodles, watercress paste, pepper noodles, white sesame seeds, starch, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, cooking oil.

Preparation Method:

Step 1: First cut the beef tenderloin into half-centimeter thick slices, then use the back of a knife to pat each slice loose, then put it in a bowl, add an egg white, an appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, starch, grasp and mix well by hand, marinate for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare the side dishes: lettuce and celery are washed and sliced, sliced and cut into sections, soybean sprouts rinsed, and then blanched lettuce, celery and soybean sprouts in hot water, fished out and put into a large bowl and spread on the bottom of the bowl.

Step 3: Sit on the fire in a wok, pour in cooking oil after the pot is hot, add ginger and minced garlic after the oil is hot, stir-fry out the aroma, add a hot pot base, an appropriate amount of watercress sauce, stir-fry the red oil, then add the pickled pepper segment, after stir-frying, add the appropriate amount of boiling water, boil on high heat and cook for 3-5 minutes, and then put the marinated beef slices into the ground one by one, and after boiling, you can fish out and put them into a large bowl with the soup.

Step 4: Sprinkle the beef slices with an appropriate amount of chili noodles, pepper noodles, minced garlic, white sesame seeds, then pour a spoonful of 40% hot oil, and garnish with some chopped green onions or coriander.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="32" > stir-fried meat</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: dried, pork, green and red peppers, garlic sprouts, shallots, ginger and garlic, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate

1: Cut the dried pork into slices, add a little salt, soy sauce, starch and cooking wine to marinate for a while; cut the green and red pepper into cubes; the garlic seedlings are cut obliquely into strips; the ginger is minced and the garlic is sliced

2: Put the right amount of oil in the pot, heat the oil and then add the marinated meat and stir-fry until it changes color and then set aside

3: Add the right amount of oil to the pot again, after the oil temperature rises, add the onion, ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, then add the cut dried slices and stir-fry

4: Stir-fry until soft, then add the previously fried meat, add the appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce and MSG to quickly stir-fry evenly

5: Add the cut green and red peppers and garlic seedlings and stir-fry well, then enjoy it, smell the fragrance

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="33" > small stir-fried zucchini</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Zucchini can be meat and vegetarian, stir-fry to make buns are good choices, zucchini contains more moisture, can moisturize the skin. It is rich in nutrients to regulate the body's metabolism and also enhance immunity.

Ingredients: Zucchini, carrots, gluten in oil, shallots and garlic, salt, chicken powder, oyster sauce, soy sauce

Preparation steps:

1: Wash the zucchini and carrots and cut into slices, cut the oil gluten into small pieces, and chop the green onion and garlic

2: Heat the oil in a pot, then add the minced green onion and garlic and stir-fry to bring out the aroma, first add the carrots and stir-fry

3: Stir-fry for a while, add zucchini and fry until it is broken, then add oil gluten, add the appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce and soy sauce

4, if the zucchini has a lot of water, you can not add water, directly use the soup to cook the oil gluten soft

5: Add chicken powder when soft, stir-fry well and enjoy

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="34" > red stewed lamb</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: Lamb, tomatoes, carrots, spice packets (star anise, cumin, fragrant leaves, grass fruits, peppercorns), salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, green onion, ginger, garlic.

1: Cut the lamb into large pieces and marinate with cooking wine and ginger powder. Seal the plastic wrap and refrigerate for more than 4 hours.

2: Cut the tomatoes and carrots into cubes, cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger. Use a pressure cooker to boil a pot of hot water.

3: Heat the oil, sauté the chives, ginger and garlic, then stir-fry the lamb. After seeing the lamb change color slightly, add spices and stir-fry.

4: Pour cooking wine and soy sauce into the pot, and mix the soy sauce with light soy sauce and dark soy sauce one-to-one. Pour all the ingredients from the wok into a pressure cooker with boiling water.

5: Add some sugar, put the cut tomatoes in and heat for a while. Skim off the floating powder, cover with a cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

6: Turn the lamb back into the wok. Slowly collect the soup over low heat and add the chopped carrots, a process that takes about half an hour.

7: Add salt when the soup is almost harvested. Finally, before cooking, turn the heat to high and add a little vinegar and stir well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="35" > spicy pig's trotters</h1>

Sort out 35 food sharing, step explanation in place to ensure that a learning will be, try to know the pretzel salt chicken thigh flavor eggplant minced bean sprouts fried vermicelli bean sprouts soup clear stew lamb tomato scrambled egg gin needle mushroom leek scrambled egg dried pot lettuce bacon apricot abalone mushroom asparagus fried chicken diced cold mix three silk chopped pepper duck intestine bean fragrant pomfret clam fried leek braised south milk ribs peanut kernel mixed white radish mushroom mushroom beef bone soup corn bone soup garlic eggplant rice cooker brine elbow dried fried peanut sprouts [double happiness fu bag] Bitter melon stir-fried beef slices saliva chicken beef intestine stewed tofu garlic cloves pumpkin spicy chicken nuggets red pepper fried knife beans spicy fish nuggets garlic sprouts spicy fried pork liver spicy chicken wings boiled beef (Sichuan cuisine) fragrant dried stir-fried meat small stir-fried zucchini red stewed lamb spicy pig's trotters

Ingredients: Pork trotters, chili peppers, peppercorns, large ingredients, ginger, garlic, cooking wine

1: Wash the pig's trotters and slice the ginger and garlic

2: Boil water in a pot, add slices of green onion and ginger, pour in a little cooking wine, put the pig's trotters flying water after the water boils, and remove the foam to fish out the pig's trotters

3: Pour oil into the pot, add dried chili peppers, peppercorns, large ingredients, ginger slices, garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant

4: Stir-fry the pig's trotters, add soy sauce, aged vinegar and salt to taste, and add water to the pig's trotters

5: Bring on high heat and reduce the heat until the pig's trotters are cooked and rotten to collect the juice.

I am the author of the field of gastronomy Splendid V Shandong, if you like my article, welcome to follow me! If you don't know what to eat every day, please pay attention to me and share delicious food with everyone every day. Daily update of the article, not to see the scattered, welcome to forward, let more people who love food share together.