
Slimming Breakfast Pairing With Supplemental Weight Loss Lean Energy starts early in the morning

author:CICC Online

Many MMs will feel that breakfast can not be eaten without eating, which can reduce the heat absorbed into the stomach, but also make themselves thinner. But in fact, not eating breakfast is not conducive to health at all, oh, if you are afraid of eating breakfast and gain weight, you can choose a nutritious and slimming weight loss breakfast! Check it out.

Slimming Breakfast Pairing With Supplemental Weight Loss Lean Energy starts early in the morning

Boiled egg with greens and milk

It is best to make sure to eat some protein and whole grains for breakfast, and it is best to control the calories in breakfast to less than 400. And boiled eggs with greens and milk is the best choice. A boiled egg contains about 77 calories, a green vegetable contains 100 calories, compared to the meat bun, the calorie of the green bun is nearly 20 calories lower, the green cabbage bun can also make up for the needs of vegetables and carbohydrates at one time. 250ml of milk contains 200 calories and can effectively replenish the protein needed by the body. This kind of breakfast does not exceed 400 calories.

Whole wheat bread with milk

Not eating breakfast is not beneficial and harmful to weight loss, and there are many people who know this truth, so some people will eat fruit and vitamin tablets as breakfast at breakfast, thinking that in the long run, they must be able to have a slim figure. In fact, in the morning, the human body must supplement carbohydrates to maintain the normal operation of the five organs, so the staple food can not be less, and a reasonable and healthy breakfast should be a combination of water and nutrition. So people who want to lose weight can eat whole wheat bread with milk for breakfast. This not only brings energy, but also benefits the health of the stomach and intestines.

Steamed egg with fruit

The rich protein in eggs makes people feel full and reduces the amount of food. Coupled with fruits containing vitamins, such a combination can promote metabolism throughout the day, so the weight loss effect will be fast and good.

Porridge with fruit and vegetable salad

The light porridge is very suitable for breakfast, but also can remove the residue in the intestines of the previous day, plus slimming fruit and vegetable salad, is a nutritious and healthy weight loss breakfast.

A reasonable weight loss breakfast makes a good start for your diet weight loss plan, so you must not move breakfast to lose weight. If you want to have a slim body, then eat a slimming breakfast.

DIY Breakfast Slimming Recipes Strong Push!

Boiled corn + egg flower carrot porridge

This breakfast has an energy of 300 kcal, 18 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and is also rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, which is resistant to radiation.

Directions: Cook the corn in advance, heat it in the microwave in the morning, sauté the shredded carrots into the porridge, throw the egg flowers when it is about to cook, and season with salt.

Tip: This breakfast is low in calories, and after eating it can keep people fresh, nibble on corn, smack a few bites of light salty porridge, can make people from the inside to the outside are refreshing.

Ingredients: 1 papaya, 2 1/2 cups of fresh milk, 3 egg whites, rock sugar to taste, a small amount of vinegar.

Directions: 1: Put the papaya meat into a juicer and beat it into small pieces.

2: Cook fresh milk to boil, add rock sugar and cook until melted, let cool.

3: Beat the egg whites evenly and put them into the milk together with the vinegar, stir well and filter them with a strainer. Place in a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap and steam over high heat for 30 minutes to make cheese.

4: Drizzle with papaya puree when eating.

Avocado milk

Ingredients: A quarter avocado, a glass of milk, a small amount of honey.

Directions: Put a quarter of the avocado into the juicer and squeeze the juice with milk and honey.

The effect: Even just a glass of avocado juice is very nutritious for breakfast. Avocado is high in calories, but the fat it contains is good for the body and does not turn into extra flesh.

Apple alfalfa sprout hand roll

Ingredients: 1 piece of seaweed hand-rolled skin, 1/2 apple, 3 asparagus, a small amount of alfalfa sprouts, 1 tablespoon of yogurt.

Directions: 1: Cut the apple into long strips, put the asparagus into boiling water and blanch slightly, then let cool.

2, roll the seaweed skin into a barrel, stuff into the general alfalfa sprouts, and then add apple strips, asparagus, and then put the remaining alfalfa sprouts, and finally drizzle with yogurt.

Strawberry barley yogurt

Ingredients: 6 strawberries, 1 box of yogurt, 100 g of barley.

Directions: 1: Bring the barley to a boil in water until the soup is thick, then turn off the heat and let cool. You can soak the barley before cooking to reduce the cooking time.

2: Cut the strawberries in half and place on a plate. Pour in the barley and pour yogurt.

Effect: This slimming breakfast is not only low in calories and high in nutrition, but also can discharge excess water and toxins in the body, so that the dark spots on the skin can be removed as soon as possible, and have a whitening effect.

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