
Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others

I believe that the figure of Empress Dowager Cixi is known to those who are familiar with history. She is a well-known great evil person in the history of the Qing Dynasty. Under her rule, the Qing Dynasty, which was already in crisis, began to decline rapidly. Empress Dowager Cixi liked to enjoy and enjoy luxury. And often make some bad decisions, making the country worse. Today we will talk about how wrong Cixi's usual way of life is.

Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others

Get up

Cixi starts at three o'clock every day, which of course cannot be a natural awakening, which is inconsistent with the biological clock of the human body. Therefore, she would arrange for the palace maid every day to wake her up. And the way it is called, it is also particularly contrived. The palace maid must be allowed to whisper in her ear: Lafayette is auspicious. Say it again until you wake up.


After this, it is time to wash up. For boys, brushing their teeth and washing their faces is only five minutes. For girls, half an hour is enough. But for Cixi, the process took half an hour.

Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others

After getting up, Cixi's clothes were worn by the palace maid for her. The process was very slow, because the palace ladies were afraid of ripping off their clothes or making Cixi feel uncomfortable. And after getting dressed, it was time to wash up, and the water cixi used was all hot water. At that time, there were no thermos bottles or anything else, and the hot water was burned on the spot.

When the water was boiling, this Cixi was still too lazy to move. Such a small thing as washing her face should also be done for her. Moreover, Cixi is also a thief and delicate, and washing her hands needs to be wrapped in a hand towel first, and then soaked in hot water to wash. Sometimes in order to wash a pair of hands, two or three basins of hot water are used. And the washing of the face in the back is the same reason. You must apply a hot hand towel before you can start washing. But in fact, the slaves did not dare to bring the boiling hot water up. This move seems to me to have no other meaning than wasting time.

Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others

Do a haircut

As we all know, the women in the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty have very strange hairstyles. And Cixi, as the empress dowager, is naturally no exception. Her hair is also very time-consuming to manage. The person who takes care of her is very physically demanding.

Cixi, a person, hates losing her hair the most. Whenever someone accidentally loses one of her hair while making her hair, she will be executed immediately. Therefore, when the eunuchs brushed Cixi's hair, they were all worried. I'm afraid of losing which hair and letting my head be insecure. Because of the caution, this often takes about 30 minutes. Then again, just because of a single hair to kill people, it is no wonder that the Qing Dynasty will lose so badly at her hands.

Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others


Regarding makeup, I believe many female readers have understood. If you want to dress yourself up beautifully, it will definitely take a lot of time. And this time, often not less than an hour. The same is true of Cixi, who spends two hours dressing up. This is the only thing that makes her somewhat similar to modern people. But cixi was already an old woman at that time. Why should an old woman be so embarrassed and compare herself to young and beautiful girls? People know that it is really meaningless to sell cuteness with a face of folds.


For each meal, Cixi had to serve 100 dishes. Although she may not eat all of these dishes, she must be on top of them. Pick a chopstick here, pick a chopstick over there, and time will pass unconsciously. And this will be, the sky is already bright. Cixi took her men for a walk and ate. When you are satisfied with your wandering, you will take a palanquin to go to the court.

Cixi usually gets up at three o'clock, but does not go to the upper court until eight o'clock? What she did during this time could not be done by others

A person gets up at three o'clock, and if nothing else, spends five hours preparing for work. Is this reasonable? This is very unreasonable. Five hours can obviously handle a lot of work, but it is wasted on washing and eating. If Cixi had spent this time dealing with government affairs, the Qing Dynasty would not have perished so quickly. However, if she did this, she would not be called Cixi.

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