
Beautiful and healing, Wuhan's "Birds Outside the Window" won the Book Award

Yangtze River Daily Wuhan client january 8 (reporter Guo Keying) on the afternoon of the 7th, in the Northwest Lake Square Deba and Rainbow Bookstore, "Fantastic Thought Jianghan - Discover the Beauty of Northwest Lake" and "Shuxiang Lakeside" reading activities, invited to "Birds Outside the Window: Wuhan Home Bird Watching Report" author, President of Wuhan Bird Watching Association Yan Jun, he shared with readers the creation process of the book, expressing the feelings of harmonious coexistence between people and birds.

Beautiful and healing, Wuhan's "Birds Outside the Window" won the Book Award

Yan Jun shared the creative process with everyone. Photo by David Sun

"At the beginning of 2020, locked up in the home, you can only look through the window and use the telescope to see the birds outside the window. Our 23 birdwatchers have compiled a book of bird watching reports from this time into a book called Birds Outside the Window( abbreviation). "At the reading sharing meeting, Yan Jun used photos of birds in different scenes to recall the beautiful scenery they saw during that time." This is a picture of a sparrow eating a moth (a type of bug). Sparrows are the birds that like to get together in the crowd, and you can always see them in flocks in Wuhan. Yan Jun revealed that the book shares many "eliminate sparrows" campaigns in human history, and finally large-scale insect pests have erupted, "People are more and more aware of the importance of ecological balance, in the good treatment of life, man and nature in harmony today, we want to let sparrows reproduce freely." ”

"The agility of bird watching also brought us joy and helped relieve anxiety during that special period." Yan Jun showed a picture of two bead-necked doves next to each other, "This is the picture taken outside the window of our house, they were in love at first. This scene caught my daughter's attention, and she has been observing the diary every day ever since. In fact, she did not like bird watching in the past, but because of their strong interest, she recorded the whole process of birds starting to breed, giving birth to babies and feeding offspring. Yan Jun said that by observing the behavior of birds, we found that it is very similar to humans, and the maternal love of different species can also touch people, "Although humans are higher animals, in essence, we are equal species like birds and have the same emotions." ”

Open "Birds Outside the Window", and the photos of the various poses and behaviors of the birds will make you exclaim "You are such a bird!" "This is a bird bathing in the rain that Hao Lijuan, a bird watcher, caught." Yan Jun said that birds are very interesting, humans will hide when they encounter rain, but they enjoy the moment in the rain. Another observer named Wang Lin snapped a photo of an egret wading through the water to catch fish. In his records, observing egrets fishing reveals their exquisite skill and resourcefulness: whether they are fishing in muddy waters or braking with static brakes, they have a deep understanding. ”

According to Yan Jun, the book "Birds Outside the Window" has just won the "Reader Recommendation Award" of the Shenzhen Pingshan Natural History Book, and such achievements are inseparable from the efforts of Deba and Zeng Gang, the owner of Rainbow Bookstore, who is the aesthetic editor of the book. Most notably, the cover of the book was co-authored by Zeng Gang and the painter Chen Jing, "This cover comes from a painting that Chen Jing painted during the epidemic period - a blue-gray forest outside a window, and a group of egrets flew through the forest." We also used the process of hollowing out and gilding, adding 2 swallows of different sizes to the painting and clipping a bookmark of a magpie silhouette in the book, because the magpie represents new life and hope. ”

Beautiful and healing, Wuhan's "Birds Outside the Window" won the Book Award

At the sharing meeting, everyone took a group photo together. Photo by David Sun

"This cover makes this popular science book add artistic and humanistic care." Weng Fangqian is an independent designer, she brought her 2-year-old baby to participate in this book sharing meeting, she really likes the binding design of the book, "I took the baby to read this book together, although he is still young, but when he sees these smart bird photos, he can't help but call out the word 'little bird'." ”

Beautiful and healing, Wuhan's "Birds Outside the Window" won the Book Award

It seems that the baby also likes "Birds Outside the Window". Photo by David Sun

The reading party was hosted by the Party Working Committee/Office of Beihu Subdistrict, Jianghan District. At the scene, a group of Tibetan, Mongolian, Hui, Zhuang and other ethnic minorities in han compatriots, as well as a foreign woman from Israel Roberta, in the sharing of teacher Yan Jun, they found the beauty of the other side of Wuhan: the ecological beauty of people and birds living in harmony.

【Editor: Zhang Wenhui】

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