
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

author:Fujian Weiyou Creek
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Youxi is located in central Fujian, the farming culture is developed, and the people of Youxi have worked hard and multiplied on this land for generations.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

They combine grains, livestock fruits and vegetables and other ingredients, in accordance with the mellow taste in winter and light and cool in summer, using cooking techniques such as stewing and simmering, cold mixing and jelly, changing seasons and eating at the right time.

Yu Creek / Delicacies on the tip of the tongue

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

And those ancient heritage, color and flavor of Youxi flavor snacks, special dishes are like a seed hidden deep in the hearts of Youxi people, year after year, affecting the taste buds of homesick people, with that familiar hometown taste to make the continuous nostalgia take root.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Youxi cuisine, a variety of varieties

There are delicacies in all four seasons

Say winter in You Creek

What kind of food can make people covet the most

That Youxi plate duck must be the top item of the Youxi people

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Youxi has mountains and water, which is most suitable for raising ducks, and in Youxi's recipes, there are still many pages about ducks. Smoked with rice and tea is bu duck, this process is somewhat complicated; raw duck is directly grilled on the charcoal fire, flat and dry, that is, plate duck, famous for Wenfeng plate duck and shuidong plate duck; if the duck is roasted properly dry and wet, the meat is tender is the double carp roast duck. A duck, in the hands of the Youxi people, changes into a variety of different tastes, chews in the mouth, but also different tastes on the heart. (via: Fujian Pictorial)

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

The duck is roasted flat and wet moderately, called roast duck, and there are double carp roast duck

The more distinctive features of Youxi plate duck are farmhouse duck, Wenfeng plate duck and Water East plate duck. Wenfeng Village, bordering Zhenghu Township in Shaxian County, has always been famous for making plate ducks. Wenfeng plate duck is golden in color and rich in flavor, which is a delicious dish to serve wine, and it is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

The duck is roasted flat and dry, like a plate, called the plate duck, there are Wenfeng plate duck and water east plate duck

And to make one

Pure flavor, authentic taste of the wax duck, plate duck

There are many complicated steps that need to be followed

and exquisite craftsmanship

01 Prepare before making

The raw materials of the plate duck are generally two or three pounds of half-pan duck, and the duck is first killed and dried when making, and then the duck claws and wing tips are cut off, and the skilled producer can accurately cut it from the belly of the duck.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

02 Marinate to taste

The processed duck is marinated in soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, five-spiced chili powder, etc., and then the duck body is stretched out with bamboo pieces to form a flat shape, and then further processed.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

03 Processing

Due to the different processing methods, there are wax ducks and plate ducks. The wax duck, the body of the duck that is about to be flattened, hangs above the door of the wood-fired stove stove, allowing the smoke and the residual heat of the stove mouth to smoke and grill, which is characterized by a ruddy flesh and a chewy meat.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Shuidongban duck, on the other hand, is the flattened duck body baked on the charcoal fire, while baking while brushing the sauce on the duck, roasted until the duck body surface is sauce red, cooked thoroughly, its sauce is made of the above-mentioned marinated seasonings mixed with sesame oil. It is characterized by its rich aroma, tender flesh and spicy taste.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Wenfeng plate duck is made by mixing the above spices with tea oil and marinating, and then the flattened duck body is braned with rice bran, tea seed shell and charcoal mixed with burning fire, and after cooking thoroughly, take out the air and dry it. It is characterized by a golden color, an agate color of meat, a strong flavor, and the more you chew, the more flavorful it is.

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Photo: Micro Friend Show

The weather is getting colder

Plate duck This Youxi people love to have a good hometown food

Start spreading the table in every household

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home
"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Plate duck steamed white rice, plate duck with red wine...

The richly smoked plate duck is served with youxi aged wine

Or take another bite of the rice-scented, steaming white rice

The scent of the mouth is endlessly evocative

This is definitely the heart-warming taste of Youxi

"Rustic" rich incense, golden color... Youxi people must eat in the winter! It's all about home

Farmhouse kitchen in winter

Women burn fires, steam rice, talk about parents short...

The plate duck in front of the stove is roasted by the smoke of the cooking


And this delicious fragrance is also in the polishing of time

Became the heart of the Youxi people

A nostalgic taste that I have been attached to all my life

Source: Fujian Weiyouxi Comprehensive "Youxi Folklore", Fujian Pictorial

Some of the pictures come from: Weiyou Xiuxiu, Fujian Weiyouxi, Fujian Pictorial