
James Records: Every year it was the same plot, and at first I thought he had slipped!

The Lakers beat the Hawks 134-118 at home to usher in a four-game winning streak. In this game, Lakers forward LeBron James played 36 minutes and had 32 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, 4 steals and 3 blocks on 13-of-24 shooting. James thus surpassed Michael Jordan's 34-year-old to become the oldest player in history to score 25+ in 10 consecutive games.

James Records: Every year it was the same plot, and at first I thought he had slipped!

Lakers journalist Raj Brar forwarded the record after the game, writing: "Every last season I remember the same loop playing out:

James Records: Every year it was the same plot, and at first I thought he had slipped!

"Oh my God, LeBron has slipped!

Oh my Goodness, how can LeBron do this!?

Oh my God, is LeBron still the league's best player?

Learn your lesson – it was all designed by him. ”

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