
Celebrating the ice and snow feast in the fight against the epidemic

author:Northern Xinjiang red plum pretty
Celebrating the ice and snow feast in the fight against the epidemic

Celebrating the ice and snow feast in the fight against the epidemic

That unforgettable winter

China. Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival

Let joy replace the rebound of the epidemic

The song "Together to the Future"

The will to defeat the epidemic is full

That song from Beijing

It is resounding in people's hearts

The theme of the Beijing Winter Olympics

I am dazzling during the Ice Festival

Hundreds of millions of people rushed to tell each other

''The Winter Olympics' is a belief that it will succeed

The Beijing Winter Olympics are a world-renowned event

Leaving behind another Olympic legacy

Let 'diplomatic boycott' become an international joke

The long-cherished wish of China's eight parties is hard to shake

''Ice World''

The glittering colors amaze visitors

''The Light of the Winter Olympics Shines in the World''

Convey the expectations of the sons and daughters of China

The main tower resembles the Flame of the Winter Olympics

Bringing the waters and mountains closer to Beijing

Tell the story of the Winter Olympics

The exhibition of the Winter Olympics hosts the national architectural classics

Anti-epidemic fighters are young and old

The wind and dust of the war epidemic have not diminished

Get a glimpse of the ice and snow world

Best wishes for the Winter Olympics

Escort the Republic

There is no end to the war

Endless feelings of home and country

It is nothing more than a few words

Sun Island Snow Expo

Snow rhyme footnote of the Winter Olympic romance

''The Light of the Winter Olympics, the Dream Snow Bo''

The theme of the Snow Expo is particularly splendid

''Winter Olympics, Sun Island Tour''

Write invitations with ''Snow''

Invite tourists from all over the motherland

Come and go on a snow tour

The world's largest cartoon monolithic snow sculpture

Let visitors walk through the snow sculpture mountains

Feel it warmly in the interaction

Greet the warm current of the Winter Olympics

A magical ice paradise

Multi-dimensional landscape of snow sculptures

Create a countdown to spring

Engrave a solemn memorial in the heart

Songhua River Ice and Snow Carnival

The epic of spectacular ice and snow is amazing

''Happy Ice and Snow, Embrace the Winter Olympics''

Let the young people relay the Olympic competition

The world's largest ice ''Winter Olympic Five Rings''

Debuted on the Songhua River Ice and Snow River Beach

''Olympic Five Rings Light Show''

Light up the night of the Pearl of the Crown of Ice and Snow

The burning Flame of the Winter Olympics

It always makes you feel warm

''A fire in winter''

It's right next to you

'Flying' on the top of a snowy mountain

It always makes you feel the moment of life

There is no end to the fight against the epidemic

The future of humanity will eventually be bright and brilliant

The joy of fighting the epidemic in 2022

Keep up the good work and go to the next level

Let the good news of Shenzhou's prevention and control spread

There are no tears in Great China

Some are the liver and gallbladder that fight a protracted war

Splendid mountains and rivers have no sorrow

Some are 1.4 billion people overcoming hardships

On the road to realizing the "two hundred years"

Don't be afraid of the ups and downs

I'm afraid I won't look back

Good guy who doesn't stop at the Great Wall

With the rock-like years

The Republic marched forward with its head held high

Not afraid of the wind and rain

Looking back on another hundred years...

Celebrating the ice and snow feast in the fight against the epidemic

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