
These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

author:Yuxi Net

The data shows:

Fuxian Lake, Xingyun Lake, Qilu Lake and large and small rivers once had more than 200 kinds of fish breeding, and around Fuxian Lake, Xingyun Lake and Qilu Lake, there were 90 species of wild birds in 35 families, including 7 species of wild birds protected at the national level.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Nebula Lake Photo by He Lei

The famous anti-wave fish and the big head fish, two major indigenous fish, have entered an endless situation, which has made everyone feel pain, and the high price paid to save and protect the indigenous fish has triggered the reflection of the Yuxi people. The lessons and costs are thought-provoking and sobering, the relationship between humans and animals is like a domino, and to achieve sustainable development, we must learn to respect nature and protect every species that lives with us.


Rescue, protection, rescue, combat hunting and trading operations

Step by step upgrade in Yuxi

Carp is a common food on the people's table. What is less known is that the large number and wide distribution of the four major fish cultivated in the country are actually flowing with the blood of the Yuanjiang carp.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

According to Yuan Lincong, senior agronomist and director of the Fish Finger Technology Extension Station in Yuanjiang County:

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

The Yuanjiang carp, also known as the South China carp, is distributed in the Yuanjiang river system in Yuxi City, and distributed in the Pearl River system and Hainan Island in other provinces. The Yuanjiang carp is active, the lower leaves of the tail fin are red, and the even fin is pale red, so it is called the red-tailed carp locally.

In the late 1950s, the Yuanjiang carp began to be promoted in our province as a well-cultured species. In the 1970s, the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the State Fisheries Administration (now the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of China Fisheries Science Research) used the Yuanjiang carp as the father and crossed with the Pocket Carp of Jiangxi to breed the Lotus Carp, and its offspring growth advantage was higher than that of the parents. Subsequently, the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the State Administration of Fisheries, with the cooperation of relevant units, took the specific lotus carp and the Yuanjiang carp as the parents, and adopted a series of breeding techniques such as family breeding, interfacline hybridization, and female nuclear development to obtain a new breed of carp with hereditary stability, becoming the first breed of farmed fish hybrid breeding in China. Jian carp has the advantages of good meat quality, high meat content, strong disease resistance and high bait conversion rate, so it is rapidly promoted in a large area throughout the country.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Yuanjiang carp Image source: Enthusiastic Yuanjiang

Every spring, the Yuanjiang carp travels hundreds of kilometers downstream to reach the Yuanjiang to lay its eggs, and the Yuanjiang carp is named after its spawning place. However, many years ago, due to the construction of hydropower stations downstream and changes in the ecological environment, the Yuanjiang carp was in danger. More than ten years ago, the Yuanjiang County Fish Finger Technology Promotion Station carried out artificial breeding and breeding of Yuanjiang carp, which changed the fate of the "carp ancestor" population of The Yuanjiang carp on the verge of extinction.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Yuanjiang carp

In Yuxi

Speaking of the rescue of indigenous fish

It is impossible not to mention the anti-wave fish

Anti-wave fish is known as the "fish business card" of Yuxi. However, due to overfishing, invasion of alien species and changes in the ecological environment, the anti-wave fish have fallen into a situation of endangerment, so that countless tourists linger on the shore of Fuxian Lake to stop and watch the car water fishing is almost absolutely loud, and the fish hole has become a cultural relic that makes many people sigh and mourn.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Anti-wave fish Huang Jieling photo (data map)

In April 1999, the "Research Project on Artificial Breeding Technology and Population Restoration of Anti-Wave Fish" was launched in Yuxi. After four years of hard work, the research group composed of provincial, municipal and county aquatic experts has finally enabled the anti-wave fish that "dies when they see the sky" in the eyes of fishermen to be "passed down from generation to generation" through artificial technology.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.
These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Breeding and stocking activities of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake. (Infographic)

With the background of artificial breeding technology of anti-wave fish, after nearly 20 years of efforts, the artificial breeding of many rare and endangered indigenous fish species in Yuxi, such as anti-wave fish, big head fish, nebula white fish, Yunnan barbed catfish, Fuxian four-whiskered catfish, flower perch carp, Qilu carp, Fuxian golden thread catfish and so on, has been successful, preventing them from dying out and retaining their roots.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Stocking of large-headed carps on the shores of Lake Nebula. (Infographic)

Chen Xiaoyong, a researcher at the Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a fish expert, once commented:

Yuxi City is one of the first places in China to carry out artificial breeding of indigenous fish, and the experience of Yuxi has found a new "living method" for many indigenous fish that are hovering on the brink of extinction in and outside the province.

These fish have found a new "way to live" in Yuxi.

Yuxi Daily all-media reporter: Xing Dingsheng

Editor: Han Yajiao

Review: Xu Fengxiang

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