
Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

On January 8, Beijing time, the NBA regular season continued, and the Wizards challenged the Bulls away. The two teams played against each other, and the Bulls had a seven-point advantage in the first half. The Wizards briefly turned the score back in the third quarter, but the Bulls blasted a 13-4 run into the final quarter with a 12-point advantage at the end of the quarter. The Bulls stretched the gap to 19 points in the middle of the final quarter, and the suspense of the game was lost. In the end, the Bulls doubled the Wizards 130-122 and won another nine-game winning streak after 2011. With the Nets losing to the Bucks, the Bulls widened the gap of 2.5 games and firmly ranked first in the East.

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Field data

Wizards: Beal 26 points and 6 assists, Kuzma 21 points and 11 boards, Dinwiddie 18 points and 4 assists 2 blocks, Pope 14 points, Garford 14 points and 8 boards

Bulls: LaVine 27 points, White 21 points, Ball Brother 18 points, 5 boards, 6 assists, 2 assists, Dosem 18 points, 5 boards, 4 assists and 3 assists, Vucevic 16 points, 14 boards and 7 assists 4 assists, DeRozan 15 points and 8 assists

Stars of the game: Dosem + White Bulls substitute double star shine

In this campaign, Dosum and Kobe White, as the Wizards, played extremely efficient performances, two substitutes sent 9-of-7 and 8-of-7 efficient play, of which White's three-point shots were 4 of 4, Dosem was also full-fledged, and the substitute double star shine allowed the Bulls to win easily.

Highlights of this session

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Easy snap after fake action! Kuzma converted the offense to score points

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Basket a pillar of power! Bill feeds The Cake Garford

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Empty cut burst buckle! Bradley abused the basket with both hands

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Extreme Pressure Whistle! White hit a difficult three-point shot

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Break through the dunks! The Dunk King finally took off

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Press the whistle throw! Kobe Bryant White staged a personal scoring show

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

Steals and dunks! Dosem beat the game into garbage time

Game review

In the first quarter, Jones hit two free throws, DeRozan made a jump shot, Beal hit the ice, then LaVine broke through the hit, Bill and the ball brother played three points, Bill and Kuzma scored five consecutive points, and the Wizards led 12-11. Garford threw a shot, the ball brother three-pointer equalized, then White sent a three-pointer, the Bulls led 21-18. Garford sent a dunk, Keyspert hit a three-pointer, LaVine responded with a 2+1, Dosem countered the dunk, and the Bulls opened a six-point gap 31-25. Avdia responded with 2+1, Troy Brown also hit three-pointers, Kuzma hit two free throws, and the Bulls led 37-32 into the second quarter.

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

At the beginning of the second quarter, Bradley sent a dunk, DeRozan broke through, Dosem sent a three-pointer, and the Bulls opened the game 7-0 to open the 12-point gap. Keyspert hit the board, DeRozan hit two free throws, then Monroe hit the basket, Kuz immediately hit the basket, Dinwiddie hit two free throws, and the Wizards trailed 44-48. Dosem threw a free throw and Dinwiddie took five points in a row to make it 49-50. The Bulls suddenly burst out 9-0 to open up the 10-point gap again, Garford hit the board, the ball brother sent another three points, Neto returned the three points, DeRozan made two free throws and one shot, Dinwiddie and the ball brother played a three-pointer, and the Bulls led 68-59. Pope hit three more points, Dinwiddie hit the board, LaVine sent two free throws, Beal broke through the hit, White sent a three-pointer, and the Bulls led 73-66 into the second half.

In another game, DeRozan broke through, Beal and Garford scored four consecutive points, LaVine sent three points, Beal hit a jumper, and the Wizards trailed 74-80. Kuzma scored five consecutive points to close the gap to one point, Beal hit two free throws, and the Wizards came back 81-80! Vucevic hit a hit, Garford hit a second offense, and then Pop hit a jumper to give the Wizards an 85-84 lead. The ball brother hit three consecutive three-pointers, Lavin took off a dunk, Avdia hit a layup, and the Wizards trailed 89-92. Then the Bulls suddenly unleashed a 13-4 surge to open up to a 12-point gap. Kuzma hit both free throws, White sent another whistle, and the Bulls led 107-95 into the final quarter.

Lavin 27 points DeRozan 15+8! Bulls double-kill Wizards to win 9 straight Beal 26+6 hard-to-come saviors

In the final quarter, DeRozan took the lead in pulling out points, and the Wizards chased 6 points in a row to close to the 8-point gap. DeRozan hit two free throws, Dosem sent three points and the Bulls led 114-101. Dinwiddie hit both free throws, then Bradley sent a dunk, Dosem and Vucevic scored four straight points, LaVine hit a layup and the Bulls opened a 19-point gap 122-103. The Wizards then chased four points in a row, Vucevic hit the basket, Dosem countered with a dunk, and the Bulls stopped the Wizards 130-111. The two sides then switched to the bench, the game went completely into garbage time, and the Bulls won a big victory.

Both sides started

Wizards: Dinwiddie, Bill, Pope, Kuzma, Garford

Bulls: Lonzo Bauer, LaVine, DeRozan, Jones Jr., Vucevic

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